11 Best Tips for Writing the AP Lang Synthesis Essay

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The AP course in English Language and Composition, often referred to as AP Lang, stands out as one of the most engaging and widely enrolled Advanced Placement programs in most high schools. It boasts an enrollment of more than 535,000 students. The course poses a considerable challenge, as only 62% of students scored three or higher on the exam in 2022. In AP Language, students are tested to analyze written texts, synthesize information, compose rhetorical essays, and craft compelling, well-structured arguments, gauging their analytical and writing skills. In this article, our expert essay writers delve into tips for writing an AP Lang Synthesis Essay. They also help students with their Advanced placement essays.

What is the AP Lang Synthesis Essay?

The AP Lang synthesis essay serves as the first essay in the Free Response section of the AP Language exam, comprising three essays in total. Each synthesis essay centers on a topic to which all the provided sources are connected.

Prompts explain topics and provide background information, even though they are usually broad, so you likely know something about them. The prompt will also present a statement that students are required to address in essay format, utilizing information from a minimum of three of the given sources. You must choose a position, either agreeing or disagreeing with the claim.

To make the most of your time on the essay test, divide the essay into five key steps:

Analyze AP lang Synthesis Essay Prompt

When the timer starts, carefully read and understand the prompt. It may be helpful to mark up the text to identify key details. Don’t feel pressured to choose your stance on the claim immediately. Read the sources before committing to your argument.

Read the Sources Carefully 

Although you only need to use 3 of the 6-7 sources, read all of them to understand the topic better and choose the best sources for your essay. Since there are many sources, read them quickly and carefully.

Emphasize and note key concepts or significant lines from each passage that can benefit your essay. As you read through the passages, your argument is likely to take shape in your mind. Therefore, writing down notes in the margins can save you a considerable amount of time later on. Once you’ve read a source, reflect on whether the source supports contradicts, or offers a different perspective on your argument.

Write a Strong Thesis Statement 

Write an excellent thesis statement, choose your position on the prompt, and summarize your evidence. You can defend, challenge, or qualify the prompt’s claim.

  • If you are defending the claim, you must prove that it is correct.
  • If you are challenging the claim, you must prove that it is incorrect.
  • If you qualify the claim, you must agree with one part and disagree with another.

A well-crafted thesis statement should assert your position clearly without simply summarizing the issue or restating the claim.

Create a Minimal Essay Outline

Your outline should encompass your thesis statement and three primary pieces of evidence, each corresponding to a body paragraph. Under each piece of evidence, list 2-3 supporting details from your sources, along with commentary explaining how that evidence proves your thesis

Write your Synthesis Essay

If you dedicate the effort to annotating the sources and creating a comprehensive outline, drafting the essay should be relatively easy. Remember to focus on the commentary sections of the supporting arguments outlined in your thesis statement. These sentences are essential to the overall flow of the essay and to explain how the evidence supports or undermines the prompt’s claim.

After you finish writing, proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors before moving on to the next essay.

Six Tips to Get a Good Score on the AP Lang Synthesis Essay: 

  • Cite at least four sources, even though only three are required. Don’t plagiarize, and cite everything you use in your arguments. 
  • Develop a strong and clear thesis statement. Take a firm stance on the claim and stick with it throughout the essay. 
  • Don’t just summarize the sources. Summarizing the sources is not an argument. 
  • You don’t necessarily need to align with the sources to reference them. Employing a source to boost a counterargument remains a legitimate approach. 
  • Cite only the sources you fully understand. If you don’t understand a source, it could bite you later. 
  • Use short quotes, not entire paragraphs. Ensure the quote keeps the flow and grammar of your sentence intact.

Get Help with Your AP Lang Synthesis Essay

This task involves developing an argument using the evidence supplied to you. This demanding assignment necessitates a strong grasp of source integration and harmonizing diverse viewpoints into a unified argument. Need help with your AP Lang Synthesis Essay? With our assistance, you can master your AP Lang Synthesis Essay, refining your ability to combine information effectively and develop a compelling argument from multiple sources.

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