110 Best Conclusion Starters to Add Spice to Your Writing

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The conclusion paragraph should be given equal weight as the introduction paragraph. It is the last part of your essay or paper that persuades your readers of your point of view. The aim is to briefly restate all the key ideas in the essay’s introduction and body. Most students are unable to craft a compelling conclusion. Keep reading this guide from experienced writers to discover the best conclusion starters and how to write a firm conclusion.

What Makes a Conclusion Starter the Best?

A conclusion, in general, is the last or concluding paragraph of an essay or research paper that will wrap up your entire writing work. It is one of the crucial passages in an essay that will let your audience know when you’ve finished writing.

A good conclusion must:

  1. Summarize the essay topic or the research
  2. Remind the readers of your arguments’ potency
  3. Encourage the reader to provide a feedback
  4. Capture the reader’s attention to the supporting data

Most often, writers will finish their essays in a rush, and some forget to include the conclusion to their written work. Therefore, you must conclude with emphasis on your opinions on a particular essay, dissertation or research topic.

Remember that when you produce a good paragraph, your readers will remember your key arguments in the essay. A weak conclusion is not memorable to the reader. When writing a conclusion statement for an essay or research paper, keep the crucial stages and advice for writing a solid conclusion in mind and then build it properly.

The Significance of Choosing the Best Conclusion Starters

Students who have strong conclusion sentence starts to benefit greatly, including:

  1. It provides a concise summary of the essay and reminds the reader of the potency of your arguments.
  2. It draws attention to the key supporting facts for the arguments.
  3. It invites readers to provide feedback.
  4. It increases the subscription rate for blogs.

The reader will quickly forget it if the ending is weak. Because of the ending, some readers could regret reading your article. You can now see how important this element is, can’t you?

How to Start a Conclusion Paragraph

Even though it seems straightforward, most students still struggle with this aspect of the essay structure. When writing this portion, you must be at the top of your game to get all the benefits outlined above.

The readers of essays written by students who do not know how to begin a concluding sentence may not be impressed. Such a document could be lacking and leave the readers with more questions than answers.

What to consider when choosing the Best conclusion starters:

  1. Never introduce a new concept or subject in your conclusion paragraph that was not covered in the introductory and body paragraphs of your essay or research paper.
  2. Don’t place emphasize on your essay’s tiny details. Always ensure your readers understand your key points.
  3. The ideas in the concluding sentence should stick in the readers’ thoughts without much difficulty. Make it as enduring as you can.

You have various options you can use to conclude your essay, which is:

  1. Posing a challenging query
  2. Using quotations
  3. a request for action or a caution

How Can I Compose a Conclusion Paragraph?

Up to this point, we have seen the value of a strong ending paragraph. Let’s go on and discover how to compose a strong ending paragraph.

If you don’t know how to create a strong ending, you can’t possibly impress your audience. You can use quotes, a warning, or a call to action in your essay’s conclusion, along with provoking questions.

A particular format should be followed for producing a solid conclusion and essay. If you adhere to a broad conclusion outline or a typical conclusion structure composed of the following components, your conclusion will be meaningful and stunning.

  1. An exciting conclusion sentence starter
  2. A summary of the key ideas you discussed in your writing’s body
  3. A concluding phrase

What Are the Best Conclusion Starters for the Conclusion?

The first sentence in your ending paragraph is one of the conclusion starters. Typically, it serves to connect the body paragraph and the conclusion paragraph.

The conclusion starters are one of the important elements that should be used while producing a solid conclusion paragraph for your essay. Let your readers know you are ready to wrap up your article using the best conclusion starters.

In the English language, there are several conclusion starts. The paragraph structure of the final sentences may change based on the type of writing you are doing. However, the introductions to the conclusions are identical for argumentative, narrative, descriptive, and compare-and-contrast essays.

The Best Introductions to Conclusion Paragraphs

Here are the best conclusion starters you might employ when you draft your essay’s final paragraph.

Simple and Impressive Conclusion Starters to look at:

  1. Finally
  2. Lastly
  3. Clearly
  4. Hence
  5. In light of the previous
  6. Overall
  7. Nevertheless
  8. To sum up
  9. In my opinion
  10. Generally
  11. Therefore
  12. As a result
  13. As said
  14. For this reason
  15. Given these considerations
  16. Taking everything into account
  17. I believe there is no other course of action but to draw a conclusion
  18. In wrapping up
  19. Now that we are aware
  20. Ultimately
  21. The logical conclusion seems to be
  22. with all of this in mind,
  23. we can only draw the conclusion that there is no other option than
  24. When faced with the query of
  25. It can therefore be resumed.
  26. In light of the various facts discussed in this work
  27. In conclusion

35 Best Conclusion Starters Ideas for High School and College Students

Best Conclusion Starters Ideas for High School and College Students
  1. To end
  2. I believe that
  3. In conclusion
  4. In summary
  5. To put it all together
  6. To sum it up
  7. quickly
  8. In the end
  9. as a result
  10. everything considered
  11. Generally Speaking
  12. As a final point
  13. Considering everything
  14. Due to these factors
  15. I’ve therefore arrived at the conclusion that
  16. In the end
  17. in my opinion
  18. And to sum it all up
  19. The summative conclusion is that
  20. The broad conclusion
  21. the study found
  22. To achieve this
  23. After all
  24. having said that, I advise
  25. The illuminating conclusion is that
  26. you now understand why.
  27. Looking back
  28. I hope you can now understand that from now on.
  29. Last but not least
  30. You should think about it now for the future.
  31. I believe I have demonstrated this beyond a shadow of a doubt
  32. the time has come for me to
  33. I agree with that
  34. To review
  35. I hope you

18 Best Conclusion Starters for Research Papers

  1. At the end of the day
  2. Considering the evidence provided
  3. The outcomes reflect what was anticipated.
  4. as a result of
  5. In light of these discoveries
  6. Data indicate
  7. According to the data
  8. it may be said
  9. The key revelations that the study made
  10. Unexpectedly
  11. the information showed
  12. based on the evidence
  13. to infer
  14. The findings of this study demonstrate
  15. The analysis reveals that
  16. As a result of reviewing these results
  17. it is possible to state that
  18. While additional research is capable

30 Additional Best Conclusion Starters

  1. As I watch things,
  2. in the end,
  3. Everything has already been said and done
  4. To get to the heart’s center.
  5. from my viewpoint
  6. Cutting things short
  7. When it comes time to wrap up
  8. No one could have predicted
  9. in plain words
  10. in simple language
  11. As said in the opening
  12. I’d want to conclude by saying
  13. One last thought
  14. My findings are
  15. The results show that
  16. It is important to revisit
  17. The connection between
  18. As this study explains
  19. After talking about
  20. I’m eager for
  21. Although
  22. While
  23. Since
  24. My final bow is that
  25. It is my earnest belief that
  26. Through this investigation, we discover that
  27. I’ve concluded that
  28. The evidence supports that
  29. The conclusive result is that
  30. The summative end is that

Struggling to Get the Best Conclusion Starters

We looked at the best conclusion starters you might use to begin a conclusion paragraph in the previous list. With a solid and impactful ending, you may make your speech or writing unforgettable for your viewers regardless of your topic. Use any strong conclusion starters at the opening of your conclusion paragraph if you want to enhance the value of your writing.

Our professional writers are available if you struggle to develop an excellent and persuasive ending statement for your essay. Contact us to request a quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements of a good conclusion?

A good conclusion should summarize the essay topic, remind readers of the strength of your arguments, encourage feedback and draw attention to supporting data.

What should be avoided when writing a conclusion paragraph?

It’s crucial not to introduce new concepts not covered in the essay, avoid emphasizing tiny details.

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