161 Expository Essay Topics to Choose from

You are currently viewing 161 Expository Essay Topics to Choose from

An expository essay is an acronym for the term “expose.” When preparing such an essay, you must research expository essay topics to find one to “expose” what you have discovered and craft a persuasive argument. According to writing strategies compiled by California State University, San Bernardino, an expository essay has six known variations. In this article, our essay writers will declassify the definition, types, and how to write an expository essay. We also have many expository topics students can choose from. We also help students write their assignments, from picking a topic to writing a compelling essay.

What Does Expository Writing Aim to Achieve?

According to Purdue University, an expository essay requires a scholar to investigate an idea, assess the evidence, and put forward an argument in a conscience manner. An expository essay calls for researching a specific topic and presenting your results by developing a well-organized and objective argument. Conducting research and using critical thinking techniques are also part of the writing process.

Your goal when writing an expository essay is to clarify a particular notion or idea for the reader. Your writing ought to be uncomplicated and straightforward. Don’t presume that your audience is familiar with the subject or the definition of an explanatory essay. To sound more credible and compelling, use accurate statistics and scientific proof. Since this is an academic essay, keeping your opinions in check is best. Regardless of the kind of expository essay you are about to write, you should maintain objectivity and neutrality in your statements and utilize a formal tone.

 Expository essays are frequently assigned in school because they not only enable teachers to assess students’ academic progress but also allow them to practice writing skills that will be helpful to them in the future.

You must thoroughly research your choice among the expository topics we have compiled and be prepared to express your point to deliver a quality paper succinctly. How can this be done? Understanding the outline for an expository is essential in this situation.

Types of Expository Essays

The definition of expository writing is relatively straightforward, but most students struggle with it because there are several varieties of this type of writing. If writing an explanatory essay, you might need to:

  • Describe concepts
  • Indicate the connections and differences between specific phenomena
  • Explain the causes and effects of a specific occurrence
  • Describe problems
  • Develop solutions to challenges
  • Categorize goods or features into discrete groups

Thus, when writing an expository essay, you first must decide what your assignment’s aim is and what expository essay type you will utilize. This choice will affect the format and substance of your essay. There are six categories that expository essays typically fall under. We’ll assist you in comprehending what makes each one unique.

Process Essay

Have you ever thought about how instructions and recipes are written? They could turn into the ideal illustration of a process essay. The thing with explanatory essays is that they transcend the boundaries of the academic world. An essay about a process seeks to describe how something operates or to lead the reader through the process by outlining its steps. Choose this style of the essay if your assignment is to write about how to manage various tasks or how to prepare your favorite food.

Essays on Classification

To write a categorization essay, you must research various characteristics of a certain object or phenomenon and identify its distinctive characteristics. The following stage is grouping them into several categories based on their shared characteristics and explaining your selection.

Essays that Compare and Contrast

The name is self-explanatory. Essays that compare and contrast different things, ideas, and phenomena highlight their similarities and contrasts. To simplify the process, you can make a table and list common and distinctive qualities in separate columns. An additional method is to create a Venn diagram.

Descriptive Essays

Descriptive essays analyze their definitions to convey a thorough understanding of terminology and concepts. You can use anything to support your claim, from the definition’s historical history to examples of how it is now used. You might also talk about different interpretations of the subject under discussion.

Problem and Solution Essays

Outlining the issue and its effects is the first step in writing a problem and solution essay. After that, you can offer one or more fixes. Please don’t just list off all of your thoughts. If you highlight a particular solution, explain how it functions and any potential future advantages.

Cause and Effect Essays

The cause-and-effect analysis is challenging, especially if your critical thinking abilities are lacking. This kind of expository essay must fully explain the reasons and effects of an event or problem.

Best Expository essay topics

Examples Provided by Students

Tenth graders created the following generic Expository essay topics. These topics can be used for writing practice, or students can use the list to inspire their ideas. It’s crucial to remember that these expository essays are fact-based rather than focused on the writer’s opinions or sentiments.

  1. Why do you admire this person in particular?
  2. Describe why a person you know deserves to be viewed as a leader.
  3. Why are parents sometimes so strict?
  4. What animal, if any, would you choose to be, and why?
  5. Why do you like a particular teacher in particular?
  6. Describe the rationale for teen curfews in several cities.
  7. Describe why some pupils are made to quit school at age sixteen.
  8. Describe how it affects teens to move around.
  9. Describe the significance of earning a driver’s license in the lives of many youngsters.
  10. Describe the main pressures that teenagers face.
  11. Justify your preference for or against teamwork.
  12. Describe some of the intangibles that bring you joy.
  13. Describe the causes of teen suicide.
  14. Describe the impact music has on your life.
  15. Describe the social effects of various music genres.
  16. Why do kids listen to a certain genre of music?
  17. Why do some teenagers miss school?
  18. Describe the probable repercussions of skipping school.
  19. Describe the probable repercussions of performing poorly in school.
  20. Justify teen drug use.
  21. Describe the likely effects of medication sales.
  22. Describe the possible effects of drug use.
  23. Why do teenagers smoke cigarettes?
  24. Describe the possible repercussions of getting expelled from school.
  25. Describe the possible repercussions of missing courses.
  26. Describe the possible effects of siblings fighting all the time.

More Expository Essay Topics

  1. Describe the anticipated effects of extending the interval between classes from five to fifteen minutes.
  2. Why do some teenagers join gangs?
  3. Describe the issues some teenagers face once they join gangs.
  4. Describe the changes in a teen’s life when she has a child.
  5. What, in your opinion, should a boy do if he learns that his girlfriend is pregnant?
  6. Why should you or shouldn’t you laugh in uncomfortable situations?
  7. Give examples of marijuana’s effects.
  8. Describe the possible effects of youth engaging in sexual activity.
  9. Justify the benefits of organizing your resources and operations.
  10. Why is your schoolwork important, please?
  11. Describe your domestic assistance.
  12. Describe the likely effects of removing the death penalty.
  13. Explain the effects of using a pass/fail grading system.
  14. Describe the anticipated effects of imposing a curfew of 11:00 p.m.
  15. Describe the likely effects of discontinuing mandatory busing.

Expository Essay Topics cont..

  1. Describe the reasons why some teenagers find the flag pledge offensive.
  2. Justify the absence of open lunch rules at some schools.
  3. Why are young people so materialistic?
  4. Why do some teenagers get jobs?
  5. Describe the effects of working while still in high school.
  6. Describe the possible repercussions of leaving school.
  7. Give some examples of useful pastime activities for students.
  8. Describe why it can be challenging for many teenagers to deal with their parent’s divorce.
  9. Why do teenagers love their parents despite challenging home circumstances?
  10. Give examples of the things that make you the happiest.
  11. Give examples of three things in the world that you think should be changed, along with your justifications.
  12. Justify your preference for apartment living (or house).
  13. Explain the anticipated effects of requiring a childbearing license.
  14. Give examples of three things that represent our culture and explain your choice.
  15. Describe the reasons for your interest in a particular vocation.
  16. Describe the probable effects of making pupils wear school uniforms.

Social Justice Expository Essay Topics

  1. The benefits and drawbacks of taking a gap year during college
  2. Why is it important for businesses to promote workplace tolerance?
  3. What are double standards, and what are the major reasons they appear?
  4. What is the reason behind the increase in teen pregnancies?
  5. What relationship exists between problems of stress or anxiety and hunger?
  6. The problem of mental weariness and remedies
  7. Why do people develop a need for money?
  8. gender inequality’s modern-day root causes
  9. The harmful effects of global warming are already evident.
  10. Why do young people commit suicide?
  11. Understanding social issues and enhancing social situations through social psychology
  12. Pakistan’s social problem of unemployment
  13. University Students’ Sociological Imagination and Issues in African Nations
  14. The leading causes of school violence are access to weapons, mental health issues, and the influence of social media.
  15. Social Media’s Positive and Negative Effects
  16. Conflict theory as a social perspective on social class
  17. The Causes of Loneliness in Contemporary Culture
  18. Urbanization Issues, Causes, and Effects in India and the UK
  19. American Social and Economic Issues in the 1930s in Book of Judgment
  20. Personal Problems and Public Issues Concerning C. Wright Mills’ Conceptual Framework

Education Expository Essay Topics

  1. Early Education’s beneficial effects on Children’s brain development
  2. Why is learning foreign languages vital and advantageous?
  3. People have traditionally regarded teaching as a noble vocation. Why?
  4. Is Internet education more successful than traditional education?
  5. What potentially harmful effects could low literacy have on a person’s life?
  6. Does a person’s future career still significantly benefit from their higher education?
  7. The Significance of Homework in Colleges and Universities
  8. How may one apply for a college scholarship?
  9. What are the benefits of learning arithmetic in the real world?
  10. Are grades still significant in education? Why?

Ethical Issues Expository Essay Topics

  1. Examine the relationship between religion and promoting moral values in people.
  2. Is helping refugees a decent thing for a nation to do?
  3. The potential advantages and drawbacks of legalizing prostitution
  4. Is it moral to have plastic surgery?
  5. the significance of decreasing the intake of food derived from animals
  6. Why is it vital for students to report bullying to school officials?
  7. The distinction between authorship and plagiarism
  8. How do social networks make people feel hopeless?
  9. Why do we hear so many lies on various news stations, both true and false?
  10. Since humans came so close to destroying our home planet, is space colonization moral?
  11. Is Utilitarianism a Moral Principle?
  12. The Elements of Management Ethics
  13. Ethical Conundrum: Definition and Key Features
  14. The Moral Issues Raised by the Stanford Prison Experiment
  15. The Bill Clinton intern scandal presents an ethical dilemma. Lewinsky, Monica
  16. Engineering, Experiencing Exploration, And Academic Experiences with Space As A Source Of Ethical Challenges
  17. Ethical Challenges with Data Social Media Security and Privacy
  18. Evaluation of Ethical and Policy Issues that Impact Nursing Home Care Coordination
  19. Ethics: Protection Against Physical or Psychological Harm
  20. The Professional Ethics Issues

Expository Essay Topics on Health Issues

  1. Discuss the use of deceased donor organs in transplantation.
  2. Is it still possible to guarantee a patient’s total privacy in the twenty-first century?
  3. Animal testing in contemporary medicine: A moral issue
  4. Why do some people oppose inoculation-based immunization?
  5. Does the health of humans truly suffer as a result of GMOs?
  6. Primary justifications for legalizing euthanasia
  7. The continuous disputes between medicine and religion. Are they still relevant in the twenty-first century?
  8. Research on stem cells and moral standards
  9. Discuss the significance of developing global medical standards.
  10. How does induced coma benefit people with serious wounds?

Expository Essay Topics on Literature

  1. Nikki Giovanni’s poem “Kidnap,” Shows Affection
  2. What We Discuss When We Discuss Love: Theme Analogy
  3. Poetry by William Butler Yeats: Themes of a Poetry
  4. Things Fall Apart: Chinua Achebe’s Book on the Value of Adapting to Changes
  5. Analysis and Summary of White Fang
  6. The History Boys: An Examination of the Sexuality Theme
  7. The Picture of Dorian Gray: The Book’s Aesthetic Principles
  8. Review of Tom Wolfe’s book “Why Nations Fail
  9. The Satirist Whose Wit Hardened into Contempt”
  10. The History Boys’: Women’s Attitudes

History Expository Essay Topics

  1. An analysis of American slavery and the struggle for freedom is provided in Fugitive Slave Narratives.
  2. How Has Technology Affected Change Throughout Bryant Seisnor’s Life?
  3. Political, social, and economic instability throughout the Weimar Republic
  4. Politics and Language in Modern Central Asia
  5. What Role Do Dietary Practices and Food Have in Asian Religion?
  6. How the Middle Ages’ Changes Impacted the Modern World?
  7. The Effect of Constantine On the Middle Ages Development of Christianity
  8. Analysis of the Article: Anne Hutchinson’s Trial
  9. Why England’s population doubled during the Victorian era:
  10. A Summary of Feminism in the Victorian Era

College Expository essay topics in Science and Technology

  1. Computers’ impacts on the environment and human life
  2. Review of “who rules the World?” by Noam Chomsky
  3. The idea of movement and its influence on modern life
  4. The Internet: a blessing or a curse?
  5. What changes in our lives has the internet made?
  6. Is spending money on space exploration necessary?
  7. What do dogs dream about in different mental states?
  8. Does sociality require intelligence in animals?
  9. Emperor penguin traits and characteristics of their daily lives
  10. Is the internet beneficial or harmful to society?

Philosophy and Religion Expository essay topics

  1. The Relationship Between Reality and Optimism
  2. Deconstruction Theory and Its Relevance in Law
  3. Analysis of Islam’s Early History:
  4. Which Is the World’s Oldest Religion?
  5. Systematic Theology: What Should Humanity Believe about God?
  6. How did Islam influence European literature, particularly Spanish literature?
  7. Critical Evaluation of the Gospel of John: The Crucifixion, Exorcism, and Salvation
  8. Does Religion Influence Morality?
  9. Family Violence: A Theological Analysis
  10. Yeats’s Poetry and the Idea of the Second Coming: A Critical Analysis

Expository essay topics on Personal Experiences

  1. Psychometric Evaluation and My Own Experience
  2. How a Personal Experience Can Be Used to Apply Resilience?
  3. Personal Veganism Experience
  4. Personal Beliefs, Values, And Experiences
  5. Personal experiences with Volunteering as A Teacher
  6. The Uniqueness of Individual Customer Experience
  7. Concept of Arbitration through my personal experiences
  8. Reflective experiences I had upon visiting Costco
  9. Mental Health Nursing Individual Statement
  10. Reflection on my personal experience while working at a dental clinic

Expository Essay Structure

The majority of teachers demand that their students format expository essays following the conventional 5-paragraph theme:

Depending on the assignment and guidelines provided by your teacher, there could be a few changes to the expository essay format. This is the most common structure for an explanatory essay, nevertheless. Remember to ensure seamless transitions between paragraphs. The overarching concept outlined in the thesis statement should tie all of your assertions together. Use connecting words and maintain the overall text’s grammatical and lexical coherence. Additionally, do not combine multiple statements in one paragraph; instead, provide your supporting arguments one at a time. The audience will be more receptive to your message.

Outline for an Expository Essay

The expository essay’s structure has already been covered. Planning your paper and developing an outline for an expository essay is necessary for producing a quality writing assignment that earns you an A. Our write my essay professionals advise putting it in writing and using our template as a model.

Expository Essay Introduction

Writing an introduction paragraph is crucial since it helps readers focus and understand the topic you will be discussing. After reading the first paragraph, they should know what to anticipate from the entire text. It must be brief and direct. Avoid making too many generalizations; this is an academic project, not a free-form creative writing piece, so your idea must be apparent first.

How should the introduction paragraph be structured? First, you must introduce a piece of eye-catching or unexpected information that will immediately pique the reader’s interest. You can use

  • A quote
  • A question
  • Anecdote
  • Example
  • Statistics

The context of your topic can then be briefly described, followed by some general information. A thesis statement should be included in the introduction. The sentence or sentences in your expository essay should represent the thesis you are trying to prove. Be mindful that announcing the topic is insufficient. You ought to discuss your findings.

Expository Essay Body

Once the basis of the essay is complete, you can move on to the body. It typically comprises three paragraphs, each focusing on a concept that links to the thesis statement. Remember that each body paragraph should have an orderly arrangement in addition to the paper’s overall defined structure. It includes:

  • The topic sentence
  • Supporting details
  • Arguments
  • Conclusion

Make sure to cite any evidence based on someone’s study or research when you mention it. Follow the referencing conventions specified by your academic institution. The most popular ones are citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard styles. As a result, your statements will be more credible and convincing.

Expository Essay Conclusion

Your expository essay should end with a conclusion that does not require any additional information. Concentrate on summarizing the key points you have previously covered in the essay’s body. But be careful not to replicate anything. Even though the concept needs to be rephrased, develop a novel approach so that the reader will remember it and learn anything from your paper, making it memorable. Indicating how the subject can be researched further in the essay’s conclusion will be fantastic.

How Do You Write an Expository Essay?

Now that you know its framework and various expository essay topics, it is time to learn how to create an explanatory essay. Breaking this up into smaller sections won’t be as difficult as it first appears. You must first come up with a list of concepts to use as a basis for your writing. After that, you should draft the first draft and the outline. Once finished, you can compose and edit the last paper to ensure it is flawless.

Each stage has a distinct objective. With such a writing method, you can stay organized and focused on your assignment and subject matter. Writing papers alone might be difficult sometimes, so don’t forget to write my admission essay for my service. Let’s examine each stage’s essence in more detail.

Invent New Ideas

If your teacher has not assigned you a specific topic, choose something that will be valuable to you personally as well as to society at large. Your enthusiasm for the topic will be helpful to your writing. Find out who conducted research on the subject at hand and what conclusions they came to. You can create a robust line of argument with such research. Don’t just scan over the pages; make notes about the specifics, and pick out the data you can use as proof.

Develop a Plan

Contrary to what many authors believe, planning is the most crucial step in the writing process. At this point, you should have a well-structured outline for an expository essay with all of your ideas. Why is it required? As a result of which, your essay’s substance becomes coherent. You end up with a composition that persuasively communicates your ideas to the reader and, more importantly for students, deserving of an A.

Consider these things when preparing an explanatory essay:

  • What is your argument?
  • How can you grab the interest of the reader?
  • In which assertion will the first, second, or third body paragraph focus?
  • How will you back up your claim? What evidence do you have?

Outline and divide the content among the paragraphs. Try to organize your thoughts using the template for an outline we’ve provided above. You will have a clear idea of the format of your expository essay by the time you complete this phase.

Make a Draft

Making a preliminary outline for your upcoming expository essay is required in this step. Divide the text into five paragraphs according to your plan. Include an introduction and a conclusion, please. Each fresh idea needs to be covered in its body paragraph. Choose the central assertion that best supports your thesis statement, and begin the body of your essay by addressing it. Next, discuss supporting claims. Include pertinent evidence to illustrate and support your claims. Include a bibliography and in-text citations. Do not put off doing this because you might forget where the information for your writing came from.

If your draft does not appear flawless now, do not stress. It’s not necessary to be. It’s just a first attempt; you’ll have time to refine it later. This step’s goal is to make sure you cover every issue and develop a logical essay structure.

Write Your Expository Essay Since you are Ready

Writing is the most straightforward step once the plan and draft are completed. You only need to put concepts you already have into writing. Stick to your plan as written. Make sure you don’t forget anything significant. Remember to keep the research data in mind. Include supporting data to demonstrate the accuracy of your assertions. Now that you’ve seen how easy essays are to write when you use a structured writing approach, no more writing blocks or concerns about the blank page.

Proofread the Text

Take some extra time to check your expository essay even though you have previously organized and written it and gone a long way in that direction. Even the most careful observers occasionally make mistakes. A grammatical error or typo can prevent you from earning your desired grade. Eliminate spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors by reading the text. Moreover, pay attention to how well the entire article flows stylistically. Get a friend to read your essay and provide criticism. If not, let our experts take care of it. Read it out loud if you decide against the first two alternatives. It is beneficial to identify contradictions and fix them before submission.

Check off each item on the following list to ensure you have an essay you can submit without worrying about failing:

  • Does it satisfy the academic standards?
  • Have you seen a formal approach?
  • Is the thesis statement clear and specific?
  • Do your body paragraphs contain topic and ending sentences?
  • Are there any inconsistencies among the paragraphs?
  • Are there any inquiries that have not been answered?
  • Are there any areas that are unclear or ill-researched?
  • Do you have adequate proof to support your claim?
  • Do the paragraphs move smoothly?
  • Did you reference any outside sources?

If you are unsure about any of the components, modify the area that needs work; however, if your essay falls under one of the expository topics above, it is among the best pieces you can work with. Your teacher will recognize your work and grade it well. Supervisors always distinguish a well-written, thoughtfully prepared, drafted, and proofread essay.

Need Help in Writing an Expository Essay

An expository essay helps in the exploration and presentation of a specific concept. Despite their variety, the framework and goal of these literary pieces are to inform the readers while being impartial and objective. This guide on how to write an expository essay will help you stay organized if you adequately plan your essay and create a thorough outline. Are you still struggling with an expository essay? Our essay writers will assist you in impressing your tutor with a well-researched and organized paper.

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