250+ Good Nursing Research Paper Topics and Ideas for Students

You are currently viewing 250+ Good Nursing Research Paper Topics and Ideas for Students

Students seeking good nursing research paper topics should understand their forte and specialization. Professors frequently assign these exercise to aid in comprehension of nursing ideas. There are several ways to develop a research topic, but understanding your passion is a significant factor. Our professional nursing essay writers have researched and suggested several nursing research topics to suit any category in the course. They also expound on the procedures, advise choosing a research paper topic, and give ideas on how to write a nursing research paper. 

What is A Nursing Research Paper?

A nursing-related topic is the main focus of a research paper. Research paper subjects for nursing are comparable to those for medical studies but from the specialized care perspective. Some prominent areas of specialization include child, midwifery, elderly, and primary healthcare nursing.

Students should follow the highest academic standards, regardless of whether they want to investigate and report on a subject or offer a comprehensive analysis of already published research. Good nursing research paper topics must be prepared for publication when finished. It simply means that it must:

  1. Include all of the crucial details.
  2. Be correctly written and structured.
  3. Format citations by the standards.

Elements of Good Nursing Research Paper Topics

  1. Title detailing the study’s design, authors’ complete names, and, if applicable, the name of the corresponding author;
  2. Abstract – a 350-word synopsis of the study paper’s background, procedures, findings, and conclusions;
  3. Introduction – it provides background information about the investigation. A synopsis of the available research and literature ought to be included. Make sure the readers understand the significance of the study when writing the beginning of a research paper;
  4. Methodologies – describes the research methods employed during the investigation and its goal and design. Additionally, the traits of the research participants ought to be highlighted;
  5. Findings – The part presents the conclusions, the outcomes of the statistical analysis, tables, and figures;
  6. Discussion – This part discusses the results’ implications in light of the body of knowledge. It frequently includes the study’s limitations;
  7. Conclusions – include the significant finding as well as the value and significance of the study.

How to Compose a Good Nursing Research Paper

If you need help writing an excellent nursing research paper, follow the following procedures. You can get top grades on your nursing assignment by following these methods.

  1. Choose an excellent nursing research topic from any nursing research area in which you are very knowledgeable and interested.
  2. Thoroughly examine your nursing research topic to produce a compelling thesis statement.
  3. Explore your subject and acquire further evidence using relevant research techniques to support your thesis statement.
  4. Create a well-structured essay outline using your acquired information, including the introduction, body, and conclusion.
  5. Use the outline to create a thorough nursing research paper. The academic paper should provide appropriate examples or evidence for each significant point related to the thesis statement.
  6. Thoroughly proofread your nursing research paper once you finish writing it. When a nursing research paper is ready for submission, it must be perfect and plagiarism-free.

Choosing Good Nursing Research Paper Topics

You need a decent topic to write a research paper. Good nursing research paper topics come from various reliable sources, including books, journals, and websites. Your course instructor will typically give you a list of recent nursing research topics to pick from. However, they let you pick the subject for your nursing research. You should do this if you choose a nursing research topic.

  1. Choose the nursing research field that most interests you.
  2. Compile several nursing research subjects from your chosen area of nursing research.
  3. Brainstorm all the nursing research ideas you’ve gathered and cross out any with limited study potential.
  4. Choose one nursing research paper you feel comfortable exploring and writing about from the list of study ideas that have been narrowed down.
  5. Your nursing research topic should adhere to your professor’s or school’s instructions for writing research papers.

Essential Guidelines for Choosing Good Nursing Research Paper Topics

Consider the following advice when selecting a topic for your nursing research study if you wish to do well.

  1. Select a subject that is relevant to your area of expertise.
  2. Pick a subject that will excite both you and your audience.
  3. Settle on a subject you can research and has many reliable references.
  4. Select a topic that is distinct and uncharted.
  5. Pick a flexible subject for an in-depth study and moderate a discussion.
  6. Pick a topic that is neither general nor too narrow.
  7. If your topic is too broad to be finished by the due date, narrow it down.
  8. Pick a subject that can support your thesis statement with reliable examples, facts, or other supporting evidence.
  9. Avoid choosing a subject that comes from others.
  10. The most recent or popular nursing research topics should be selected since they will be instructive to your audience.

Good Nursing Research Papers Topics

Good Nursing Research Papers Topics

We have compiled a list of good nursing research paper topics to make choosing a topic easier. Look over the entire list and select a subject you feel confident writing about.

Quantitative Nursing Research Topics

  1. Assess the critical care nursing field.
  2. Go over the advantages of a healthy diet.
  3. What are the main reasons that lead to a heart attack?
  4. Consider the morality of assisted suicide.
  5. Compare and contrast nursing homes and home care.
  6. Talk about the difficulties in managing chronic conditions.
  7. Examine the growth of telehealth.
  8. Describe how beneficial massage therapy is.
  9. Is medical treatment for stress necessary?
  10. Talk about the efficacy of using animal therapy.
  11. Telemedicine’s significance in the contemporary environment
  12. Why is it crucial for nurses to stay current on developments in medical procedures and medications?
  13. Nursing’s roles and obligations in caring for patients with life-threatening illnesses
  14. Nursing and palliative care in the future
  15. How are Phantom Pains identified and treated?

Good Nursing Research Paper Topics in Pediatrics

  1. Evaluation of the efficiency of primary patient care.
  2. The issue of too much information noise in the current era
  3. A review of suicide attempt support techniques
  4. Consider the diversity of the healthcare industry.
  5. Go over the reasons and remedies for ADHD.
  6. What psychological components of baby care are there?
  7. What kind of eating disorders affects kids?
  8. How to deal with children under 18 and their mental and emotional health
  9. Therapy for speech disorders.
  10. Child teething problems.
  11. Basics of pediatric first aid.
  12. Telehealth is safe and effective for treating pediatric patients.
  13. What do young patients need from pediatric nurses?
  14. Infants’ seizures: their causes
  15. Talk about the morality of pediatric treatment.
  16. The Comfort Theory and Why Nurses Should Be Aware of It
  17. Pediatric Nurse Expectations from Children
  18. Managing Pain in Pediatric Nursing
  19. A Pediatric Nurse’s Case Study; Burnout and Job Satisfaction
  20. Best Pain Management Techniques for Hospitalized Children

Pediatrics Nursing Research Topics Cont.

  1. Verbal assault in pediatric settings
  2. Pediatric First Aid Supplies
  3. An Overview of Nursing Research in the US
  4. Pediatric assistance heroes
  5. The middle school’s pediatric unit
  6. Taking care of children with congenital heart disease: psychosocial difficulties 
  7. Pragmatic language patterns in autistic children
  8. New approaches to childhood cancer treatment optimization
  9. Psychological concerns affecting families of children with cancer
  10. Cancer: effectiveness of health service delivery
  11. Children’s obesity: a public health concern
  12. Radiation therapy: the hematopoietic system’s reaction in cancer patients
  13. Leukemia cells and the immune system’s interaction mechanisms.
  14. Molecular indicators in the diagnosis of childhood acute leukemia
  15. Strategies to lower the risk of blindness in children receiving oxygen therapy
  16. Childhood exposures that increase the risk of heart disease later in life 
  17. The connection between childhood obesity and early exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals
  18. Prevention methods for childhood and adolescent obesity
  19. Epidemiologic study on childhood obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors
  20. Childhood obesity identification, screening, prevention, and management 
  21. The use of stem cells in the treatment of pediatric illnesses
  22. Early-life air pollution exposure: health impacts
  23. Effects of nicotine exposure during pregnancy on health
  24. The impact of early life stress on children’s metabolic and cognitive development 45. Diagnosis and treatment of asthma in children
  25. Monitoring approaches for asthma in children
  26. Pathogenesis and management of opportunistic fungal infections
  27. HHV6: immunology, etiology, and treatment

More Nursing Research Paper Topics in Pediatrics

  1. Children’s meningitis: vaccination and prevention
  2. Reactions and side effects of the influenza vaccine in children
  3. Typical childhood measles complications
  4. Positive effects of surfactant replacement treatment in preterm newborns
  5. Animal models for respiratory illnesses: Pathogenesis research
  6. Understanding the role of cells and molecules in lung health and disease
  7. New therapeutic approaches to nervous system development diseases
  8. Neurotrophin and neurotransmitter receptors: a molecular study 
  9. Movement disorders in children: understanding and treatment
  10. The etiology and management of childhood Tourette syndrome
  11. Children with neuroblastoma: recognizing racial differences
  12. Understanding Metabolic Syndrome: Signs and Symptoms.
  13. Anorexia and associated alterations in brain structure and behavior
  14. Infant nutrition: preventing obesity and eating disorders 
  15. Eating disorders in children: impact on growth and health.
  16. Children’s ADHD medication’s long-term effects
  17. The effectiveness of dance and music therapy for children with ADHD
  18. The effectiveness of mind-body treatment for ADHD in kids
  19. The advantages of meditation for kids with autism
  20. Diagnosis and management of pediatric ear infections
  21. Acute renal failure: nurse care and management
  22. Nursing care and management of childhood nephrotic syndrome
  23. Children’s kidney stones: preventative measures
  24. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: onset and signs and symptoms.
  25. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: treatment techniques. 
  26. Genetic influences in type 1 diabetes in childhood
  27. Children from ethnic minorities who have type 1 diabetes: risk factors

Geriatric Nursing Research Topics

  1. Changes in Health with Age: Cardiovascular System
  2. Age-Related Alterations in Older Adults’ Nervous Systems and Cognition
  3. Age-related physiological alterations in the musculoskeletal system
  4. How aging affects the immune system
  5. The advantages and difficulties of vaccination for senior citizens
  6. Risks and diagnosis of urinary tract infections in older people
  7. The impact of malnutrition on organ systems in elderly adults
  8. Digestive diseases in the elderly: nursing care techniques
  9. Long-term care facilities for nurses
  10. Nursing care strategies for older persons with sensory system alterations and impairments
  11. Examining physical function in older people: the impact of regular exercise
  12. Oral health issues in elderly adults: consequences and remedies
  13. Strategies for enhancing oral care for seniors
  14. Maintaining oral hydration in older individuals
  15. Preventing, identifying, and treating dehydration in older individuals
  16. Diet as a dementia risk factor
  17. Seniors’ individualized diets and the promotion of healthy aging
  18. Dietary factors that lower the risk of osteoporosis
  19. Psychological problems among older cancer patients’ families
  20. Managing the psychosocial effects of chronic illness in elderly patients
  21. The environment as a risk factor for functional decline in elderly people, together with measures to optimize these risk factors
  22. Risk elements and causes of later-life depression
  23. Nursing strategies for older patients’ ophthalmic care
  24. Medication adherence in dementia patients: intervention development and implementation
  25. Evaluation of the usefulness and precision of the use of machine learning in the prediction of dementia in older persons
  26. Alzheimer’s disease: scientific causes and treatment options 

Nursing Research Topics Geriatric Cont..

  1. Effectiveness and approaches of cognitive therapy for elderly Alzheimer’s disease patients
  2. Elderly patients at risk for delirium: preventative measures
  3. A Randomized Trial Comparing Massage Therapy with Simple Touch to Reduce Pain and Mood in Patients with Advanced Cancer
  4. Care techniques for better pain management in elderly people
  5. Falling and injury risk in older adults: management and prevention
  6. Adverse medication effects in older patients: care plans and treatments
  7. Use of physical restraints: A moral dilemma
  8. Race is a risk factor for developing pressure ulcers.
  9. Being sleepy is a risk factor for elderly patients’ cognitive deterioration.
  10. Care options for elderly individuals with alcohol use disorders
  11. Treatment and care alternatives for older persons with substance use disorders
  12. Critically sick elderly individuals’ sepsis management
  13. Complications associated with more extended hospital stay in critically ill patients. 
  14. Heart failure in older adults: current therapy options
  15. Care of elderly surgical patients: methods for improvement
  16. Geriatric dehydration as a concept
  17. Elderly patients’ perioperative care: nursing techniques
  18. Medical emergencies involving elderly individuals receiving cancer therapy
  19. Cancer surgery risk assessment in elderly patients
  20. Balancing the risks and advantages of pancreatic cancer surgery in older patients
  21. Bladder cancer in elderly people: risk factors and difficulties
  22. Care strategies for older patients with fragile hip fractures
  23. Managing pressure ulcers in hip fracture patients 
  24. Nursing intervention for older patients in the ED
  25. Care options for transitional care of older adults with chronic diseases
  26. Advanced care planning: roles and tactics for nurses
  1. Examine the causes of Tourette syndrome in youngsters.
  2. Recognizing and treating children’s respiratory infections
  3. What are the main tactics for preventing childhood malnutrition?
  4. Potential side effects of measles in children and available treatments
  5. Problems with communication in pediatric hematology
  6. The impact of educational interventions on enhancing pediatric ICU-based care for toddlers
  7. How simulation affects the ability of pediatric nursing students to handle neonatal
  8. Pediatric nurses’ perceptions and knowledge of the proper breastfeeding procedure
  9. Examining the role of pediatric nurses in supporting counseling support for children between the ages of 7 and 8
  10. Methods for addressing child malnutrition.
  11. Talk about the main reasons for child mortality in the UK.
  12. Describe pediatric antibiotic resistance.
  13. Practices in Adolescent Medicine.
  14. Examine how neonatal care has changed.
  15. Nutritional Health and Child Obesity
  16. The best treatments for people with autism.
  17. Opportunistic fungal infections: pathogenesis and management.
  18. What requirements are there for pediatric critical care?
  19. How social media affects kids’ eating patterns.
  20. The causes and treatments of childhood Tourette syndrome.
  21. Children’s asthma and monitoring methods.
  22. How can children avoid contracting meningitis?
  23. Talk about childhood metabolic syndrome and neuroblastoma.
  24. The conflict between preschoolers and antibiotics.
  25. ADHD diagnosis and therapy
  26. How might COVID-19 be prevented in children?
  27. Using robotics and artificial intelligence in nursing
  28. Using technology to manage chronic illnesses
  29. Go through the idea and advantages of nursing informatics.
  30. Concern for people with mental health disorders is ethical.

Good Nursing Research Paper Topics in Midwifery

  1. Nursing point-of-care technology
  2. Signs, causes, and therapies for Asperger’s syndrome in children
  3. How do antibiotics affect children’s immune systems?
  4. What infectious diseases affect kids?
  5. Ongoing care from a midwife.
  6. Contributing factors to postpartum depression
  7. Safety Guidelines for Obese Pregnant Women.
  8. Kits for self-education and pregnancy safety.
  9. An analysis of a successful birth experience.
  10. Rural Maternal and Neonatal Practices.
  11. Postpartum Period and Mental Illness.
  12. A study on childbirth effectiveness.
  13. Problems with weight growth during pregnancy.
  14. Diabetic sleep disorders during pregnancy treatment.
  15. Problems with women’s sexual health.
  16. Pregnancy and childbirth among women with disabilities
  17. How midwifery care affects pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the postpartum period
  18. Caseload care results for mothers and babies
  19. Midwifery caseload care for ethnic minorities
  20. Strategies for enhancing the health of women and infants from ethnic minorities
  21. The health of moms and children are affected by depression and anxiety in new mothers.
  22. Postnatal depression risk factors

Nursing Research Paper Topics in Midwifery Cont..

  1. Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) is a pregnancy complication
  2. peer support is effective for preventing postpartum depression.
  3. Cost-effectiveness analysis of telephone help for preventing postpartum depression
  4. Risk factors and treatment for diabetes during pregnancy
  5. Preventive measures for neonates with hypoglycemia
  6. Women’s experiences as mothers: mother-infant connection and attachment
  7. Causes and incidence of stress in midwives and nurses
  8. Feasibility and acceptability of group prenatal care
  9. The benefit of parental education at a young age
  10. The efficacy of continuity of care in midwifery.
  11. The importance of community support for preserving emotional well-being during pregnancy
  12. The impact of the birth plan on the delivery process
  13. Effects of prenatal yoga on pregnant women and their children
  14. The impact of prolonged labor on women’s birthing experiences
  15. A woman with autism experiences giving birth
  16. Techniques for reducing pain during labor: treatments and relaxation
  17. Risks and long-term repercussions of cesarean section
  18. Signs and symptoms of delivery anxiety
  19. Premature and low birth weight infants by parents
  20. Sleep disturbances in new moms: consequences for mothers and children.
  21. The role of midwives in caring and support to families in perinatal palliative care
  22. Effects of childbirth expectations and experience on the mental health of new mothers

Midwifery Nursing Research Paper Topics in

  1. Risk factors for maternal advanced age
  2. Causes and risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes
  3. The connection between periodontitis and kids’ low birth weight and preterm birth
  4. The impact of spirituality on labor and delivery in midwifery
  5. Obesity and pregnancy: consequences of labor intervention
  6. Key ideas for teamwork in midwifery
  7. Power dynamics in midwifery care: establishing, fostering, and sustaining connections
  8. Domestic abuse against women: increasing midwives’ awareness 
  9. Midwifery care for low-income women: advantages of social context
  10. Factors that contribute to psychologically stressful childbirth
  11. The function of midwives in evaluating emergency care monitoring
  12. Pregnancy-related fetal monitoring, screening, and other tests
  13. Weight control and exercise during pregnancy
  14. Managing the physical and psychological changes that occur during pregnancy
  15. Strategies and practices for facilitating and preserving normal childbirth
  16. The Midwives’ role in birth decision-making
  17. Immediate postpartum midwifery care 
  18. Strategies for involving fathers in prenatal services
  19. Newborn and baby skin care and hygiene 
  20. Immediate newborn care
  21. Infant feeding: approaches and methods
  22. Identifying and managing typical feeding issues

Women’s Health Nursing Research Paper Topics

  1. Women’s sleep problems.
  2. Treatment for ovarian and cervical cancer.
  3. Treatment for autoimmune disorders.
  4. The reasons for vaginal atrophy
  5. Problems with menopause.
  6. Breast cancer screening and treatment methods.
  7. Endocrinology related to reproduction.
  8. Strategies for preventing pregnancy.
  9. Moral principles regarding infertility.
  10. Women’s osteoporosis causes.
  11. Plans for treating chlamydia.
  12. Premenstrual syndrome emotional signs and symptoms.
  13. How can female acne be treated?
  14. Postpartum sepsis
  15. Post-pregnancy care and support

Adult Nursing Research Topics

Adult Nursing Research Topics
  1. How does mirror therapy work?
  2. The significance of diet plans.
  3. Care for problems of the digestive system.
  4. Treatment for narcolepsy and sleep apnea.
  5. How aging affects the neurological and immunological systems.
  6. Treatment for acute coronary syndrome
  7. Advances in clinical cardiology.
  8. Adults’ mental health and psychiatric treatment.
  9. The origins of anxiety conditions.
  10. Cardiovascular care.
  11. Non-Chemical Interventions in Bipolar Disorder.
  12. How may dehydration be avoided and treated?
  13. Process of imaging a CV.
  14. Dietary Therapy.
  15. Sports medicine and exercise.

Good Nursing Research Paper Topics on Elderly Care Nursing

  1. Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. Needs for critical care.
  3. Joint diseases.
  4. Treatment for bladder cancer.
  5. A diabetic kind.
  6. The importance of oral health.
  7. Cerebrovascular disease and stroke.
  8. Stroke and cerebrovascular disease precautions.
  9. How should sleep disorders be managed?
  10. The management of sepsis.
  11. How is restless legs syndrome treated?
  12. Ethics in geriatrics.
  13. How can blood pressure be controlled in elderly people?
  14. Research on atrial fibrillation.
  15. How may delirium be avoided?

Childhood Nursing Research Topics 

You can concentrate on children’s nursing topics if you’re interested in pediatric nursing. Here are some illustrations of study topics:

  1. The effect of antibiotics on children’s immunizations
  2. The results of environmental pollution exposure during childhood
  3. The consequences of exposure to secondhand smoke in adolescence
  4. Pediatric care ethics
  5. Genetics influences diabetes in children.
  6. Has newborn care advanced in the previous 50 years?
  7. Has the management of pediatric cancer changed?
  8. How has newborn care evolved over the past 50 years?
  9. How children’s health can affect their health as adults
  10. How well do pediatric malnutrition treatments work?
  11. How to deal with children’s psychological problems while they have physical ailments
  12. How to recognize and treat pediatric respiratory infections
  13. How to make inpatient hospitals’ child care better
  14. Preventing birth injuries to infants
  15. Preventing childhood malnutrition
  16. Consequences of environmental pollution exposure during pregnancy
  17. ADHD symptoms and treatments
  18. Strategies to prevent childhood obesity
  19. Pediatric antibiotic resistance 
  20. Stem cell treatments for pediatric illnesses
  21. The leading causes of child death
  22. Causes of childhood obesity.

Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

Mental Health Nursing Research Topics
  1. The origins of depression.
  2. Addiction disorders linked to alcohol.
  3. Diagnosis of schizophrenia.
  4. Physical Traumas and Treatment Techniques.
  5. Video games and teen hostility.
  6. Ethics for medical patients.
  7. Techniques for treating people living with dementia.
  8. Use of Prohibited Substances in Prevention.
  9. Depression sufferers who receive deep brain stimulation.
  10. Depression and weariness brought on by cancer.
  11. Medical Bioterrorism.
  12. Bipolar illness.
  13. PTSD’s effects on veterans of the army.
  14. Police officers experience stress.
  15. Examine the nurses’ mental health.
  16. The link between Alzheimer’s disease and air pollution
  17. Long-term cognitive impairment in elderly people due to vitamin D deficiency
  18. Meditation’s effects on people with cognitive impairment
  19. The comparison between selective mutism and social anxiety
  20. Post-traumatic stress disorder: fresh methods of protection

Topics on Mental Health Nursing Research

  1. Early identification in bipolar disorder and the risk factors 
  2. Depression sufferers’ response to deep brain stimulation
  3. Rebuilding people with schizophrenia’s sense of self
  4. Understanding phenomenology and personal experience in schizophrenia patients
  5. Genetic variables and bipolar disorder in families
  6. The success of cognitive behavioral therapy when treating panic attacks 
  7. The relationship between panic disorder and unhelpful conduct
  8. The relationship between OCD and brain inflammation 
  9. White matter anomalies in OCD patients
  10. TMS and therapy’s combined impact on depressed patients
  11. Stress-related changes in task performance in people with anxiety disorders
  12. Generalized anxiety disorder biological mechanisms
  13. Depression in postmenopausal women.
  14. Schizophrenia: genetic causes
  15. Environmental influences on schizophrenia
  16. Methods for adult diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder
  17. Techniques for spotting early-stage dementia
  18. Dopamine levels and autism spectrum disorders the relationship between the two
  19. Serotonin levels and autism spectrum disorders are related
  20. How screen time affects youngsters with ADHD’s inability to pay attention.

Nursing Research Topics on Mental Health

  1. Anorexia nervosa etiology
  2. How do sociocultural variables contribute to the emergence of eating disorders
  3. Treatment of agoraphobia: novel approaches
  4. Phobias and how to handle them
  5. Patterns of seasonal affective disorder in the summer and the winter
  6. Neurological variations in insomniacs
  7. Mood dysregulation disorder that is disruptive: brain processes and risk factors
  8. The physical reaction to a distressing event in PTSD patients
  9. Brain aspects of borderline personality disorder
  10. Music therapy’s effects on autistic teenagers
  11. The comparison between adverse childhood experiences and the emergence of borderline personality disorder
  12. Dialectical behavior therapy on borderline personality disorder patients
  13. Diagnosing psychogenic movement disorders
  14. Adverse childhood experiences: the long-term implications 
  15. Conduct disorder in children: measures to raise awareness.
  16. Body dysmorphic disorder: identification and management
  17. The use of brain imaging research to understand the causes underlying body dysmorphic disorder
  18. Adjustment disorder: identification and management
  19. Neurobiology and signs of schizotypal personality disorder
  20. How well exposure therapy works for treating PTSD

Nursing Research Topics on Pain Management

  1. Injection technique innovation.
  2. The usage of opioids for rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Methods for treating headaches.
  4. Opioids and bone repair.
  5. Physical pain relief.
  6. The phantom pains condition.
  7. Pain restricts evaluation.
  8. Pain control for patients with hemophilia.
  9. Therapeutic Injection Pros and Cons
  10. The debate surrounding botulinum toxin and pain management.

Adult Nursing Research Topics

Adult Nursing Research Topics

Adult nurses care for persons over the age of 18. If you want to study nursing in this area, you can choose from one of the following good nursing research paper topics:

  1. Evaluation of a region’s dental and oral health
  2. Understanding the cost-benefit ratio of healthcare
  3. Discussing the advantages of cooperative nursing
  4. Examining depression’s root causes
  5. Analyzing the variations in cardiovascular disease therapy across the sexes
  6. Observing dietary variations
  7. Examining the development of nursing and its place in healthcare
  8. Exploring how different cultures affect nursing in various nations
  9. Strategies that work to keep nurses’ emotional well-being
  10. Adult healthcare data collecting ethics
  11. The development of nursing during a specific period
  12. Analysis of past eating problem treatments and current therapies
  13. Alternative therapies for bipolar illnesses
  14. Techniques for nurses to prevent the acquisition and spread of infectious diseases
  15. The morality of euthanasia.
  16. Acute coronary syndrome therapy
  17. Previous anxiety disorder treatments
  18. A history of migraine treatments with illustrations and analyses
  19. Restless leg syndrome treatment
  20. Recurring anxiety disorder triggers

Nursing Research Topics on Pain Management for Exam

  1. Rehabilitating from myofascial pain 
  2. A portable pain unit.
  3. How well does cognitive hypnotherapy work for treating pain?
  4. Benson’s relaxation technique for treating pain.
  5. Management of abdominal pain.
  6. Spinal cord nerve damage brought on by persistent constipation.
  7. Cancer patients’ pain management.
  8. Control of pain during labor and delivery.
  9. Pediatric dental pain management.
  10. Alternatives to prescription drugs for chronic pain.

Primary Health Care Nursing Topics

  1. Assess the economics of primary healthcare.
  2. Techniques for financing healthcare.
  3. The morality of primary healthcare data collection.
  4. Equipment for evaluating the quality of medical care.
  5. The system of private mental health treatment providers.
  6. Contemporary immunization campaigns in rural and distant places.
  7. Participation of a local pharmacist in medical care.
  8. Treatment before conception.
  9. Things to think about when choosing primary care.
  10. Advice in primary care should come with evidence.
  11. Benefits and Drawbacks of Medical Care in Patients’ Homes.
  12. Health care system models.
  13. Community health nurses’ functions.
  14. Contrast the public and private healthcare systems.
  15. Home health care for patients with disabilities.

Health Care Management Nursing Research Topics

  1. The nursing uniform code.
  2. Home healthcare services.
  3. Guidelines for managing medical marijuana.
  4. Restrictions in healthcare contracts.
  5. Legal pitfalls for patients who don’t speak English.
  6. The nursing profession’s gender bias.
  7. A lack of men working in healthcare.
  8. Establishing a medical practice of one’s own.
  9. Clinical referral systems routes.
  10. Are healthcare professionals tech-savvy?
  11. A case manager’s function in the clinical pathways.
  12. Medical choices and apology legislation.
  13. The use of case management in the delivery of healthcare.
  14. Medicare’s benefits and drawbacks
  15. The standard of medical care provided in US asylums.

Midwifery Nursing Research Topics

A nurse who has completed midwifery training cares for women before, during, and after pregnancy. You could research the subject if you want to pursue a career in midwifery. The following are some examples of topics in this area:

  1. Caseload and care quality analysis for underrepresented groups
  2. Research on women with autism and their experiences giving birth
  3. Examining typical baby and neonatal feeding issues
  4. Investigating mother-child ties when receiving postpartum care
  5. Discussing remedies for postpartum depression
  6. Analysis of the dangers of older mothers 6. Analysis of changes in midwifery practice 7.
  7. A study of spirituality in nursing
  8. A review of midwifery teamwork
  9. Examining the results of care delivered over the phone during postnatal care
  10. Case studies of successful births
  11. Case studies of happy postpartum outcomes
  12. Minority communities’ history with midwifery
  13. Dealing with difficult deliveries as a parent
  14. Rural areas’ practices for midwives
  15. Labor pain management without drugs
  16. Non-pharmacological mental illness treatment during postpartum care
  17. Treatment of mental problems during pregnancy without drugs
  18. Midwifery’s role in emergency care
  19. Newborn skin care and hygiene
  20. Care for people with disabilities after giving birth
  21. Pregnancy-related disability treatment
  22. Pregnancy-related hypertension therapies
  23. Strategies to involve fathers in prenatal and postpartum care

Nursing Research Topics on Obstetrics

  1. Delivery room conduct
  2. The compatibility of music therapy and breastfeeding.
  3. Benefits of bathing with water
  4. Difficulties in saving a mother and child.
  5. Delivery and labor management procedures.
  6. Hypertensive disease causes
  7. Preterm delivery
  8. The significance of understanding menstrual menopause.
  9. The moral side of abortion care.
  10. Resuscitation guidelines for newborns.
  11. Why might a mother’s health be in danger during birth?
  12. Advice on prenatal care.
  13. Gynecology in adolescents
  14. Preparation for a cesarean section.
  15. Modern obstetrical tendencies.

Elderly Nursing Research Topics 

Elderly Nursing Research Topics 

Providing care for patients typically older than 65 is known as elderly nursing. Consider selecting good nursing research paper topics emphasizing caring for elderly patients if you are interested. Some of the topics include:

  1. Age-related cardiovascular decline factors
  2. Examining the issues that result from prolonged hospital stays
  3. Researching the connection between nutrition and dementia
  4. Examining how aging affects the immune system
  5. Examining the physical environment impact of the 
  6. on functional decline
  7. Examining elderly adults’ nutritional indicators
  8. Examining the function of nurses in advanced care planning
  9. Techniques for bettering older people’ pain management
  10. Case studies of older persons who received immunizations
  11. Parkinson’s illness case study
  12. Use of physical constraints on elderly patients in a moral manner
  13. Critical care ethics for elderly patients
  14. Medical emergencies involving elderly individuals receiving cancer therapy
  15. Senior patient fall and injury prevention
  16. Techniques for enhancing senior people’ oral health
  17. Strategies to help older individuals better identify dehydration
  18. Methods for treating aging persons’ altered sensory systems
  19. Cardiovascular risk management
  20. Care for senior citizens with joint problems
  21. Alzheimer’s disease therapies
  1. How can nursing communities be strengthened?
  2. Health care dangers in the modern era.
  3. The fundamental ethics of patient care.
  4. Programs for disease prevention and control.
  5. A child’s healthy lifestyle and parental responsibilities.
  6. The importance of family involvement in primary care.
  7. Telemedicine’s advantages and drawbacks.
  8. The morality of medical sales promotion campaigns.
  9. The Pharmacist’s Duty.
  10. Overweight people’s mental stability.
  11. The function of school nurses.
  12. Instruction on safe sexual behavior for adolescents.
  13. Barriers to quitting smoking.
  14. Social Work and the Specialist in Health Promotion.
  15. Sport and a Dietary Plan.

Women Health Nursing Research Topics

Women of all ages receive care from a women’s health nurse. You could be interested in one of the good nursing research paper topics if you want to treat women’s health issues:

  1. Examining emotional premenstrual syndrome symptoms
  2. Studying methods to reduce sexually transmitted illnesses
  3. Research on women’s sleep disorders
  4. Evaluation of menopausal treatments
  5. Discussing immigrant women’s healthcare
  6. Disparities in women’s health between cultures
  7. Breast cancer diagnosis process
  8. Issues with Women’s sexual health
  9. The success rate in breast cancer screening programs
  10. Environmental elements that increase the likelihood of infertility
  11. Ethics in women’s health. 
  12. Ethical treatment of infertility.
  13. Factors that help women become pregnant
  14. The gender pay gap among medical professions
  15. Women’s acne treatments

Interesting Nursing Research Topics

  1. A clinical nurse’s function.
  2. Management of critical care nurses.
  3. Concerns about a distant intensive care unit.
  4. The theoretical work in nursing.
  5. Fundamental gynecological rules
  6. Professional work and career.
  7. A nurse’s role in managing anxiety.
  8. Nursing professionals.
  9. The ideal way to force seniors to eat.
  10. Diversity in the medical field
  11. Morality and how to approach homeless people.
  12. How can I choose a safe course of treatment?
  13. Qualifications required for the nursing profession.
  14. Techniques for reducing stress for night shifts.
  15. The future of nursing in the digital era.

Health Promotion Research Topics in Nursing

Health Promotion Research Topics in Nursing
  1. Seniors’ preventive health practices
  2. Innovative strategies for aging adults to maintain a healthy lifestyle
  3. New methods for communicating and exchanging preventative medicine information
  4. Senior citizen exercise activities in the community
  5. Seniors’ programs to manage late-life sadness
  6. Organizing worthwhile activities with senior citizens to lessen melancholy symptoms
  7. Quitting smoking: a study of the challenges
  8. Tips for stopping smoking: modern methods
  9. Youth Inactivity: Awareness-Gaining Strategies
  10. Obesity health promotion techniques
  11. Youth motivation to overcome inactive behavior
  12. Promoting children’s participation in sports and other physical activities
  13. Innovative strategies for teaching youngsters the value of having a positive body image
  14. New educational tactics for using social media to promote a healthy lifestyle
  15. Changing one’s diabetes lifestyle
  16. Innovative strategies for raising cancer screening rates
  17. New methods for encouraging cancer prevention practices
  18. Workplace wellness initiatives to promote healthy behavior
  19. Workplace health and safety initiatives for those who operate in hazardous environments
  20. New Approaches to Workplace Health Promotion for low-paid Employees
  21. Non-occupational variables in the general environment: methods for bringing them to people’s attention 
  22. New strategies to increase workers’ participation in determining the working environment
  23. Using the award system to encourage involvement in workplace projects

Nursing Health Promotion Research Topics

  1. Innovative methods to lessen exposure to cancer risk factors
  2. Secondhand smoke effects: methods for increasing awareness
  3. Healthy eating practices as a strategy for reducing the emergence of malignancies linked to diet
  4. How to raise awareness of the link between fat and cancer
  5. Alcohol as a cancer risk factor: strategies to increase awareness
  6. UV radiation and skin cancer: methods of awareness-building
  7. A leading cause of death in wealthy nations is physical inactivity
  8. Promoting physical exercise among those from low-income backgrounds: difficulties and possibilities
  9. Challenges and possibilities in promoting physical activity among people with impairments.
  10. Strategies for influencing children’s eating patterns and behavior
  11. The effectiveness of initiatives for sex education in schools
  12. Cyberbullying: methods for prevention and awareness-building
  13. Workplace policies: encouragement of depression management
  14. The success of school-based health promotion
  15. The significance of school-based treatments in reducing mental health issues in children
  16. Brain health programs: developing fresh ideas on a shoestring budget
  17. Exercise your brain by comprehending fundamental ideas
  18. New methods for sharing important health information with the general public
  19. Strategies for increasing public understanding of the methods used to spread infectious diseases
  20. Promoting children’s health education for healthy early development

Women’s Health Nursing Research Topics

Women of all ages receive care from a women’s health nurse. You could be interested in one of the following subjects if you want to treat women’s health issues:

  1. Examining emotional premenstrual syndrome symptoms
  2. Studying methods to reduce sexually transmitted illnesses
  3. Research on women’s sleep disorders
  4. Evaluation of menopausal treatments
  5. Discussing immigrant women’s healthcare
  6. Disparities in women’s health between cultures
  7. Breast cancer diagnosis process
  8. Issues with Women’s sexual health
  9. The success rate in breast cancer screening programs
  10. Environmental elements that increase the likelihood of infertility
  11. Ethics in women’s health 
  12. Ethical treatment of infertility.
  13. Factors that help women become pregnant
  14. The gender pay gap among medical professions
  15. Women’s acne treatments

Good Nursing Research Paper Topics for Current Events

  1. Primary Healthcare Data Collection Ethics
  2. Analysis of primary care’s economics
  3. Contemporary Vaccination Programs in Rural and Remote Areas
  4. Childcare Services in the Mental Health Service System of the Private Sector Primary Care Integration in Healthcare
  5. Symptoms that Go Undiagnosed in the ER Participation of a local pharmacist in medical practice Medical Care Quality Evaluation Methods
  6. Social workers and health promotion experts
  7. The morality of medical sales promotion efforts
  8. Programs to prevent and control disease
  9. Risks of health care in the digital age
  10. How Nurses Can Boost Patient Movement in the Emergency Room

Good Nursing Research Topics in Psychiatry

Patients whose brain chemistry or mental functions are compromised receive care from a mental health nurse. If you’re interested in mental health, choose one of the good nursing research paper topics:

  1. ADHD treatment methods
  2. Examining the effects of meditation therapy on people with impaired cognitive development
  3. Researching mirror treatment for brain recovery
  4. Examining the anorexia risk factors
  5. Research into how dopamine levels relate to autism
  6. Investigation into the relationship between screen time and ADHD
  7. Examining the connection between cancer and fatigue or sadness
  8. Studying dementia sufferers’ therapies
  9. Advantages of antipsychotic medication in preventing delirium
  10. ADHD medications that use chemical stimulants
  11. Identification of bipolar disorder and its risk.
  12. Social media’s impact on mental health
  13. Environment-related factors and Alzheimer’s disease
  14. The role of genetics in bipolar disorder
  15. Techniques for identifying and assisting victims of intimate partner abuse
  16. Post-traumatic stress disorder prevention strategies
  17. Interventions to help stroke victims in restoring their motor skills
  18. Recognizing individual experiences and self-identity in schizophrenia

Nursing Research Topics

  1. Using abdominal massage to reduce residual gastric volumes in critically ill patients.
  2. How effective are the methods for helping victims of domestic violence?
  3. Evaluating how well emergency medical services respond to car accidents.
  4. How effective are efforts to prevent sexually transmitted infections among women?
  5. How well do the techniques used to address nurses’ emotional health work?
  6. Human resource development What are the best ways to increase the production of nurses?
  7. A more thorough examination of how nursing evolved in the 20th century.
  8. How may the risk of contracting an infectious disease be reduced?
  9. Investigating the effectiveness of non-pharmacological pain relief methods for adolescents.
  10. How can children with life-threatening conditions best manage their pain?

Pain Management Nursing Research Topics

Care for people who require pain alleviation or assistance managing chronic pain is known as pain management. Consider some of the following subjects if pain management nursing interests you:

  1. Analyzing non-pharmacological efficiency in pain relief in teenagers
  2. The role of nurses in pain management
  3. Post-operative pain management strategies in patients using chemicals and other methods
  4. The efficiency of pain relief techniques in cancer patients
  5. The background and recommended methods of cognitive hypnotherapy for pain management
  6. Nursing-related drug trends for pain management
  7. Hemophilia and the treatment of pain
  8. Remedies for persistent pain

Health Care Management Nursing Research Topics

Health Care Management Nursing Research Topics

The business of nursing is the primary emphasis of research in health care management, as opposed to patient care. Consider concentrating on one of the good nursing research paper topics if administrative work is of interest to you:

  1. Evaluating the caliber of medical treatment provided in outpatient clinics
  2. Medical ethics for the homeless
  3. Assessing diversity in the medical field
  4. Setting nursing uniform code standards for ethics
  5. Examining nursing’s gender roles
  6. Evaluate the lack of men in the medical field
  7. Discussing the future of nursing and the impact of digital technology
  8. Hospital human resource management
  9. Rural practice leadership 10. Leadership in emergency room management
  10. Ways to improve staff relationships in the healthcare industry
  11. Nurse leadership education 13. Routes from nursing to medicine
  12. Future of nursing and remote care

Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics

Here are a few subjects to assist you with the EBP research topic. 

  1. Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: Rating Systems
  2. EBP Expertise
  3. Training in EBP
  4. Nurses’ Misconceptions About Evidence-Based Practices
  5. The growth of EBP nursing
  6. EBP and Management
  7. Obstacles New Nurses Face with EBP
  8. Promotion of EBP and Quality Care
  9. Nursing EBP Guide
  10. Primary Care EBP

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Topics

Examples of quantitative and qualitative research approaches are provided below so people can learn how to use them in their careers.

  1. Assisting patients with acute psychosis: a quantitative and qualitative study
  2. Qualitative and quantitative methods of research
  3. Myths and reality about generalization in quantitative and qualitative research
  4. Mixed, quantitative, and qualitative research: the best approach for nursing
  5. The limits of quantitative research
  6. Qualitative analysis and sample selection
  7. How to conduct a qualitative data analysis
  8. Combination techniques for mental health support
  9. A study of mothers’ satisfaction with postpartum nursing care, quantitative and qualitative
  10. Pediatric nursing qualitative research mistakes

Critical Care Nursing Research Topics

Critical care nursing (CCN) knowledge is crucial for everything from stress management in nurses to practical techniques and tactics applicable to adult and child care.

  1. The Gray Gorilla Syndrome is one
  2. Stress in Critical Care and Its Management
  3. Grief Experience in Critical Care Units
  4. Critical Care Nursing Decision-Making
  5. CCN technologies
  6. Children’s Post-Surgery CCN
  7. New Nurse Simulator Training in the Critical Care Unit
  8. Critical care nurses’ patient safety
  9. The CCN and LGBTQ Patients
  10. CCN and Organ Donation

Pain Management Nursing Research Topics 

Pain management is one of the fundamental medical skills a nurse should know before working with patients. These subjects are devoted to this idea.

  1. Assessment of attitudes and beliefs towards pain
  2. What Consequences Could Ineffective Pain Management Have?
  3. A nurse’s evaluation of surgical pain
  4. Medical or Natural Pain Management Following Surgery
  5. Treating Pain in Elderly Patients
  6. Practical Pain Management for Chronic Conditions
  7. Pain Control for Cancer Patients
  8. Children’s Post-Operative Pain Assessment
  9. Pain management techniques used in the pediatric department
  10. Pain management medication trends that nurses should be aware of

Emergency Nursing Research Topics

A nurse should know many good nursing research paper topics before reporting for duty. They provide medical assistance in emergencies that require a great deal of responsibility from the person in charge.

  1. Case study: intuition for emergency aid workers
  2. The level of anxiety among emergency room staff
  3. Violence against nursing staff in the ER
  4. Techniques for accurate pain assessment by emergency nurses
  5. EN interventions in women following abdominal surgery
  6. How nurses can improve patient flow in the emergency department
  7. Attacks by patients on emergency nurses
  8. Pediatric emergency room: the nurse’s position
  9. Strategies for stress reduction and burnout prevention in emergency nurses
  10. Help in emergency rooms in the future

Obstetrics Nursing Research Topics

Let’s be honest: the standard of care provided in OB/GYN cabinets pretty much determines the standard of our extinction as a species. Because of this, every nurse must be as qualified and competent as possible.

  1. A case study on the impact of gender on obstetric nurses
  2. High-definition simulation education for obstetric nursing
  3. Social factors affecting obstetrics 
  4. EBP during obstetric care
  5. Requirements for every successful obstetric nurse
  6. Guidelines for obstetric nurses
  7. How to handle nurse abuse in the obstetrics unit by patients
  8. Case study: rural and urban obstetric nursing
  9. Practices for obstetric assistance in cabinets around the world
  10. Women’s depressive symptoms and the obstetrics nurse’s role in managing them

Neonatal Nursing Research Topics

  1. Preventing nurses from interacting with young mothers
  2. Palliative care for newborns
  3. Technology in neonatal intensive care
  4. Obstacles to neonatal care: information for young practitioners
  5. Exposure to risk during neonatal nursing
  6. Neonatal unit pain management
  7. Nursing support to encourage motherhood 
  8. Noise reduction in the neonatal unit
  9. Nurse perspective on parent visitation management in neonatal units
  10. Neonatal hypothermia: nursing intervention mapping

Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

Assisting those who have a mental illness is a very responsible mission. You must therefore study its idiosyncrasies in your medical school. To succeed, you might also require the assistance of a nursing paper writing service.

  1. Patients at military hospitals: therapy for mental health
  2. Mental health: elements of a successful partnership between nurses, patients, and family
  3. Emotional toil in psychiatric facilities
  4. Culturally diverse mental practices
  5. A history of medical assistance for mental health
  6. Acute patients in mental institutions: nursing interventions
  7. Social control and management in the mental health department: a nurse’s perspective on what it lacks 
  8. Mental health education: a nurse’s perspective on what it lacks
  9. A correlation between mental health and physical well-being
  10. Techniques for child mental health

Women’s Health Nursing Research Topics

Many variables affect women care success, and it is the responsibility of a new professional to be aware of them.

  1. Women’s health concerns throughout life
  2. Cultural disparities in Medical assistance for women’s health
  3. Nursing care for maternity and women’s health: mistakes to avoid
  4. Women’s health nursing and postpartum stress
  5. Immigrants’ health in women
  6. What a nurse can do to impact health literacy on women’s health
  7. A qualitative study of women’s mental health assistance
  8. The moral obligation in medical aid for women’s health
  9. A model of women’s health medical assistance from the United States
  10. Nursing care for women’s health: a feminist perspective

Ethically Good Nursing Research Paper Topics

A competent nurse is aware of the boundaries between what is morally acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

  1. The value of ethical behavior
  2. What is immoral? A nurse’s view
  3. A manual for making ethical decisions in the intensive care unit
  4. What kind of nurse is moral?
  5. Nursing elderly patients with mental illness: ethical issues
  6. Emergency room nurses’ code of ethics
  7. Cultural competence
  8. Holistic, ethical healthcare methods
  9. A case study on end-of-life nursing ethics
  10. Moral distress in routine medical care: a moral perspective

Nursing Intervention Research Topics

Practices involving nursing intervention (NI) are crucial components of any medical school curriculum. You can use this list to study if you don’t want to pay for a medical research paper.

  1. The Use of NI in Patients After Cardiac Arrest
  2. NI and abdominal surgery
  3. When It Makes Sense, the Music Plays as NI
  4. Family-centered care and NI
  5. Foot massage as an NI for cancer patients
  6. National Insurance for Patients with Cancer
  7. Use of Animals in Pediatric Nursing
  8. Using NI before surgery to lessen anxiety
  9. Adult care approach to NI Art Therapy 
  10. How to create an effective NI for ER?

Nursing Leadership Paper Topics 

  1. Leadership approaches
  2. Leadership roles and priorities at the pediatric unit 
  3. Leadership within ER management 
  4. Nursing leadership: how to become a leader.
  5. Rural leadership practices: ways to lead
  6. A correlation study on leadership and patient outcomes
  7. Training in nursing for leadership positions
  8. Clinical nursing leadership
  9. Nursing leadership evolution 
  10. Why patients matter in leadership

Nurse Practitioner Research Topics

  1. Nurse practitioner trial
  2. Nurse Practitioners Primary Care
  3. Research on the effectiveness of nurse practitioners
  4. Analyzing a Community Health Center’s Nurse Practitioner Role
  5. A Manual for Becoming a Successful Nurse Practitioner
  6. General Practice Nurse Practitioner
  7. Tasks for a New Nurse Practitioner
  8. How to Evaluate Patients’ Satisfaction
  9. Nurse Practitioner Transition of Roles: Changing Units 
  10. A Private Clinic Nurse Practitioner Role, Managing vs. Assisting
  11. Nurse Practitioner Administration

Psychiatric Nursing Research Topics

  1. Psychiatric Theory in practice: what does not work for nurses 
  2. Psychiatric care plans for nurses
  3. Modern psychiatric nursing practices
  4. The knowledge of cultural ethics in psychiatric
  5. Occupational therapy in the provision of psychiatric medical care
  6. Working in a psychiatric unit with young patients
  7. Qualifications for a psychiatric nurse 
  8. Stigmatization of nurses in psychiatric practice
  9. Fostering a social dialogue from the perspective of a psychiatric nurse
  10. Safe psychiatric nursing skills.

Child Nursing Research Topics

One of the most specialized areas of medicine is pediatric care. Children are just like adults but unable to identify the problem, which makes treatment all the more challenging.

Writing research papers on child nursing can be done in various methods to investigate various themes. Here are some of our most intriguing ideas for child nursing.

  1. The primary causes of pediatric seizures 
  2. Pediatric care ethics 
  3. A healthy diet and child obesity
  4. Examining Social Media’s Effect on Children’s Eating Patterns 
  5. Examining Speech Disorder Therapy
  6. The Best Newborn Resuscitation Techniques
  7. Children’s Needs for Critical Care
  8. The Most Effective Treatments for Childhood Malnutrition
  9. The “Country Name Leading “’s Causes of Child Mortality
  10. Causes of ADHD in Children and New Treatments

Midwifery Nursing Research Paper Topics

Midwives are medical specialists who receive the least attention. Being a midwife is a unique career choice; they will always be there when babies are born. You may learn many things as a midwife to raise the standard of care you offer.

But don’t worry; there are eleven good nursing research paper topics in midwifery that you can use for your upcoming test.

  1. Obese pregnant women should follow these necessary safety precautions.
  2. Techniques for Assessing the Effect of Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping
  3. The New Trends in Gynecology and Obstetrics
  4. Why Vitamin D Supplementation Is Important During Pregnancy
  5. The Postnatal Period and Mental Health
  6. How to Improve Maternal and Neonatal Care in Rural Areas
  7. The Common Risks Associated with Labor in Water and How to Prevent Them 
  8. The Effects of AIDS and Hepatitis B on Pregnant Women
  9. The Value of Antenatal Consultations
  10. Common Challenges of Gestational Weight Gain

Elderly Care Nursing Research Topics 

Elderly Care Nursing Research Topics 

Being a midwife is different from caring for newborns, and caring for the elderly is another. The elderly require complex care. Geriatric patients are quite diverse and require a specific approach with each patient, compared to pregnant women. They are typically all thrilled about their pregnancy or fall into some group.

Elderly care is one of the most challenging and one of the most rewarding nursing specialties. In light of this, the following ten geriatric care concerns should be in your consideration:

  1. Examining Geriatric Care Ethics
  2. Criteria for Critical Care in Elderly Care
  3. Elderly Patients with Strokes and Cerebrovascular Disease
  4. What Causes Restless Legs Syndrome and How to Treat It
  5. Examining Geriatric Care from a Holistic Perspective
  6. The Best Ways to Lower Your Cardiovascular Risks
  7. The Most Effective Nursing Techniques for Taking Care of Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease
  8. The Atrial Fibrillation Study
  9. The Most Powerful Treatment for Bladder Cancer
  10. The Most Common Joint Conditions in Older People

Primary Healthcare Nursing Topics

The majority of people’s health issues go within primary healthcare. It is by far the most critical part of nursing and calls for a clear strategy. If you choose basic healthcare as a larger topic, you have many alternatives as someone studying nursing or writing a research paper.

When several choices are available, settling on one that isn’t all that fantastic is possible. In light of this, why not adopt one of our ideas from the list below, all of which are intriguing, entertaining, and above all, unique?

  1. The Effectiveness of Probiotics in Treating Diarrhea
  2. Benefits and Drawbacks of Public and Private Healthcare Systems
  3. Vaccination Programs: Examining the Advantages and Possibilities Drawbacks
  4. The Typical Mistakes Primary Health Care Service Providers Make
  5. How Did the System of Mental Health Services Change as a Result of Private Healthcare Providers?
  6. Being Aware of the Various Nursing Credential Levels and Job Requirements
  7. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Medical Care in Patients’ Homes
  8. Nurses in Schools: Essential Skills, the Role, and the Future
  9. Public Healthcare Facility Assessment Methods’ Effectiveness
  10. Examining Data Collection Ethics in Public Healthcare Facilities: Patient Privacy Rights

Nursing Careers Research Topics

Even as a profession, nursing is incredibly challenging but thrilling and gratifying. It’s not for everyone, just like a lot of other things, but those who choose nursing as a career often succeed in it.

Most jobs in the healthcare industry are in nursing, and the medical field offers many openings. Top subjects relating to nursing as a career include the following:

  1. A comparison of private and public healthcare systems’ diversity
  2. How is technology influencing nursing in the future?
  3. Assessing the Benefits and Drawbacks of a Remote Intensive Care Unit
  4. The Best Practices to Support Nurses’ Physical and Mental Health
  5. Clinical Nurses: Examining the Key Positions and Duties
  6. Care for and Treatment of Homeless People
  7. The Nursing Professionals Who Have Permanently Changed Nursing
  8. Different Nursing Theories and How They Affect Contemporary Nursing Practices
  9. Stress Management Techniques for Critical Care Nurses
  10. Nursing Career Service and Professional Role in Health Promotion

Exciting Subjects for Nursing Research

The nurse’s job is still quite intriguing compared to many other professions. It may not be as thrilling or as well compensated as being a brain surgeon. Consider that working with people adds a whole new dimension to the employment of a nurse. You not only have to deal with a myriad of chores each day as a nurse.

To say that the profession is exciting is an understatement, but writing a research paper on the specific factors that make nursing enjoyable, which you can accomplish by choosing one of the ten subjects listed below, is not an understatement.

  1. Innovative and cutting-edge technologies in clinical cardiology
  2. The most powerful sleep disorder treatments
  3. Menopause-related common problems
  4. Examining the ethical issues with euthanasia
  5. Hypertensive diseases: reasons for and solutions to
  6. Preparing for a cesarean section: indications
  7. Distinctions between complementary and alternative medicine
  8. Type ii diabetes’s root causes
  9. Night shifts and nursing: the most effective stress reduction strategies
  10. Breast cancer prevention: investigating the best practices

Leading 10 Nursing Research Topics

  1. How is the layout of psychiatric wards related to violent behavior?
  2. How might electronic nursing records benefit patient outcomes?
  3. Do changes brought on by dementia that take place in the brain hurt?
  4. How might tweet reminders assist young people who have type 1 diabetes to keep their blood sugar levels lower?
  5. How well does yoga work as a lymphedema treatment for cancer patients?
  6. How many peer support interventions help stop female high school students from dying with suicide?
  7. Is it possible to relate the schedule and location of appointments for suicide prevention to the suicide rates among veterans?
  8. What can be done to increase operating rooms’ sustainability?
  9. What part do nurse supervisors play in preventing nursing staff turnover?
  10. How can cachexia be avoided in cancer patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy?

Types of Nursing Research

You must employ a specific research design when producing nursing research. The method you choose relies on your study question. Both qualitative and quantitative nursing research subjects are possible.

Quantitative Research in Nursing

Quantitative research aims to gather empirical data through generalization and deduction. It entails assembling data to support or contradict a particular theory and determining if the findings can be broadly applied to a bigger population.

Both non-experimental and experimental designs are possible for quantitative research.

Non-experimental designs entail a depiction of what takes place involuntarily and organically. They are typically ineffective for generating forecasts and for identifying causes and consequences. There are several categories for non-experimental designs:

  1. Descriptive. Descriptive studies concentrate on topics and phenomena that have yet to receive much prior study. You describe it, determine how frequently it happens, and classify the learned knowledge.
  2. Correlational. The goal of correlational investigations is to examine the connections between the variables. You should analyze the measures, review the outcomes and show the statistics.

The researcher must exercise careful control over the experiment. They can be applied to make forecasts as well as cause-and-effect connections. The following categories classify experimental designs:

  1. True experimental designs – the study of cause-and-effect connections in a controlled setting, examining two randomly allocated groups of patients who are given various therapies.
  2. Quasi-experimental designs – exclude random assignment from genuine experiments.

Qualitative Nursing Research

Studies in qualitative research emphasize the individual’s personal experience. Interviews, notes, and diaries are used to observe and communicate with patients. It is common to utilize induction to gather data supporting a theory without extrapolating the findings.

Four different types of qualitative research study designs exist:

  1. Phenomenology. Empirical research aims to describe a phenomenon as a particular person experiences it. Choose participants in this study who are familiar with the specific phenomenon. You gather data from each participant before concluding.
  2. Grounded Theory. This kind of research covers the impact of social processes on individuals. The subjects themselves, as well as their loved ones, spouses, etc., would need to be interviewed. After that, you combine the evidence into a single theory.
  3. Ethnography. This study methodology comes from a particular culture’s impact on people. It entails describing distinctive characteristics of a culture from an insider’s viewpoint.
  4. Narrative research. A research study design called narrative inquiry bases its interpretation on the participants’ narratives. After your subjects provide their stories about their experiences, you assess them. The narratives’ contents and structure both need to be considered.

FAQs About Nursing Research

How Does Nursing Research Work?

Research done by nurses in the course of their profession is called nursing research. They can gather information about the efficacy of various treatments. Nursing research predicts patient outcomes for those unwell or injured and shows the validity of new medical techniques.

The importance of nursing research

For the medical industry, nurses’ scientific work is crucial. By presenting novel ideas that challenge established procedures, nurses advance the field of medicine. Typically, their research aims to improve nursing practices and professional practice. Both physical and emotional wellness are covered.

What Is a Source of Nursing Research?

Nursing research primarily draws on scientific knowledge and experience. Because it enables you to witness and learn about numerous medical issues firsthand, your personal experience as a nurse is very significant. After that, the acquired data is evaluated and analyzed using scientific understanding.

What Does Nursing Research Sampling Theory Mean?

In medicine, sampling theory is the study of acquiring data about a population while looking at a portion of it. To do that, you must get samples from a group of people who are similar in some way. The entire population then estimates a statistic. Sampling is typical in nursing research because it enables conclusions without putting them to the whole test.

What Does Nursing Qualitative Research Entail?

Nursing qualitative research aims to learn more about the individualized experiences of patients. Typically, it takes the form of interviews, journals, and notes. It is frequently utilized in psychology and aids in comprehending complex occurrences. On occasion, interviews with nurses concerning their working circumstances are conducted. By continuously learning from their experiences, nurses can improve their profession through this kind of study.

How can auxiliary variables be managed in nursing research?

Unrelated factors could impact your research’s findings, potentially jeopardizing its validity. Although they are challenging to manage, the following measures can be taken to lessen their influence:

  1. As evenly as possible, divide the subjects into treatment and control groups.
  2. Align your samples by equally dispersing persons with diverse characteristics like age and gender.
  3. Keep your objective by avoiding prejudice.
  4. Use statistical analysis to account for the influence of unrelated variables on the outcomes.


There are a variety of good nursing research paper topics to choose from. Examine your preferences and develop a concept for a project. Contact us if you need help sourcing good nursing research paper topics. We have professional nurses and nursing writers to help you write your paper. They offer nursing paper writing services, guaranteeing good grades within the stipulated time. Call us today and benefit from our experience, expertise, and industry knowledge.

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