300+ Essay Topics and Ideas

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One of the most challenging writing tasks is sifting through essay topics and ideas to get the ideal one. Students are often advised to write about something they are passionate about or are interested in. On the other hand, there is no good answer when choosing a topic to write about. However, there are a few steps you can put in place to perform a perfect brainstorming of your ideas. When you already have several topics, it will be evident that some topics will fit better in some essays than others.

Therefore, the discussion points are supposed to be picked after one understands the type of essay you are required to write about. Our well-thought-out process will help you settle on a good topic from the listed cause-and-effect essay topic ideas. 

Tips and Tricks for Choosing Winning Essay Topics and Ideas

  • Make a list of all your ideas – this will give you a wider range of topics you can choose from. Among the list, choose a topic under your interests.
  • Think of arguable statements – as the idea is self-explanatory, ask your teacher to assist with this if you have trouble choosing one.
  • Find information about the topic – you can use the book in the library or even surf the internet and acquire the necessary information.
  • You do not find enough information if you pick a topic and look through many sources. Then you are supposed to choose another topic because you do not want to get into a dead end.


Essay Topics and Ideas on COVID-19 

Essay Topics and Ideas

Expectedly, covid-19 stormed into the planet when nobody was expecting it. It was hard to keep from our day-to-day activities, the months of isolation and homed-shelter that ordered effects were evident. Amongst the experiences that each one will never forget is how the virus ravaged communities. Our professional writing services has interesting essay topics and ideas on this subject:

  1. Pets and covid-19, what should you know?
  2. Covid-19, how is it going to change our life?
  3. Self-isolation, the pros and cons?
  4. Relating to the period of quarantine, the lessons learned?
  5. What were the challenges faced during the pandemic?
  6. Concerning covid-19, the death of close people?
  7. During covid-19, how was the schooling?
  8. The panic caused by mass media during the pandemic?
  9. Concerning the pandemic, what charity that you take part in?
  10. The worker who worked hard to protect us during the quarantine period? 
  11. During the covid-19 period, what achievements do you make on your level?
  12. During the covid-19 pandemic, the dynamics of a relationship?
  13. In accordance with quarantine, the thing that you enjoyed?
  14. What could have been done to manage the spread of the virus?
  15. Following the covid-19 backlash against Asian Americans?
  16. In accordance with the preventive measure, how are they implemented into our day-to-day life?
  17. How could we stay safe and healthy during the quarantine period and the pandemic session?
  18. Concerning the future of COVID-19 – vaccines relating to a strong immune system 
  19. In the self-isolation period, the mental health?

 Essay Topics and Ideas By Category 

Essay Topics

As we have indicated above, the topic of your essay will depend on how the essay will be written. The essay styles are usually several, requiring a student to know each one of them. Below are some of the essay topics that our professionals have broken down into four main groups:

Group 1

Persuasive Essay Writing – on a certain position, the writer must write on a specific topic and defend it using credible facts. Argumentative essays, persuasive and research essays usually also fit in this category.

Group 2

Explanatory Writing – in this group, the main aim is to present factual and credible information. In simpler words, present facts about your essay’s main topic. Research, cause & effect, explanatory, and informative essays also fit this category.

Group 3

Descriptive Writing – this type of essay will let the writer unleash the artist in them through coherent vocabulary and ideas so that the writer can clearly explain the idea. In simpler words, you are required to describe a concept. The descriptive and the definition essay also in this category.

Group 4 

Narrative Writing – this type of essay is usually common to students, but in other and simpler terms, it requires the writer to write and narrate/tell an interesting story. Here the story is supposed to be presented in a manner that is in chronological order. 

As per the essay style types, below are different essay topics for each category.

Cause and Effect Essays Topics and Ideas

The cause-and-effect essay explains how one thing gives rise to another. The cause-and-effect method is common and is often used at college and high school levels. In this essay format, the students are given a chance to describe how some things are connected. The other name for a cause-and-effect essay is “reason and result”.

Below are the Cause and Effect Essay Topics and Ideas

  1. One being optimistic how does impact one’s immunity 
  2. To reduce environmental impacts and improve one’s health, people should use bicycles instead of cars.
  3. About communication skills, how do social media impact the skill?
  4. Going to college, are the people more successful?
  5. The long-distance relationship, do they last?
  6. Prevention of kid’s obesity by exercise?
  7. The leading cause of homelessness can be drug and alcohol abuse.
  8. The species extinction concerning global warming.
  9. What are panic attacks, and what are their causes?
  10. What is bulimia? What are its consequences?
  11. The healthy weight loss and portion control?
  12. Concerning a healthy marriage, is communication key?
  13. In relation to a child’s growth, the electronic devices and their influence?
  14. The improvement of communication skills can be impacted by peer interaction.
  15. Concerning human genes, the effect impacted by GMO 
  16. How does the production of organic foods and their consumption impact health risks?
  17. The transition immigration caused by cultural differences?
  18. The abuse of freedom of speech?
  19. On one’s personality, exams cheating in school life – how is this affected?
  20. Pollution of the planet by consumerism 

Argumentative Essay Topics and Ideas

The argumentative essay presents both arguments against a certain issue. In relation to the writer’s main aim and also the writer’s personal opinions, the views are supposed to be balanced on both sides of the argument. But they can sometimes support one side of the debate at most. 

The best argumentative essay topics from our professional writers are presented below

  1. Concerning family planning and birth control, should all women be granted access to these things?
  2. Is everyone benefited from our current tax system?
  3. Vaping and smirking, which one is more harmful?
  4. Pose consumerism, is it a world bi issue?
  5. Our privacy, does social media violate it?
  6. Vaccination, Is it supposed to be available to everyone?
  7. Food companies, how do they control our diets?
  8. Is our education system suitable for everyone in our society?
  9. In the United States, what are the languages that should be official, and the reasons why?
  10. The capital punishment is it supposed to be justified?
  11. Abortion, is it supposed to be banned?
  12. Carry guns. Do people break the rules by doing this?
  13. Concerning the racial aspect, does police brutality have an aspect?
  14. Recycling, is it supposed to be made a must?
  15. Competition, in what way does it bring benefits?
  16. Blogging Careers, Does it influence the social media society? 
  17. Living without the internet, is this possible?
  18. Volunteering and charity, should everyone take part in it?
  19. Press, does it violate a celebrity’s privacy?
  20. The testing of animals should be made legal?

Narrative Essay Topics and Ideas

Take, for instance, that you are a good writer; you have a chance to tell people about your oats experiences and interesting topics. The topics can be funny, sad, or memorable. The essay aims to paint a picture of your own through your own words and personal ideas. Thus in this type of essay use of details is essential. 

Below are examples of narrative essay topics:

  1. In relating to your childhood, you bet memory 
  2. The travel experience in the most recent event 
  3. Do you influence a relative or a friend’s death?
  4. Pet loss, that one time that it affected your life?
  5. How you met your best friend?
  6. The time that you took a flight?
  7. The first online article that educated you on something you never knew about?
  8. Your worst night?
  9. What is the one thing that you fear most?
  10. Relating to your family, the traditions you know of 
  11. Camp during summer that you can remember?
  12. Your first time diving 
  13. In your many experiences, one of the most embarrassing?
  14. How do you chill and relax during your weekend?
  15. The thing about the school you love?
  16. You and your sibling, the funniest thing?
  17. That one time that you got into an accident?
  18. The one person that inspires you?
  19. What is the one effective easy that you overcome all your fears?

Research Essays Topics 

It is the main research paper essay based on your works on other scholars and scientists.

After explaining what others say about the problem, you can give your thoughts on the case. You may also provide an agreement, maybe a disagreement with the author’s works giving factual reasons as to why:

  1. In the 21st century, how the animal rights usually violated?
  2. What is the legal drinking age on the whole globe?
  3. Patriotic, what it means to the different cultures 
  4. In the workplace, how to deal with sexual harassment?
  5. The consequence of most of the doctors’ negligence 
  6. The hate crime they can be managed and stopped?
  7. Online retail business, that pros and cons
  8. The segregation of the society, how does intelligence test work?
  9. Concerning academic work, plagiarism, and academic honesty?
  10. About alternative energy, the sources?
  11. What are the ways to manage and stop ocean pollution?
  12. The influence of pest-sides on human health life?
  13. Population control, can it be a solution to ongoing global warming?
  14. Conservation and caring of the endeared species?
  15. Among young couples, what are the divorce rates?
  16. Alternative medicine vs. traditional medicine, which one is effective?
  17. Concerning a healthy life, what is the importance of sleep?
  18. The stem cell, what is it? Its research?
  19. The positivity of their body, teenagers?


Informative Essay Topics and Ideas

A research paper and an informative essay are similar. On the other hand, they only educate the reader on the subject. You do not have a chance to tell the reader your opinion, but you only discuss the topic and inform the reader as much as possible. 

Below are some of the winning informative essay topics to choose from

  1. Impact of civil war on Americans history 
  2. The genesis of slavery in the US
  3. Movement of the civil rights 
  4. The consequences of stress that is long-term and its causes
  5. Procrastination, why we do it, and how can we avoid it?
  6. In the USA, racism and its impacts?
  7. Child obesity in the US
  8. How to not be a victim of cybercrime?
  9. The components of the solar system and the solar system itself as a whole?
  10. How do they find the milky way in the sky at night?
  11. How can recycling save our planet?
  12. The military strategies of Hitler?
  13. Vietnam, what caused the major war?
  14. In the USA, the judiciary system 
  15. ADHD meaning? How does it impact a change in the life of some people?
  16. What were the consequences of world war three?
  17. Is a college degree necessary, and is it successful?
  18. Expression and its main role in art history?
  19. Concerning jail terms, how has this affected prison overpopulation 

Explanatory Essay Topics and Ideas

An explanatory essay’s main aim is to provide an analysis of an issue through the use of factual information found through the research process. Here you will have to give an explanation of how things happened and give a description of the process. Or, in other terms, you provide the cause-and-effect relationship. The major difference between an explanatory essay and the other essay types is that you must argue an analysis. The process is not based on a simple manner your research.

Below are examples of explanatory essay topics

  1. High school graduations, its importance to students?
  2. The many things that teens at major worry about?
  3. What are the factors that you should observe before opening a credit card?
  4. What are the pros and cons of student loans?
  5. Concerning the US, the higher education system
  6. Moving, why is it stressful
  7. The reason why something will always make us happier than others?
  8. In a certain group, how to pick a leader?
  9. The reason why many parents are more overprotective than others?
  10. Smoking, the psychological cause?
  11. In accordance with operating a machine, why drinking imposes an influence?
  12. Gangs, the dangers associated with them, and the reason why teens join gangs?
  13. At 16, the man issue when you get pregnant?
  14. What is the importance of being compassionate with others?
  15. Fear of public speaking, how to overcome this kind of fear?
  16. Improve health, how is associated with exercise?
  17. What is the importance of safe and protected sex?
  18. How your carrier can be jeopardized by skipping class in college?

Definition Essay Topics and Ideas

Defining a term is the main aim of a definition essay. In most instances, the essays are sometimes related to concrete terms. The words do not always have strict definitions, and these definitions can time differ on personality and culture and personality. 

Below are examples of definition essay topics:

  1. Success, how can we define it?
  2. Love, what does it mean to you?
  3. What is the importance of kindness?
  4. How do optima help in life?
  5. Happiness, to your level, how can you define it?
  6. What are Buddhism and its role in the brief world systems?
  7. Friendship, define it from a personal level?
  8. What are the pros and cons of being perfect?
  9. Explain the intuition of marriage 
  10. What are the reasons for terrorism and the meaning of the word terrorism?
  11. The influence of teenagers by peer pressure?
  12. What is surrealism in relation to culture
  13. Power, what does it mean to you?
  14. Will power, how can we practice it every day?
  15. What is the meaning of the term global warming? What are its causes?
  16. To humanity’s consequences of cloning and its definition?
  17. What is the importance of creativity after defining the term creativity?
  18. Hate, the reasons as to why it is not an answer?

Descriptive Essays Topics

The narrative essay and the descriptive essay are alike. Descriptive essays give more attention to the details and less attention to action. The descriptive essay often displays a feeling, a place, and an atmosphere. The topics for your descriptive essays are supposed to be based on the thing that you have experiences of or a vivid memory:

  1. What was the worst night you ever had?
  2. What was the travel experience that you had?
  3. Your favorite museum, give a description.
  4. Your life’s happiest day 
  5. Earliest memories that you can remember
  6. Your best day, describe it.
  7. Solely in your imagination, describe a place that exists
  8. Your experience on a live game that turns out to be your favorite game
  9. To somebody that has never met you, describe yourself
  10. Your favorite memory, talk about it
  11. You’re most memorable in your school life. 
  12. Amongst your birthdays, what is your favorite one?
  13. Describe your feelings for the first time that you fell in love.
  14. What is the most embarrassing situation that you have ever experienced?
  15. What is the best city that you have ever visited?
  16. Your childhood home, talk about it?
  17. That one object that is very special to you?

Process Essay Topics and Ideas

In a process essay, you will need to explain to your reader how a certain thing is done. Describing the process first is necessary. Step by step, explain how the process takes place. The steps to take can be gradual and very gradual. On the other hand, it can just be a group of explanations.

Below is a list of processes essay topics

  1. How to drive a car
  2. How to make your movie 
  3. How to swim
  4. How to cook delicious meals
  5. How to be a topper student 
  6. SATs, how to pass all of them
  7. Procrastination, how to deal with it?
  8. In searching for a job, how to become successful?
  9. How to write a book of your own 
  10. Being shy, how to overcome it 
  11. Making new friends.
  12. How will you know that you have met your other self?
  13. How can you save money?
  14. How to manage and get rid of a bad habit?
  15. How to regularly do exercises 
  16. How to start your own business
  17. How to make a good choice on used cars?
  18. How to make new friends?
  19. Saying “NO” to people, how to learn to do this?
  20. The unnecessary things, how to let go?


Personal Essay Topics and Ideas

They are more like the autobiography; friendly and intimate. The tone of this type of essay is usually conversational and reflects the writer’s character. The essay is supposed to display some specific emotions you have felt as a writer due to an event or events that happened to you.

Here are some personal essay topics below.

  1. The motivation for your success
  2. A special person in your life 
  3. Concerning experiences, the biggest disappointment that you have had
  4. In your life, your happiest moment
  5. That one time that you were betrayed 
  6. That one person that annoys you 
  7. That one time that you lost someone 
  8. What is your biggest fear, and how you overcame it?
  9. That one moment that you portrayed braveness
  10. That one time that you felt you were completely alone
  11. The wishes on your bucket list?
  12. A tournament that you lost 
  13. That one person that you inspirational met 
  14. One of the biggest acts of kindness that you took 
  15. That one moment that you taught your life lesson?
  16. That one time that the person you love hurt you?
  17. That one place that you would love to take a visit 
  18. That one moment that you named the biggest wrong choice?

Persuasive Essays Topics 

The persuasive and the argumentative essay are similar to some extent. The main difference is the reasoning used to express the persuasive essay’s main point. An argumentative essay relies on logical statistics concerning the essay’s main topic, while a persuasive essay aims to convince the reader of the issue. However, both can be used in the discussion of similar topics. The difference is in the methodology to be used

  1. Is it immoral to hunt wild animals?
  2. Micro heaping your pet, reason as to why it is important?
  3. The cloning of animals is ethical.
  4. Standardized tests, there are not made for everyone
  5. PE is the reason why it is necessary for each school grade
  6. Autism, the cause of vaccines 
  7. Global warming, the reason is humanity itself
  8. How to make a saving from animal extinction
  9. Every person has to engage in physical activities.
  10. Is calorie reduction a healthy way to lose weight?
  11. Concerning electronics, are kids supposed to limit their time?
  12. Does being raised by single parents have long-term consequences for a child?
  13. Listening to certain music, does it slow down the work rate
  14. Free Wi-Fi in every public space
  15. Adoption, at what instance should it be allowed 
  16. Should euthanasia be legalized?
  17. Are the people associated with human trafficking supposed to be heavily prosecuted?
  18. The elimination of prostitution 

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics and Ideas

Compare and contrast essay topics you can check them about.

  1. In relation to a person’s ability to study, the effects of coffee vs. tea 
  2. Communism vs. capitalism 
  3. North and South America confrontation during the civil war.
  4. The difference anatomical of humans and monkeys
  5. Working in an office vs. freelancing
  6. A book or a movie, which one is better
  7. The similarities and differences between Roman and Greek mythology.
  8. The educational system of the US and the UK.
  9. Traditional shopping and online shopping compare and contrast the two 
  10. Bigger classes and smaller classes compare 
  11. Living on campus and living with parents, contrast?
  12. Physical books and electronic books compare 
  13. Real-life dating and online dating contrast 
  14. The UK English vs. The US English
  15. Moral vs. physical needs
  16. Game of Thrones vs. lord of the rings 
  17. Comedy and horror films compare
  18. Driving to school vs. biking to school
  19. The Korean culture to that of the Japanese compare

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics and Ideas

Controversial argumentative essay topics you can check out.

  1. Legalization of abortions everywhere?
  2. Should gun control be stricter?
  3. Should the government ban smoking?
  4. Should governments legalize marijuana?
  5. Is sex before marriage ideal? 
  6. Should parents arrange marriages? 
  7. Is LGBTQ having the same rights as heterosexuals?
  8. Athletes using steroids 
  9. Physical punishment to students, should this be allowed 
  10. Sex scenes on TV  
  11. Toleration of cheating in school
  12. Should the government give access of contraceptives to children?
  13. Religion be justified by terrorism 
  14. Should parents given access to smartphones and tablets to small children?

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics and Ideas

Funny argumentative essay topics you can write about that are interesting.

  1. A world with no animals 
  2. Exchanging students and students places 
  3. If we had flying cars, what would life look like?
  4. Why is most school dropout successful?
  5. Why should you drink before an exam?
  6. What if we say the world is a dog’s eyes?
  7. Why I love spam emails 
  8. Why school burning is not a good option
  9. The reason why laundry will not do itself?

How to Write Essays Effortlessly  

If time is not on your side or you need help understanding how to develop good essay topics and ideas, seek help from our professional essay writers. Our writers have written tons of essays, guaranteeing you enough experience in essay writing help. 

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