Experts Tips for Writing Duke Supplemental Essays

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Duke University stands among the top 10 colleges nationwide, making it an extremely selective school. Given the competition from tens of thousands of applicants aspiring to become Blue Devils, it’s crucial for every aspect of your application to exhibit distinctiveness and excellence. Our professional essay-writing experts examine all Duke supplemental essays, providing invaluable insights to enhance your chances of admission. Additionally, we offer assistance in developing a compelling supplemental essay tailored to showcase your strengths and uniqueness.

Duke Supplemental Essay Prompts

In the 2023-2024 application cycle, all students must respond to one required prompt. Selecting and responding to up to two more prompts is an option. Supplementary prompts are also available for students with plans to study abroad at Duke Kunshan or embark on a gap year.


Duke Supplemental Essays Prompt 1 (All applicants – Required) 

What is your sense of Duke as a university and as a community? Why do you consider it a good match for you? If there’s something in particular about our offerings that attracts you, feel free to share that as well. (250 words)

The essay prompt entails a fusion of a “why us” and a community-focused essay. The objective is to demonstrate genuine interest in and a deep comprehension of Duke while highlighting that you are an excellent fit for the institution.

Write a specific essay, drawing upon examples from the Duke community and your personal experiences. Ensure that your essay is deeply personal, includes specific resources and opportunities, maintains a balance between academic and extracurricular motivations, and has a strong narrative.

Duke Supplemental Essays Prompt 2 (All Applicants—Optional)

We want to emphasize that the following questions are optional. Feel free to answer them if you believe that doing so will add something meaningful that is not already shared elsewhere in your application. 5 optional questions are available – a maximum of 2 can be selected. 

You can choose whether to respond to none of these prompts, address just one or tackle a maximum of two. Although it might be enticing to complete the required essay solely, we strongly advise that you take on all available prompts.

All Applicants—Duke Supplemental Essays Prompt 2, Option 1

We believe a wide range of personal perspectives, beliefs, and lived experiences are essential to making Duke a vibrant and meaningful living and learning community. Feel free to share anything in this context to help us better understand you and what you might bring to our community. (250 words)

This is the typical diversity prompt. When colleges include a diversity question, they aim to gain insight into your unique personal background. They also investigate how it has shaped your perspectives and viewpoints. If your racial heritage has played a substantial role in shaping your experiences, this is the ideal platform to explore that aspect. In your response, aim for distinctiveness and precision. 

All Applicants—Duke Supplemental Essays Prompt 2, Option 2

Tell us about an intellectual experience in the past two years that you found absolutely fascinating. (250 words)

This prompt aims to uncover your intellectual passions and your learning methodology. The options are wide-open. For example, a specific class that ignited your interest in a subject, an independent research you conducted, a book that deeply impacted you, or an experiment you conducted in a science course. The key for this essay is to emphasize your genuine enthusiasm for learning.

All Applicants—Duke Supplemental Essays Prompt 2, Option 3

We believe there is benefit in sharing and sometimes questioning our beliefs or values. Who do you agree with on the big important things, or who do you have your most interesting disagreements with? What are you agreeing or disagreeing about? (250 words)

This prompt centers on personal beliefs and values. Whether you opt to discuss an agreement or disagreement, the essence of your essay lies in sharing one of your fundamental values with the admissions committee. Therefore, a crucial aspect in selecting this essay is having a core belief or value central to your personality.

All Applicants—Duke Supplemental Essays Prompt 2, Option 4

We recognize that “fitting in” in all the contexts we live in can sometimes be difficult. Duke values all kinds of differences and believes they make our community better. Feel free to tell us any ways in which you’re different and how that has affected you or what it means to you. (250 words)

This option is intentionally open-ended, allowing students to identify and elaborate on differences. Differences can span across a range of dimensions, including:

  • Racial or ethnic background
  • Religious beliefs
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Gender or sexual orientation

Irrespective of your chosen topic, your essay should convey how you are different and how this difference will contribute to your role as a valuable member of the Duke community.

All Applicants—Duke Supplemental Essays Prompt 2, Option 5

Duke’s commitment to inclusion and belonging includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Feel free to share with us more about how your identity in this context has meaning for you as an individual. (250 words)

The essay should go into the personal significance of your experiences and how they have shaped you as an individual who will become part of the Duke community. It’s essential to go beyond simply explaining your gender or sexual identity, aiming to explore deeper aspects of your personal growth and development. There are numerous approaches to address this prompt. Choose the one that resonates as the most significant to you personally.

Duke Kunshan Applicants

Why do you think Duke Kunshan University is a good match for you? And what special qualities do you feel you could bring to Duke Kunshan University? (200 words)

This prompt is mandatory for students applying to Duke Kunshan University through the Duke University application. Duke Kunshan is a collaborative venture between Duke and Wuhan University in China, offering students the unique opportunity to benefit from the educational strengths of both prestigious institutions.

You are requested to submit a reasonably direct “Why This College?” essay specifically for Duke Kunshan. It’s important to distinctly focus on Duke Kunshan rather than the regular Duke University. Emphasize the unique merits and strengths of Kunshan as an independent entity.

Although we typically discourage citing a school’s location as a primary reason for wanting to attend, when it comes to an international university like Duke Kunshan, discussing your interest in the institution is acceptable due to its overseas setting. However, it’s important to frame this interest within the context of experiencing new cultures or a deep appreciation for Chinese history, culture, or society. Ensure that your motivation for attending an international institution is evident in your essay.

The second part of the prompt asks you to reflect on what you can contribute to the school. Similar to any other “Why This College?” essay, emphasize how your interests and experiences align with the university’s resources and offerings. 

Gap Year Prompt

Please describe your gap-year plans as you currently are considering them. You’re not committing to these plans. (250 words)

If you indicate on the Common App that you are considering taking a gap year before starting at Duke, you must address this question. It’s crucial to understand that this isn’t a formal commitment to your plans. Duke is using this question to gain insights into your character and how you intend to utilize your time effectively. It’s important to be genuine and forthright about the plans you are considering.

Need Help with Duke Supplemental Essays?

Given the immense competition among tens of thousands of applicants aiming to become Blue Devils, your essay must stand out as truly distinctive. If you’re seeking assistance with your Duke supplemental essays, please don’t hesitate to contact our essay experts. Our guidance can be instrumental in crafting a compelling application that effectively communicates your unique narrative, boosting your chances of securing admission to your dream institution. 

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