How to Reword an Essay: Rewriter Tips for Students

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Plagiarism is one of the greatest research misconduct that risks academic integrity. Most examiners cancel test scores that show any trace of plagiarism in an essay since it is cheating. Every student needs to know how to reword an essay to avoid plagiarism. Our essay rewriters have compiled this guide on how to rewrite an essay. They also help students craft custom essays to evade plagiarism.

Understanding Plagiarism

This kind of activity is always unacceptable to any work that pertains to academics. So you should properly put your thoughts into a structured manner when fetching information from a secondary source. 

Types of Plagiarism

Intentional and unintentional plagiarism are the two types of plagiarism. If you aim to get good grades, you should avoid these two forms of plagiarism.

Intentional plagiarism : is an offense that can result in dismissal from college. Thus you should be careful when putting someone else’s work to use. When you use someone else’s ideas without crediting them is unethical. Therefore, you break academic and moral integrity. 

Unintentional Plagiarism : However, scholars, especially the young ones, may plagiarize without intention. For instance, they forget to put proper punctuation to put the quote in the correct citation. This may happen as a student’s ability to change a specific paragraph tend to be challenging. Thus, they copy it as it is.

How to Reword an Essay to avoid Plagiarism?

Do not use any software when you want to reword an essay. An app that rewrites essays uses artificial intelligence software. It, therefore, lacks the precise human touch, which is a minimum, especially in essay writing.

When you rewrite using the exact words and in the same pattern as from your source is plagiarism. In this regard, one should first understand the context and then paraphrase in your original pattern. An example is paraphrasing which is not plagiarism is:

  • Under the citation styles agreed upon, giving credit to the original author is one thing that is not plagiarism.
  • To make your work completely different from the original, you reword it correctly and thus make your original copy.
  • As you are writing, when you copy information from a specific source, you should cite the source.

So that you can make your paraphrasing an original paper, you should keep away the source after you read it. Be patient for a few minutes, then begin your work from the top without returning to the original copy. By doing this, you will generate a paper in your own words. The following steps are essential when you rewrite your work as they explain the process in detail. 

Why Not to Use Essay Rewriting Apps ?

Artificial intelligence is the software common rewriting. However, it is not reliable, and our essay experts advise against using them.

Benefits of our Professional Essay Rewriting Services

  1. Effortless Rewriting Service – It will help if you put aside using too much effort to receive a new text. With our services, you do not have reason to complicate the task. You need to copy-paste your work and then wait for your assignment to be paraphrased by an expert.
  2. Instant and Automated Result – The kind of amount of time that you spend looking at thesaurus. To try to use a synonym is at times existing so as you can replace a word or phrase. Our essay rephrase does not require additional actions. Thus it is fully automatic and places synonyms in seconds from the database.
  3. Affordability – Purchasing of monthly subscription can be pretty discouraging. This to why rewriting my essay does not require any registration recommendations. Most importantly, it does not require you to use your money.
  4. Convenient Online Process – Storage space is scarce, and the lack of this commodity can be annoying. In our essay rewriters, you do not need extra storage space as everything takes place online.
  5. Guaranteed Originality – Are you under the stress of the plagiarism issue? Then you do not need to, as our essay rephrase will produce an entirely original document with no plagiarism issues. On the other hand, your paper will be original and with no plagiarism issues.

By following the rules, every work meant for academic purposes is supposed to be 100% original, without copying.

5 Steps to Reword a Winning Essay

  1. For you to get an understanding of the authors’ message, read the text a few times. The process is supposed to be objective and accurate. For you, the archive requirements can only be reached by going through the work and understanding the source. 
  2. Take note of the important texts. This is why this kind of advice is used for better content. When rewriting, you should use notes as your outline; thus, you won’t get stuck along the way. If you do this, you will express your points in your own words.
  3. You should keep the original aside and note down your summary; thus, a point consults your notes. Only look in the original for the most crucial details, as you should always put your notes into use. Keep at all times at the back of your mind that the more you keep looking at the original, the more you increase your chances of plagiarism on your work.
  4. After rewording your original paper is over and comprehensively done, compare yours and the source. After comparing your source and copy, you should change the sentences that look alike. Make hand-made changes to your paper; thus, do not always rely on computer programs. This team from can do it for you; thus, you can spend time doing other things.
  5. You should always include a reference to your source. You should always credit the original writer by following the rules in the citation format that you used.

Get Essay Rewriting Services

Do not ask again, “How to reword an essay?” We have provided an outline above that will guide you through. Still looking for a way to have your essay rewritten? Our essay rewriters can turn over your essay in the shortest time possible. Contact us for an estimate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is plagiarism considered unacceptable in academic writing?

Plagiarism undermines academic integrity by using someone else’s work without proper credit, violating ethical standards.

How can I avoid unintentional plagiarism in my essays?

Always cite your sources, pay attention to proper punctuation in quotes, and take extra care when paraphrasing to ensure originality.

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