How to Write a Book Review: A Comprehensive Guide

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Literature and language students should learn how to write a book review as it forms the bulk of their academic course. In a book review, students can illustrate an author’s intentions in writing a piece. They can also criticize a specific book and try to presuppose the theme’s relevance to contemporary society. Simply put, one must create an opinion of an author’s ideas. Our dedicated essay writers have the prerequisite training to guide student on book review and give informed observations. If you need assistance on conceptualizing, writing and editing a book review, talk to us and we will help you.

What is a Book Review?

Every literature student must go through a book review before they graduate. The aim is to present clear evidence of understanding of the book. Course instructors check whether the students have read the book, what they think was the author’s central theme, and how the book is relevant in the current dispensation. Book reviews are written in an essay format for better understanding. 

A book review essay gives a chance to students presenting their personal opinions on the book per the ideas evident in the author’s writings. They analyze an author’s idea in their book, offering literary criticism as they also give an analysis, writing techniques, ideas and the quality of the author’s work. Such an essay is based on personal opinion of the reviewer. For those who want to become editors, book reviews are quite a practice chance because, in editing, criticism is highly required.

How to composite a Book Review Template

A book review format comprises the introduction, body, and, lastly, the conclusion.


  • Here you give a description of the book cover and the title
  • Any subtitles that are essential in them at this point
  • Include the name of the author

Thesis Statement

  • Describe the novel briefly 
  • In the book review, introduce the points that are major in manner
  • Keep off mentioning opinions at this point

The Body

  • From the novel, impose about three quotations from the author 
  • In your own words, summarize your quotations 
  • In the quotation, give your opinion
  • Every point is to have its paragraph 

The Conclusion

  • Summarize the quotations in a brief manner
  • The explanations briefly summarize them 
  • In the end, place a concluding sentence 
  • Here, you may impose the opinion of your final book 
  • You may give a rating. It is optional 

How to Write a Good Book Review 

How to Write a Good Book Review

With every novel available, how to write a book review becomes necessary. Book reviews can go with all stories of a different calibre. Some may look more complex than others, but until you attentively read them, understanding becomes easier. Regardless of the type of book, the review format remains the same. Below are instructions to guide you on how to write a book review. 

Step 1: Planning 

Make an essay outline that includes the main elements you want to summarize in your book review analysis. Add the characters, plot details, and another part of your chosen novel. Each paragraph of the body should have its point. 

When you are planning how to write a book review, consider the points:

The plot of the book, what it is – when you understand the plot, you will be able to a winning book review.

The plot, is it gripping? – Does the novel’s plot create an attraction to you? Does it impose the feeling of wanting to read the novel? Does the plot capture the reader’s attention?

The writing techniques does the author impose effectively? The author, do they set factors in the lines? If they are included, then tell the readers what they are.

The characters, are they believable? Are the characters factual and logical? When reading the book, does it make the characters feel real?

Would you recommend anyone else to read the book? Remember the quotes that would have been presented in a better manner. 

Step 2: Introduction

Let us assume that you have already chosen a book by this point. To start, mention the book’s title and the author’s name. Talk about the book cover, the colors and what the author might have in mind. Put down a thesis statement following a story that may be a fiction or non-fictitious novel. Then quickly, describe a quoted material. 

Step 3: Body

Pick a chapter or a scene to summarize. Each body paragraph imposes about three quotes. In each section, create a summary using your own words. Inclusion of your own opinion is also encouraged per quote interpretation. Having a quote per paragraph is essential. 

Step 4: The Conclusion

Create a summary of all quotations and explanations, and add it to the body paragraphs. Complete the book analysis by finishing a sentence to show a bigger picture. Take the question, is it worth it reading? Put the answer in black and white. Avoid the use of “I” or “dislike”. 

Step 5: Rate the Book

This part is usually optional. After you have completed the book review, you may rate it. Giving a star rating signifies the book’s quality to the person reading. Book reviews that have star ratings tend to appear effective. 

The Pros and Cons on How to Write a Critical Book Review 

  1. A long introduction can lower a person’s grades: you should always keep the start short. People do not seem to like it when they are reading long introductions for any essay. 
  2. Fictions are advisable to write book reviews about fiction: this isn’t a must. However, fiction reviewing is more interesting than nonfiction.
  3. Keep off comparing: by other books you have read, keep off from comparing the books. When you do this, you can confuse the reader.
  4. Opinion matters: give your opinion when you are writing the books 
  5. Refer to the templates: book review template will help students to have a clear picture of what is required of them. 
  6. Criticize: personal opinions are usually not required in other academic papers, but criticizing booking reviews is allowed.
  7. Use positivity: as much as you criticize, balance the points between the positive and negative sides.
  8. The Novel was Chosen to Review
  9. Creating your own thing through your imagination is not encouraged. Only review what is present in the book that you chose 
  10. Enjoy the book? If your book gets interesting and you end up loving it, you should state that you love it. Doing this makes your analysis seem more personal.


The skill on how to write a book review is a must-have for all students, especially those studying literature and languages. You can request professional help when composing a book review. Our book review experts will lend you a helping hand, guide you through the process and even help you write it

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I consider when introducing a book review?

While introducing a book review, mention the book title, author’s name, discuss the book cover, and provide a thesis statement.

How many quotes should be included in the body of the review?

In the body of the review, include about three quotations from the novel. Each quote should be summarized in your own words, and your opinions can be expressed in relation to each quote.

How can I get professional help with writing a book review?

If you need assistance you can reach out to our dedicated essay writers with prerequisite training. They can guide you through the process and provide informed observations.

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