How to Write a Character Analysis Essay: 6 Tips to Use

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English literature students are regularly tasked with a character analysis essay. Everyone has a different perspective on art, and most students find such articles challenging to work on. In this guide, our experienced writers will analyze the definition and how to write a character analysis essay. They will also provide tips to use when inspecting a specific character. They also help literature students write a character analysis essay.

What is a Character Analysis Essay

The character analysis essay needs students to describe a character according to a story’s context. The writer must analyze all characters correctly. The writer should give an opinion at a personal level.

What Does a Character Analysis Essay Explain?

A character analysis essay expounds on the persona’s characteristics and traits. In most cases, the characters are usually from literature works, but at times, the characters to be analyzed can be from cinematography. A student who knows how to write this essay tells the reader who the protagonist of the story is, the role of the main character in the essay, and the role that the main character plays in the story.

Apart from your opinion from a personal level and preferences, it’s essential to engage some of your skills like critical thinking and try to be on point about analyzing the character in the essay. You should present the character’s behavior, how the character speaks, and the character’s appearance. You may also include other characteristics that the character has when you are writing your essay.

What Is the Primary Purpose of a Character Analysis Essay?

A character analysis essay mainly aids the reader in having a clear understanding of the characters and the kind of world the character lives in. One of the main purposes is to look at the characters’ anatomy in the story and describe who the character is. We can learn the story life of a persona From how their character in a story was mainly shaped.

An excellent example to be considered in a character analysis essay is that of Daisy Buchanan, which is from “The Great Gatsby.” In the story, the explanation of how the main character and Daisy relate and who Daisy is. Depending on your audience, you must decide how much of a plot you will include. If the whole of your class is composing a Daisy Buchanan essay, it is evident that almost everyone has read the book. It is important to present as much background information as possible if you indicate that the audience does not have informational knowledge of the character.

The next step is to explain some situations involving what the character said and did. You should also explain why you included some episodes to the reader and how you have shown consistency. Last, summarize everything and give the purpose of the character’s primary role in the story.

Different Types of Characters When Writing a Character Analysis Article

The different character types in stories are categorized by their character traits, roles, and behaviors in a particular story. Our professionals have assembled some of the major characters, with clear and good examples from cinemas and pieces of literature.

  • The main characters can also be referred to as the major characters. At most, they are always two and one in most cases. The major characters are categorized into two types. The protagonist – is the good person, followed by the bad guy, referred to as the antagonist “villain.”
  • Protagonist “hero”: this is the character on which most events revolve.

For example, Othello, a character in the play written by Shakespeare; Frodo from the lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien; Harry Potter, who is evident in the Harry Potters series written by J.K. Rowling or the character Elizabeth Bennet found in the “Pride and Prejudice” written by Jane Austen.

  • Antagonist: This type of character is always against the main character in every story. This type of character is also the villain in the story. The character can also be neutral.
  • Minor characters: These types of characters usually aid the narration of the main character’s story through interactions and revealing the main characters’ stories. They are usually, at most times, static. In the story “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R Tolkien, the character that aids in the piece are the minor characters.
  • Dynamic or changing: very often, the main characters change.
  • The static or the unchanging: this is a character that does not notably change in the whole piece

How to Write a Character Analysis Essay: Analyzing a Character

In preparation for the character analysis, one should always make sure that they should make sure to read the story carefully. You should always keenly observe the climax and other important literary parts, e.g., the setting. Through the characters, feeling them and seeing them is something you are supposed to see through them.

You should observe how the characters are shaped to life by the writer, how the characters were described and observed from the essay, and how identities are vast. Observe how the characters’ behaviors and morals have affected the story’s situation and other characters as you write your essay.

How to Write a Character Analysis Essay : Step by Step

Before composing a character analysis essay, you should decide on the character you will analyze in your essay. At a time, a specific character will be available to you as an assignment to analyze. Consider characters whose role is dynamic. By doing this, the reader will be captivated because you will provide more information in your character analysis essay, which will be available due to the character being in most scenes.

1) Read the Whole Story

If you have already read the story, you may think there is no need to reread the story. At this point, you have a character you want to focus on in writing your character analysis essay. Rereading the story will bring many benefits to your disposal. Take note of the character’s scenes, observing and jotting down the important facts and things that will bring life to your analysis. While doing this, please pay attention to the characters’ essential and tiny details and grasp them for the array of your characters’ traits as a whole.

Have the following considerations when reading the story:

  • What descriptions does the writer give to each character in the story?
  • What relationships do other characters have with your character?

Think of how, for example, Harry Potter constructs friendships with other characters. At first, they don’t like Hermione because Hermione is a know-it-all, but when she is in trouble-(troll of horrendous) at this point, Harry Potter runs to lend a helping hand. 

  • How does the character’s action facilitate the plot’s forward movement?

In “The Philosopher’s Stone,” Harry Potter observes what occurs in the school. He analyzes actions that people take part in that give up the plot, which is important to the magical world.

2) Pick a Dynamic Character From the Story

When picking a persona, it is advisable to choose a dynamic character. The character does not have to be the protagonist. It can be a person who undergoes many changes. The character has to grow through the story; therefore not boring. This will be an advantage as you can showcase the character entertainingly and engagingly. If you choose not to write about a character that is not dynamic, your essay may become monotonous because your choice of character doesn’t appear in many scenes. The essay you will be writing won’t be engaging. 

3) Take Notes

When reading, you must do a lot of highlighting and taking notes of any crucial elements of the story. This will increase the depth of the description of your character. To connect the reader to the character, you should provide vivid examples that are specific and alive to the reader’s eye. Review the notes taken and come up with the main idea about your character when you have finished reading, then when having your character at the back of your mind.

Make the final draft using the notes taken according to the outline given by your teacher or professor. You may also follow the essay format qualified essay writers provide. 

4) Choose the Main Idea

When reading through a story, you should keep your notes in contact. We advise you to look at them, find patterns, and choose the ones representing your character.

Take, for instance, that your character is from “To kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee; the racial conflicts are through the ones that the character forms, followed by social inequalities and internal struggles. This is through public opinion.

5) Character Analysis Questions

At this point, your main concepts about your character are evident; below are questions to help you fill in the spaces you may have.

  • In what places do the events that involve your character take place?
  • Between other characters and your character, what is their relationship?
  • Throughout the story, what are the primary changes that your character goes through 
  • What is the background information of your character?
  • What are the values of the character you are analyzing?
  • About emotions, what your character has gone through?
  • About occupation, what does the character do?
  • What are the values that the character that you are analyzing portrays?
  • In your essay, who are the characters’ friends?
  • What does your character learn as the main lesson at the end of your story?
  • What are the goals the characters have set for themselves?

Character Analysis Outline

One of the critical steps that one can recognize when writing a literary essay is to have a well-constructed outline for character analysis that will keep all your ideas organized.

How to Write a Character Analysis Essay Introduction

You should always make an introduction to your essay brief and straight to the point. The introduction should hold your essay together and always grab your audience’s interest and attention. Give a description that is short of the character that you are analyzing.

The Body

Professional essay writers advise that your character analysis essay body be in five or more paragraphs. Each idea should have its paragraph, regardless of the character.

In areas regarding your character, your body should be in different body paragraphs that contain different ideas. You should look at your professor’s instructions and ensure you can give what is needed. The professor should provide you with questions that you will systematically answer to give rise to your character analysis article in a better manner.

The paragraphs of the body should provide answers to the below questions.

  • The characters’ personalities, physical appearance, and physical background information character
  • What conflicts does your character come with, and how does the character overcome them?
  • From the characters you picked, what are the main things we learn from them?
  • What is the meaning behind the character’s actions, and what drives the character? Remembering what also motivates the character you picked?
  • How does the character treat others, does the character have a rich vocabulary, and what is their choice of words?
  • How do other characters describe the main character you choose to write about, and how does the character describe themselves?
  • What are the words that the character is associated with? Maybe the words like bravery, hope, or even confusion.


In this section, you must internalize the deep secrets of writing a winning conclusion in your character analysis essay.

In the conclusion, all ideas should be together, and by this, the final analysis statement will take shape. You must mention things that the character experiences and those we may encounter. You can also comment on how a particular character could have reacted to certain situations.

Character Analysis Essay Example

You can read our articles “Character Analysis of Jam Finch,” “The Greatest Gatsby Book Though Daisy Buchanan’s Character,” “and Analysis of Characters in Beowulf,” or you can use the following character analysis essay samples in your essay paper.

Still Need to Know How to Write a Character Analysis Essay?

We have provided an elaborate structure to help you understand what is a character analysis essay. If you need a character analysis essay written, our experienced writers are available to turn around your task. Contact us for an estimate.

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