How to Write a Synthesis Essay: 264 Common Topics in 2023

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In the dynamic academic world, one of the biggest challenge that students face is finding an ideal topic of academic discussion. There are different scenarios from which a synthesis essay could emanate, but pitching it out to get the intended meaning is challenging. The dictionary defines “synthesis” as a combination of ideas that form a theory. it compares to other synonyms such as blend, fusion, and creation. Our professional writers have provided a definitive manual for writing a synthesis essay and also provided 264 synthesis essay topics for students. If you need help in conceptualizing and writing a synthetic essay, talk to us and we will help.

What Is a Synthesis Essay?

Understanding what a synthesis paper entails is the first step in knowing the theme and structure of a synthesis essay. You can then combine different parts to create a single whole, which becomes relatively simple to write a synthesis essay. Similarly, a synthesis essay combines data or information from various sources to create a coherent argument expressing their opinion. Learning how to write a synthesis essay is challenging because students need to describe the precise connections between many pieces of information and synthesize the main ideas they learn from their sources. Synthesis essays can be of various forms and written for various reasons.

Types of Synthesis Essays

While there are often two basic categories for synthesis essays, this article will focus on three. As follows:

An Argumentative Synthesis Essay

On this essay you start a with a solid thesis that expresses your viewpoint on the subject. The first step in writing a good synthesis essay is finding a topic on which you will base your argument. Writing an argumentative essay can be done for several different reasons. You can use them to:

  • Compare and contrast a subject or idea
  • Argue a point of view
  • Evaluate a text
  • Describe cause and effect connections.

The method used to write the essay will be determined by its goal. Additionally, it decides how the data will be presented.

Once you’ve made up your mind, don’t budge. Counterarguments are acceptable but should be few and weaker than your primary points. Try summarizing your thoughts before writing to avoid including too much material in your papers. Instead of the original work, your readers choose to read a project that has been summarized. You risk the reader misinterpreting the information if you state the facts upfront.

An Explanatory or a Background Synthesis Essay

A student’s goal in writing an explanatory synthesis paper is to help them become authorities in their field. Information for this article comes from a variety of sources. They then compile this data into a thorough, unbiased summary. They can investigate the information that is accessible and group it according to common themes. Through an explanation synthesis essay, this consideration of the various points of view aids students and readers in comprehending the subject more thoroughly.

A Literature Review Synthesis Essay

Students studying the social sciences and medicine write this essay as part of broader assignments more frequently. They review earlier writing on a specific subject and list the recurring themes. You should be able to identify which issues have received adequate research and which ones have not used this analysis. It will highlight certain parts of an investigated issue and typically aid in the justification of specific research.

The verbs the author can employ in the various synthesis essay genres are listed below:

  • Argumentative, affirms, confirms, disagrees, admits, insists, and rejects.
  • Explanatory terms include find, confirm, state, imply, reveal, or claim.
  • Literature Review suggests, proposes, predicts, raises, advises, holds, forecasts, and speculatively.

Depending on the context, several verbs are interchangeable in both the explanatory and literature review synthesis papers’ tones.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay Organization Tips

Your synthesis may have a different structure depending on the style of writing. For instance, strong thesis statements are only necessary for some essays, especially those written early in the research process. To get the most outstanding results, we advise students to adhere to a few standard requirements for structure.

Start with a brief introduction

Ensure your synthesis paper contains an engaging start clarifying the subject and the writing’s objectives. Thesis statements that present specific perspectives are frequently needed for argumentative synthesis essay themes.

Organize the body paragraphs by themes

Make sure to address a different theme in each paragraph of the body of the synthesis essay. Avoid summarizing sources individually if you want to write a smart essay. Categorize the information you have gathered from your reviewed sources according to distinct characteristics or themes. There should be material from multiple sources in each paragraph. Each body paragraph in an essay containing a thesis statement should start with a subject phrase that in some way responds to the thesis.

Use words to describe the connections between various bits of information

Since synthesis articles are primarily instructive, it is crucial to explicitly describe how the new information interacts with the background knowledge of the subject under study. You should compare and contrast the various sources’ approaches to the subject. Students are frequently required to give viewpoints that disagree with their preferred stance in argumentative synthesis essay themes, as well as a refutation of the opposing argument.

Add a conclusion

Finish the synthesis with a final paragraph that covers all the important ideas. The connections between the themes mentioned above and the essay’s topic should be made clear in the conclusion. If these actions are pertinent to the work, you may offer your interpretation of the themes and ideas in this paragraph or recommend areas for additional research.

How to write a Synthesis Essay Outline

The first step before knowing how to write a synthesis essay outline. Outlining is not a time-wasting task. Even if you are not required to show it to the teacher, you should complete it to ensure your paper is well-organized. An effective outline acts as the framework for your essay and helps you stay focused and on the task as you write. Without a framework, you risk writing a paper that is disjointed and meanders.

Yes, creating an outline can take time, but you can write one quickly when using the following expert advice:

  1. Introduction: Write a thesis statement that incorporates one to three of your ideas on the subject in the introduction.
  2. The Main Body (Three to four paragraphs). You must create at least three new thought-based paragraphs for the essay’s body, each following the typical outline format. If you utilize another author’s exact words, be careful to place them in quotes and ensure the evidence you use to support your thoughts comes from a reliable source. In your bibliography or on your works cited page, you must cite all information that is not your own and list all your sources.
  3. The Conclusion (one paragraph): In this section, you should summarize your essay and provide a reasonable conclusion. Avoid bringing up fresh topics; summarize your points in the introduction and body.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay Structure

You must thoroughly analyze the information you gathered before you can begin developing the structure for your synthesis essay. Keep in mind that only papers with sound structures receive high marks. Even if you write a fantastic essay, the teacher won’t give it a high grade if you don’t format it properly. Because of this, you must be certain that you understand exactly how to write a synthesis essay.

Remember to adhere to the standard five- to six-paragraph structure outlined in the preceding blueprint. More paragraphs in the main body have only very seldom been used. Remember that the sources you credit in these paragraphs should follow the guidelines provided by your lecturer.

Make sure that your paragraph and concept transitions flow smoothly. A paper that doesn’t have seamless paragraph transitions will be blocky and badly written.

6 Synthesis Essay Structures

Climactic Order

In this section, you’ll give your arguments starting with the weakest. The reader will remember the last argument better in this case, so it makes sense to have them recall the most important point. You essentially save your finest thought for last.

Chronological Order

This can be utilized with other forms of synthesis but not argumentative essays. You arrange the ideas so that they follow the presentation of the ideas. This can be especially crucial if the concepts are growing upon one another. It is also helpful to describe cause and effect in this order.

Logical Order

This is also very helpful if the concepts are interconnected. Especially if one must comprehend the earlier concepts to grasp the later ones and the earlier concepts are simpler than the later ones. This cannot be used for an argumentative essay, just like it cannot be used for a chronologically arranged essay.

Anticlimactic Order

The opposite of the climactic order is the anticlimactic order. You’ll rank the concepts in decreasing order of significance. In an essay with an argument, this can be especially helpful. It will enable you to start with the strongest arguments and work down to the less persuasive ones.

Problem/Solution Order

As the name implies, you start the essay by stating the issue at hand. The remainder of the essay is devoted to providing remedies to the issue in whichever order you see fit.

Comparison and Contrast in Sequence 

Similar to comparison and contrast essays, synthesis essays occasionally compare and contrast topics. This order is applied in certain circumstances. There are two primary options. Each source can be summarized, followed by a discussion of the parallels and differences. You might also introduce each concept separately, going through each in-depth as you go. You can navigate back and forward or even point by point.

How Do You Write a Good Synthesis Essay?

Every synthesis essay has three primary sections, though the format may change depending on the type:

  1. The Introduction
  2. The body
  3. The verdict

A good academic essay writer must adhere to the synthesis essay structure and ensure their thoughts are well presented so the reader can understand. This part emphasizes the essay’s introduction and expounds on different sections.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay Introduction

Review all the relevant materials, whether documents, books, movies, or articles, before starting your essay. As you go, summarize important sections and note them for reference needs. Look at those summaries and pass judgment. Synthesize the data in actuality. Determine the connections between subjects like:

  1. Do they build on each other?
  2. Are there any similarities? Any variations? Contrasting and comparing.
  3. From them, what can you deduce? What fresh insight can you glean from them?

Make an essay outline after that. Some authors advise 5-6 paragraphs as the basis of how to write a synthesis essay outline with 5–6 paragraphs. A thesis statement and a summary of the introduction are in the first paragraph. Write out your thoughts or arguments in three or four sections. The conclusion is in the final paragraph. You will see the flow of your thoughts in the essay and your argument at a glance with an outline.

Finally, write the essay’s initial draft. The main points of the essay should be in the introduction. An engaging beginning phrase should be used before the thesis statement. It can be a less well-known quote that offers insightful advice. A compelling statistic or anecdote could also be used. Your opening line should capture the readers. Next, briefly explain the subject and the reason for writing the synthesis essay.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay Thesis

As previously explained, your synthesis paper’s assertion should be in the thesis statement. Your thesis statement should reflect this if your goal is to refute the idea that students should wear uniforms. Some essays, like literary reviews, won’t include a thesis statement. In the guidelines for other essays, the thesis should be explicit. And for others, you’ll need to research the subject and develop your perspective. Make your thesis statement intriguing to pique readers’ interest. You should also create and adhere to a synthesis essay plan to achieve the finest results. It will make it easier to comprehend what comes next in the introduction.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay Body?

Your original thoughts are in the body paragraphs. It will include an overview of the sources you were reading. They eat up most of your outline for a synthesis essay. It will give the arguments and refutations if it is an argumentative essay. As a general guideline, each paragraph should introduce a different theme. Don’t overfill each paragraph with details. You can create themes by combining related information and features from the sources. If your synthesis essay includes a thesis, try to address it in the first sentence of each paragraph.

Your arguments should flow naturally, building upon one another to support the thesis statement you established in your synthesis essay plan. Avoid introducing too many arguments that refute your thesis. You can add a few, but they shouldn’t be compelling. Even so, provide arguments in opposition to them.

Make use of sentences that illustrate the connections between several themes. Your essay does more than merely summarize the data; it dissects it to highlight the core of the argument. Make a case for the premise of your thesis. Analyze what the research and statistics have to say about it if the assignment is a literature review or an expository essay.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay Conclusion

It restates what you discussed in the body, much like a thesis statement. The essay’s main themes should be listed there. Any significant information worth remembering should be clarified in an excellent synthesis essay. Finally, there is room for the author to interpret the topics and information in the report. Additionally, if necessary, they can point readers toward additional resources for study.

Finally, a competent essay writer must acknowledge sources. Ensure you provide a reference list listing all the sources you consulted. Although you might be tempted to attribute straight quotations solely, you should also indicate the ideas you employ. Some schools and universities favor MLA in-text citations for their students. Others need citations in APA style. Do everything your school requires to avoid copying other people’s work.

Techniques on Writing a Synthesis Essay Effectively

Now that you know how to begin a synthesis essay, your chances of receiving an A significantly increase. Follow these ideas for writing a synthesis essay if you want 100% assurance that your assignment will receive a great score. You can hone your writing skills by adhering to them.

Choose the Best Among Good Synthesis Essay Topics

To extend your horizons as a student, you could write on a subject you don’t fully understand. It’s okay to desire to learn new topics, but you should do this on your own time, not while completing a paper for an assessment.

Write about what you know; when you research the topic, we promise you will learn a ton of new information. Your objective should be to improve your writing abilities and achieve a good mark; writing on a completely unrelated subject will raise the likelihood that you won’t get an A.

Use Credible Sources

One of the main issues in academia nowadays is that new students often don’t know what constitutes a reliable source, which leads them to include Facebook, blogs, and other questionable media in their papers. When writing an essay, stick to sources such as academic books, websites, and journals.

An outline is essential

Making a synthesis essay outline will give you a fundamental understanding of structuring your ideas. Additionally, you’ll be able to determine whether your essay has enough points or if you still need more. You can arrange the themes in whatever way you see fit after having an overview of them.

You may forego writing an outline for your synthesis essay. However, even if you do not have time, taking your time to create a synthesis essay outline can be beneficial. It takes under a minute to create an outline for an argumentative synthesis essay. However, it will give you an idea of what to do.

Write an engaging introduction

Your opening line must grab the reader’s attention. Using the abovementioned techniques, create an opening sentence piques the reader’s interest. Make your thesis engaging and much better if you can appeal to their emotions.

Address your audience

When composing the essay, you should employ the third person. Write and speak with confidence. You are unsure if “I think that social media is a major factor in kids being antisocial” or not. According to research, social media use by students is on the rise rather than more reliable peer interaction.

Use precise vocabulary

The essay aims to explain how concepts relate to one another and persuade your audience of a particular thesis. Using precise language that conjures up striking mental images will help you do this. Avoiding wordiness is another aspect of it. Avoid writing in purple. As few words as you can while maintaining clarity in your message.

Make sentences and paragraphs as clear as possible

The length of sentences should be just right. Use a topic sentence that is obvious to begin your paragraph. Expand on the subject at hand, then conclude. Avoid long fragments because they turn readers off. Simple sentences perform better than multi-part complicated sentences.

Use sentence and paragraph transitions

There should be a seamless transition between each sentence and the paragraph. More significantly, still, and even more, are possible transition words while writing an essay in climactic order. Words like initially, then, afterward, and many more are effective transition words for switching to different ideas or arguments in an essay that is written in chronological sequence.

Cite Your Sources Correctly

A paper will fail if the citations and bibliographies are incorrect or not at all. Most students fail to adhere to academic directions. It is another factor that poses a challenge crafting how to write a synthesis essay. A student may cite in the APA or Harvard style instead of the professor’s preferred MLA format. Whether you agree with a professor’s directions, you should always abide by them.

Pick a Catchy Title

The University of Southern California argues that the title is the summary of the ideas of your research. Some people know the title before they begin, while others discover it after finishing the essay. Whatever your preference, make sure your title is intriguing, just like your introduction. It ought to pique the interest of your reader.

Always proofread your work

Students frequently neglect to check their writing for grammatical and spelling errors, a significant error. After finishing writing, they print the essay and submit it. A week later, they receive a C or a B. They didn’t receive such a low score because they lacked original ideas; rather, it was because their papers were filled with errors.

Review your essay several times once you have finished writing it to check for grammar mistakes and ensure it makes sense. Ensuring all of your citations are correct. You might ask someone else to look at it, perhaps your professor or a friend, to get a different viewpoint.

This Is Your Chance to Stand Out in a Synthesis Essay

On a scale of 1- 10, this type of essay would likely rate as an eight or nine in terms of complexity. Just remember that by using these suggestions, you can reduce that amount.

Additionally, you should view this assignment as an opportunity to enhance your writing abilities and dazzle your professor. If you make an impression on your professor, he might provide recommendations or take you under his wing when you are in graduate school.

After reading this, we hope you have more faith in your capacity to produce quality writing. Do your best and be confident.

Good Synthesis Essay Topics

For most of the essays you have to write, you must synthesize material and present it in a structured way. Writing a synthesis essay involves specific abilities, but picking the right topic is as important. If you are not restricted to a certain list of specified themes, we advise using our suggestions and picking good synthesis essay topics from the list we have already created. We considered the fundamental standards for college-level writing that teachers at US colleges share while producing this list of popular subjects for synthesis essays.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay Topic

Teachers frequently give pupils a topic to write on or let them select from a few possibilities. However, some educators who take a more progressive stance on education give their students a lot more latitude. This might prove challenging. When the possibilities are not at all limited, it is difficult to concentrate on a particular subject. We advise students who face difficult decisions to set their boundaries:

  • The topic should be interesting: The thought-out topics for synthesis essays pique your attention. You are likelier to devote sufficient research time when selecting fascinating topics.
  • The topic shouldn’t be too broad: Global warming, drug misuse, social media, corruption, technology, and bioethics are too broad to cover in one little essay. The explored themes for synthesis essays should be more narrowly concentrated the shorter the essay is.
  • The topic should be debatable: Good synthesis essay topics cause people to disagree or second-guess their choice. Examining a subject when there is already consensus is pointless since readers won’t find it interesting.
  • The subject ought to be amiable: You should pick synthesis themes that are both worthwhile to research and intriguing. Finding out more about things that are already clear or unalterable is unnecessary. Instead, seek subjects that could change and areas where improvements could be negotiated.

264 Good Synthesis Essay Topics You Can Choose From

Social Media

  1. Do Social Media Sites Make Us Feel Lonelier or More Connected?
  2. Do social networks put our privacy in danger?
  3. What impact do social networks have on the growth of young children?
  4. Can excessive social media use impact a person’s academic performance?
  5. Can we become happier thanks to social media?
  6. How have social networks impacted the way we behave?
  7. Can one have a sense of belonging in online communities?
  8. How do social media users’ shopping habits change?
  9. What function do social media sites play in marketing and commerce?
  10. Do social media platforms encourage stereotypes?
  11. Does Facebook discourage social interaction?
  12. How does Instagram impact African-American girls’ self-representation and the black beauty standard?
  13. How does social media impact kids’ academic achievement between the ages of 10 and 17?
  14. Is Facebook threatening privacy?
  15. Does YouTube influence young people spend habits?
  16. How have dating practices evolved as a result of social media?
  17. Is Instagram a supporter of stereotypes?
  18. How much time do young people spend online impact their general happiness?
  19. Does a person’s sense of belonging in online networks change? How?
  20. How has the media industry changed due to social media?


  1. Should all college tuition be waived?
  2. Does technology aid learning for students?
  3. Should learning be more individualized?
  4. Do standardized assessments offer any advantages?
  5. Should institutions of higher education compensate their athletes?
  6. How might distance learning impact a student’s success and performance in the classroom?
  7. Is homeschooling preferable to traditional education? Why?
  8. Does the size of the class affect how well students perform?
  9. Should classes use more technology?
  10. Do rigid dress regulations in schools and colleges help students succeed by preventing distractions?
  11. Does Facebook discourage social interaction?
  12. How does Instagram impact African American girls’ self-representation and the black beauty standard?
  13. How does social media impact kids’ academic achievement between the ages of 10 and 17?
  14. Is privacy being threatened by Facebook?
  15. Does YouTube influence young people spend habits?
  16. How have dating practices evolved as a result of social media?
  17. Is Instagram a supporter of stereotypes?
  18. How much time do young people spend online impact their general happiness?
  19. Does a person’s sense of belonging in online networks change? How?
  20. How has the media industry evolved due to social media?

Global Warming Synthesis Essay Topics

  1. How does climate change affect the number of monarch butterflies?
  2. How does air pollution affect global warming?
  3. How has climate change changed life expectancy over 50 years?
  4. How does global warming affect agriculture?
  5. How does global warming affect the extinction of marine species?
  6. Do fossil fuels use and global warming go hand in hand?
  7. Climate change and renewable energy: How effective can the attempts to reduce it be?
  8. How does American culture affect global warming?
  9. How can the US take the lead in combating global warming?
  10. To what extent have conservation efforts prevented the extinction of terrestrial species as a result of global warming?
  11. The role of air pollution in causing global warming.
  12. The impact of climate change on agriculture.
  13. The conservation efforts to prevent the extinction of terrestrial species due to climate change.
  14. Do fossil fuel use and global warming go hand in hand?
  15. How American culture contributes to global warming.
  16. How can the USA take the lead in combating global warming?
  17. In the previous 50 years, how has climate change affected people’s longevity?
  18. Renewable energy sources and global warming.
  19. How does global warming affect the extinction of marine species?
  20. How is the number of monarch butterflies threatened by global warming?


  1. Is there a true link between violent video games and real-world crime?
  2. How does technology advance entertainment culture?
  3. Are there advantages to drone delivery over conventional delivery?
  4. Does technological advancement widen the chasm between socioeconomic classes?
  5. What dangers could be posed by artificial intelligence?
  6. Should professionally playing video games be regarded as a legitimate sport?
  7. How does technology assure productivity in the workplace?
  8. Is there a method to guarantee everyone’s online safety?
  9. Can robots take the place of workers?
  10. Are smart homes beneficial?
  11. Topics for essays analyzing global warming
  12. How does climate change affect the number of monarch butterflies?
  13. What role does air pollution play in global warming?
  14. How has climate change changed life expectancy over 50 years?
  15. How does global warming affect agriculture?
  16. How does global warming affect the extinction of marine species?
  17. Do fossil fuel use and global warming go hand in hand?
  18. Climate change and renewable energy: How effective can the attempts at mitigation be?
  19. How does American culture affect global warming?
  20. How can the United States take the lead in combating global warming?
  21. To what extent have conservation efforts prevented the extinction of terrestrial species as a result of global warming?

Synthesis Essay Topics

  1. Is raising the voting age necessary?
  2. Can stronger gun laws reduce the number of crimes and violent incidents?
  3. Is the death penalty a useful tool for deterring crime?
  4. Do contemporary societies still practice discrimination and gender inequality?
  5. How might violent digital content impact kids’ behavioral habits?
  6. Should mental health services be accessible at all workplaces?
  7. Is a four-year degree still necessary for employment?
  8. Have society’s levels of carelessness increased?
  9. Does immigration harm society in any way?
  10. How significant are church communities today?
  11. Topics for essays analyzing global warming
  12. How does climate change affect the number of monarch butterflies?
  13. What role does air pollution play in global warming?
  14. How has climate change changed life expectancy over 50 years?
  15. How does global warming affect agriculture?
  16. How does global warming affect the extinction of marine species?
  17. Do fossil fuel use and global warming go hand in hand?
  18. Climate change and renewable energy: How effective can the attempts at mitigation be?
  19. How does American culture affect global warming?
  20. How can the United States take the lead in combating global warming?
  21. To what extent have conservation efforts prevented the extinction of terrestrial species as a result of global warming?

Health and Medicine

  1. Should marijuana be permitted in America?
  2. Should sugary beverages be made illegal in the USA due to their detrimental effects on human health?
  3. Is it morally acceptable to test new medications on animals?
  4. Should insurance companies pay for aesthetic procedures?
  5. Should all US citizens be eligible for free healthcare?
  6. How long-term is the US healthcare system as it stands now?
  7. Should alternative medications be covered by insurance?
  8. How does the US healthcare system compare to other nations where people travel for medical care?
  9. Can people enhance their health via regular daily activities and avoid going to the doctor?
  10. How does children’s health suffer as a result of poverty?
  11. Interesting Topics for Synthesis Essays
  12. How grants enable underprivileged students to pursue higher education
  13. Have modern communication tools made communicating simpler or more difficult?
  14. How did Germany fare during World War II?
  15. Describe the function of invading species.
  16. Matriarchy vs. patriarchy: Advantages and Drawbacks
  17. How a college education aids in obtaining employment with a reputable company
  18. Why children shouldn’t be the target of advertising
  19. How to become wealthy by saving money
  20. Professional sports provide an alternative to exercise.
  21. How can we inspire kids to engage in more volunteer work?
  22. The culture of erratic deforestation is having an impact on world agriculture
  23. Why isn’t using force to settle disputes ever an option?
  24. The advantages of an arts education
  25. Is there life on planets other than Earth?
  26. The question is how flying automobiles could lower the daily accident rate on average.
  27. Is there still true love in the world?
  28. How can we regulate online pornography?
  29. How security cameras contribute to a better society
  30. What factors have contributed to the recent rise in divorce rates?
  31. Is space travel essential to ensuring human survival?

Art and Literature

  1. Should graffiti be regarded as art?
  2. Do contemporary graphic video games qualify as works of art?
  3. How does musical training impact focus and attention during learning?
  4. What function does art serve in daily life?
  5. Which social trends have the biggest impacts on how cinematography is changing?
  6. Does the distinction between fact and fiction exist?
  7. Should TV advertisements be considered works of art?
  8. Is reading a physical book preferable to listening to one on audio?
  9. Can physical libraries be completely replaced by online ones?
  10. Does fiction advance society or divert attention from the urgent social and environmental problems it needs to be solved?
  11. A comparison of truth and fiction.
  12. The function of art in daily life
  13. Should physical libraries be replaced with digital ones in place of them?
  14. How does musical training impact alertness and focus while learning?
  15. Should TV advertisements be considered works of art?
  16. Does fiction advance society or divert attention from the social and environmental problems that must be resolved immediately?
  17. Do contemporary 3D video games qualify as works of art?
  18. Is reading a physical book preferable to listening to one on audio?
  19. Is graffiti an acceptable form of art?
  20. How does musical training impact attention span and learning focus?

Good Ethics and Morality Synthesis Essay

  1. How does pleasure affect people’s tendency to complain?
  2. Should individuals be concerned with the well-being and working circumstances of those who produce their clothing?
  3. Does nurture trump nature in importance?
  4. To achieve, is talent more necessary than effort?
  5. Should convicted criminals be allowed to cast ballots?
  6. Should consumers consider a company’s sustainability before purchasing its goods?
  7. Should all governments insist that circuses be devoid of animals?
  8. Is breeding animals with genetic engineering morally acceptable?
  9. Do people who amass money and possessions grow happier?
  10. To what extent can people influence their future?
  11. Nature vs. Nurture: What do you think?
  12. To what extent may people influence their future?
  13. Voting rights of convicted criminals
  14. How does one’s sense of enjoyment change after complaining?
  15. Should all governments insist that circuses be devoid of animals?
  16. To achieve, is talent more important than effort?
  17. Is it moral to breed animals created by genetic engineering?
  18. Should consumers be concerned with the well-being and working circumstances of individuals who produce their clothing?
  19. Should customers consider a company’s sustainability before purchasing its goods?
  20. Can people find happiness through material money and possessions?

The US Law and the Justice System Essay

  1. Should the US justice system aim to punish offenders or try to help them change their ways?
  2. What can law enforcement officials do to stop school mass shootings?
  3. How can the prison population issue be solved?
  4. Should prostitution be prohibited, or should it be legal?
  5. How is the African American community impacted by the overrepresentation of African Americans in US prisons?
  6. Do the current checks and balances still work to stop one arm of government from abusing its power?
  7. Should the United States Constitution be viewed strictly or as a living document?
  8. Why do African-American males overrepresent the US court system?
  9. Do the impoverished have a higher chance of going to jail than the wealthy?
  10. Do ethnic minorities suffer disproportionately from the three strikes law?
  11. Are impoverished individuals more prone than rich people to be imprisoned?
  12. How can the jail population crisis be solved?
  13. Should the US justice system aim to punish offenders or work toward their rehabilitation?
  14. Why do African-American males overrepresent the US court system?
  15. Should prostitution be outlawed, or should it be legal?
  16. How can justice system officials stop mass school shootings?
  17. Should the United States Constitution be regarded strictly or as a living document?
  18. Should prostitution be prohibited, or should it be legal?
  19. Do the current checks and balances still work to stop one arm of government from abusing its power?
  20. Do ethnic minorities suffer disproportionately from the three strikes law?

Good Synthesis Essay Topics on Immigration, the American Dream, and Culture

  1. How attainable is the American Dream today for the typical American?
  2. How does immigration affect the American economy?
  3. Do undocumented workers reduce job chances for Americans?
  4. Should the US impose immigration restrictions?
  5. How does American culture encourage gender inequality?
  6. To foster equality in classrooms with varied cultures, should schools expand the ethnic variety of teachers?
  7. How might racially diverse societies foster intergroup understanding through cultural exchange?
  8. What conditions cause color blindness?
  9. How do mainstream body norms affect minority boys’ and girls’ behavior?
  10. How can we limit the culture of internet shame?
  11. Interesting Topics for Synthesis Essays
  12. How grants enable underprivileged students to pursue higher education
  13. Have modern communication tools made communicating simpler or more difficult?
  14. How did Germany fare during World War II?
  15. Describe the function of invading species.
  16. Matriarchy vs. patriarchy: Advantages and Drawbacks
  17. How a college education aids in obtaining employment with a reputable company
  18. Why children shouldn’t be the target of advertising
  19. How to become wealthy by saving money
  20. Professional sports provide an alternative to exercise.
  21. How can we inspire kids to engage in more volunteer work?
  22. The culture of erratic deforestation is having an impact on world agriculture
  23. Why isn’t using force to settle disputes ever an option?
  24. The advantages of an arts education
  25. Is there life on planets other than Earth?
  26. How flying automobiles could lower the daily accident rate on average?
  27. Is there still true love in the world?
  28. How can we regulate online pornography?
  29. Security cameras’ contribution to society’s advancement
  30. What factors have contributed to the recent rise in divorce rates 30?
  31. Is space travel essential to ensuring human survival?

40 Good Synthesis Essay Topics

  1. How grants enable underprivileged students to pursue higher education
  2. Have modern communication tools made communicating simpler or more difficult?
  3. How did Germany fare throughout World War II?
  4. Describe the function of invading species.
  5. Matriarchy and Patriarchy: Benefits and Drawbacks
  6. How a college education aids in obtaining employment with a reputable company?
  7. Why kids shouldn’t be the target of advertising
  8. How to become wealthy by conserving money
  9. Professional athletics provide an alternative to exercise
  10. How can we motivate students to volunteer more often?
  11. The culture of frantic deforestation is having an impact on world agriculture.
  12. Why isn’t using force to resolve disputes ever an option?
  13. Advantages of pursuing an arts education
  14. Is there life on planets other than Earth?
  15. How flying automobiles could lower the daily accident rate on average
  16. Is there still true love in the world?
  17. How can online pornography be curbed?
  18. How security cameras contribute to a better society
  19. What has been driving the recent rise in divorce rates?
  20. Is space travel essential to the continued existence of humanity?

More Synthesis Essay Topics

  1. Should nations enact tighter gun control measures?
  2. Is global education declining?
  3. Should hunters be held accountable for animal deaths?
  4. Why is teen athletic involvement significant?
  5. What impact will climate change have on upcoming generations?
  6. The role of the police in racial profiling
  7. Should the exploitation of oil be prohibited?
  8. What benefits and drawbacks result from reducing the legal drinking age?
  9. Smoking’s impact on unborn children
  10. The benefits of community service as a remedy
  11. What advantages and disadvantages result from reducing the legal driving age?
  12. Arguments in favor of maintaining museums
  13. The impact of culture on modernity
  14. The relevance of poetry
  15. Factors that affect fashion
  16. How does cocaine contribute to teen pregnancies?
  17. Why should healthcare be provided without charge?
  18. Parenting practices and how they affect kids
  19. What makes job seekers agile?
  20. Justify the need for more feminists in the world.

Bottom Line

Knowing how to write a synthesis essay is mandatory for any student who wants to excel in their academics. In addition, choosing the best essay topic plays an important part in determining the quality of your essay. If you need help selecting a topic or creating an essay, contact us for essay writing assistance.

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