How to Write a Synthesis Essay, The Ultimate Guide

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As a scholar, you must familiarize yourself with how to write a synthesis essay. It demands in-depth research and curiosity to explore an idea or debate a certain point thoroughly. Compared to other types of essay synthesis, essay writing requires a lot of knowledge and a lot of research. Knowing how to write an excellent synthetic essay will give you an edge when tackling other subjects, such as engineering and social sciences. Our professional essay writing experts have mastered the art and have provided this guide to help craft a winning synthesis essay. They also assist students with their essay assignments, including synthesis essays.

The Meaning of a Synthesis Essay Thesis

A synthesis essay thesis statement is the same as other essays, with minor improvements. Simply put, you can separate the core and what the theme communicates to a more specific topic. For example, you may have an essay that tests the use of smartphones in the 21st century and another paper that explores teenagers and their influence on social media. After internalizing and analyzing the papers, you create a thesis of the two combined examples of how social media may be destroying the current young generation.

The Two Main Types of Synthesis Essays

The Explanatory Synthesis

It gives the reader a clear understanding of the paper’s main topic. Rather than arguing the topic, the main aim of this case is to explain the topic.

You should use credible sources as they anchor your thesis statement. Every paragraph in the essay represents an idea or an explanation of the topic. As in other assignments, you will back up each point you claim and write about two credible sources or even more in several sources.

Argumentative Essay Synthesis

This synthesis essay aims to place an argument as you provide evidence for your main topic. It differs from the explanatory essay synthesis where, as a writer, you will perform the same task through a different strategy and arguments rather than explaining. Give the main aim, support your claims, and give a credible source to each claim you make. Knowing how to write a synthesis essay requires a clear distinction between the two types of synthesis essays.

How to Choose a Topic

One of the main characteristics of a synthesis essay paper is that it is debatable. You must have points opposing each other due to the assignment’s theme. It creates a wider discussion base and a better understanding of the thesis statement and plot generation.

  • Step 1: Research topics and ideas that build up the thesis statement. Read through the issues and check a few topics from which you can select your main subject. The case that you choose has to be in your best interests.
  • Step 2: Choose the specific topic and then encompass all the necessary sources you will add to the same paper.
  • Step 3: apply the source ideas to the outline of your synthesis essay. Doing this makes the writing process more leisurely, and less time will be used. 

Tips and Tricks on How to Write a Synthesis Essay Topic

The synthesis essay topics are meant to create discussions and conversations about the common ideas that have influenced society for many decades. In structure and emotion, all sides in this essay should be charged to contribute to the plot. Some of the most common topics for a synthesis essay topics include:

  • Progressive taxation policy 
  • Income inequality 
  • Immigration
  • Gun control
  • Drug legalization

The topics that are considered controversial are ones that hit a dead end after you have generated the plot. A good synthesis essay topic should have arguments on both ends to grow the story. Mentioned above are the debates that the community has answers to but pull in different sides based on their situations. They can also be topics that have a yes-no response to the problem. 

Examples of such topics include

  • The theory discusses if the world is round or flat. 
  • Concerning vaccines, their effectiveness on human health, Racial supremacy 
  • Gravity, is it a myth or a fact?
  • About doctors, can we fully trust them? 

The Structure and How to Write a Synthesis Essay

In planning your work and structuring your paper, you must have an outline that will guide you through the way. It will also help align evidence to support your points and sub-arguments in the most appropriate and organized manner. Your thesis’s claim should bring each aspect to the fore and prove it within the topic framework. Adding extra information that doesn’t directly influence the argument outcome will worsen your essay. 

If the content you have provided moves against the claims of your paper, then you should acknowledge the situation. It will make your synthesis essay stronger. Make sure you counter-check the sources carefully. When you are writing about the causes, summarizing them isn’t a requirement. It would help if you analyzed them to support your argument. 

Parts of a Synthetic Essay

  1. The introduction of the thesis statement
  2. Body, here you place your arguments and the counter-arguments.
  3. The conclusion

The Introduction

The outline for a synthesis essay will always start with the introduction. It is a brief explanation of what the whole paper is all about. It includes a hook statement, background information, your main topic’s importance, and a good thesis statement. 


Jean Twinge published an article warning that the rise in smartphone usage will derail teenagers’ social lives. In conclusion, a metaphorical earthquake created in a way never experienced before adds to what the writer talks about and is happening worldwide. Studies on this topic provide relevant evidence concerning this assertion and support the claim. The main result of the subject is that the use of smartphones and social media is destroying teenagers by causing mental issues and depression. In this paper, the author’s problems are debatable, focusing on the issues brought forward and their relevance to the thesis subject.

The Thesis

In a synthesis essay, including a thesis statement is a must. It shapes the discussion of the entire paper and guides arguments for and against it. The thesis statement is the major argument of the separately sourced thesis.

Example of a Synthesis Thesis

Despite tremendous technological changes, the use of smartphones, particularly social media, does not destroy teenage social lives in any way. Twenge vividly discusses this argument.

The Body

The paragraph that separates the counter-arguments of your thesis is the 1st paragraph. The opposing point should demonstrate the reservation and effect on the core topic. The counter-argument should be clear and not confused in a particular manner with your thesis statement.

For example, “all evidence and observations made by the author are fake, which is one of the main reasons why no support is imposed on the article. Inherently supporting views is what Twenge uses in her writing. 

Arguments that favor your thesis should be presented in the next paragraph. Ideally, the body of the paragraph should be structured as illustrated below:

  • The supporting of the argument 
  • The topic sentence 
  • The evidence
  • Lastly, an analysis of the evidence 


“By all indications, the writer did not discuss the possible reasons smartphones have no big impacts on depression and conditions of the mind to warrant the claim. The writer used studies on teens who used Facebook, and the more they used it, the more they became depressed. On the other hand, the writer did not dig into the depression issue, though he claimed that being in a depressed state is because of Facebook.

None of his methods tied depression to Facebook usage. It, therefore, shows that happiness and not being happy does not interrelate, which doesn’t demonstrate depression as a direct result of Facebook usage. Although using Facebook and becoming unhappy is a factor, there was a grey area in the general analysis. Teenagers use alternative social media to create happiness, eventually dispelling the generalization”.


The conclusion is a summary of the whole paper. A final statement would derive its relevance from the major discussion points. In simpler words, address any unanswered questions and restate the main points.

For example, “in the replacing of the factors that signified the previous generations, teen pregnancies and usage of alcohol at a young age, these are just a few indicators of the harmful thing in the 21st-century generation. These issues that affect teenagers impact their future lives, and if we reduce these impacts, we are going to have a prosperous era in the current situation. It is based on more, although. Also, Jean Twenge has valid claims on social media claims that are in her article. She neglects the other side of the research that would give her paper an opposing point or point and focuses on the points on one side of the research.

The other side that she neglects is the side that shows that social media also has advantages that would benefit teenagers. She also puts aside the issues that affected the examples of the previous generations, teen pregnancies, and alcohol teenagers, and how things still negatively affect the current generation. This has influenced the past generations, still impacts the current generations, and still affects the future lives of these teenagers. It gives a better generation in response to her work, thanks to how she relies on the side of the argument.

Tips and Tricks of How to Write a Synthesis Essay

Proper research is the central element when learning how to write a synthesis essay. You need to comprehend the purpose of the text and create a thought flow you will use to write the article. You should also find the purpose of the author. 

Essentially, you will try to answer the “so what” question, which will impose your application and revolve around this essay statement.

  1. Keep off titling the essay as synthesis essay than the title 
  2. Address your readers in an appropriate manner
  3. Use precise vocabulary. 
  4. Your sentences should be clear, keep off from passive voice 
  5. You should proofread so that you correct possessives, comma errors, and spelling mistakes and keep using the word “you.”
  6. Use citations correctly 
  7. Use paragraph and sentence transitions. 

Writing Techniques

Make use of summarization, which is one of the simple methods of organizing. It lets you arrange the source per the referencing style and capture more relevant information. Your independent thought is separate from this place. 

Examples: Paraphrase the words from the source and put in segments of the source in your own words. When using an example, cite the source.

Multiple reasons: using several reasons, maybe two of them, this is an effective method 

Straw man: against your thesis, present an argument. You should make sure that your opinion is strong. It enables teaching the other side’s argument and gives a description and an introduction to the evidence. This is followed by a view that is opposing and a decisive factor. 

Concession: this illustration of the opposing point is used in this illustration. Thus the negatives are lesser than the positives.

Compare and contrast: this method gives freedom to the writer to examine the two sources at the same time. The comparison provides and indicates similarities were as contrasting as the differences. To your chosen topic, illustrate it in depth. 

Synthesis Essay Format

The synthesis paper format depends on the writing style the instructor requires. The major formats are MLA, APA, and the Chicago style. APA Is normally applied in psychology, Education, and science-related fields. The MLA format is used in humanities. Then, the Chicago style is applied to history, business, and Arts. 

How to write a synthesis essay in the APA Format

The APA format is one of the most common college essay formats, so familiarizing yourself with the format’s requirements is very important. APA format.

  • Font: 12pt in the Times New Roman 
  • Spacing:
    • Double-spaced the whole essay 
    • No extra spaces even between the paragraphs 
  • Heading: 
  • Your name 
  • Professor’s name  
  • The class 
  • Date
  • Margins – in inch all round 
  • Page numbers: the last name and each page number must be present on each page as the “header.”
  • Title – a proper essay title is needed. It should be at the center and the first line of your essay of the same length as the essay itself. 
  • Indentation – press the tab. It should be half an inch, just in case. 
  • Align – align to the left-hand side, and make sure it is aligned evenly 

How to Write a Synthesis Essay in MLA Format

For you to use the MLA format, you must follow a basic number of rules and instructions 

This is a step-by-step outline from our business essay writing service:

  • Font: 12pt in the Times New Roman 
  • Spacing:
    • Double-spaced in the whole essay 
    • No extra spaces even between the paragraphs 
  • Heading: 
  • Your name 
  • Professor’s name  
  • The class 
  • Date
  • Margins: in inch all round 
  • Page numbers: the last name and each page number must be present on each page as the “header.”
  • Title: a proper essay title is needed. It should be at the center and the first line of your essay in the same font as the essay itself.
  • Indentation: press the tab. It should be half an inch, just in case 
  • Align: align to the left-hand side, and make sure it is aligned evenly 

How to Write a Synthesis Essay Using the Chicago Style

  • Title page 
  • Note that the professor, at times, may request deviations from some of the characteristics that the APA format requires, such as those listed above 
  • In this format, the title page is all about the spacing 
  • To be written in double-spaced 
  • Next at the center is your name 
  • Then, the course number, the name of the professor, the date
  • Margins: use one-inch margins 
  • Spacing:
    • Double spacing 
    • Extra spaces are not to be used, even between paragraphs.
  • Page numbers 
    • The last name and page number on every page
    • don’t number the tile page 
  • Footnotes: in the Chicago format, you will require a footnote
  • Bibliography: it is similar to that of MLA. Gather the important information and add it to the citation site 

Need Help with How to Write a Synthesis Essay?

This blog is a comprehensive guide on how to write a synthesis essay in different formats. If you still need clarification about the synthesis essay, request professional help from essay experts, and we will help you choose a topic and complete your synthesis essay assignment.

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