How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Narrative Essay

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Narrative essays are among the types of academic writing most frequently assigned to students. Knowing how to write a thesis statement for a narrative essay shapes creativity and centers focus on responsive essay writing. It is an essential section that draws a summary from the narrative essay body. Our essay writers have prepared this comprehensive blog to help you learn how to write a thesis statement for a narrative essay. They also assist students in writing a captivating narrative essay.

What Is a Narrative Essay?

The narrative essay is an academic writing format that explains a tale, and the author’s objective is to give readers the appropriate setting and a realistic experience. Typically, narrative essays are written in the first person. You must, therefore, keep the reader interested by placing them at the heart of the plot. How to write a thesis statement for a narrative essay should make extensive use of vivid details and descriptive strategies to create the proper mood.

The fact that a narrative essay must always be concise presents the biggest writing obstacle. Therefore, your objective is to simplify a complicated topic so that its main ideas may fit into a brief essay while including enough detail to keep readers interested.

What a Narrative Essay Is For

The primary goal of this type of writing is to share stories. As for writing an essay, your job is to inform readers of a true tale while clarifying why you are advocating that particular narrative and its significance.

What distinguishes it from other essay types?

In a narrative essay, you don’t present arguments, offer criticism, or make an effort to persuade readers; all you do is lead them through the tale. Instead, you are only narrating a story and letting the audience make their judgments.

Narrative Essay Types

There are two kinds of custom essays written in a narrative format:

Descriptive Narrative Essay‍

It is the task’s most inventive form. The fundamental objective of a descriptive narrative essay is to describe an experience, circumstance, or memory vividly. The basic rule for writing a descriptive story is to “show, don’t tell.” The author aims to arouse the readers’ senses and present a precise image of an event.

Typically, a descriptive narrative essay is simple to write. It simplifies a convoluted tale so that the reader can infer the rest. Excellent writers stay true to their purpose and refrain from hyperbole. When determining what to include in your writing, remember that there are always some restrictions on the quantity of content you may offer to your audience.


As part of your assignment, you must tell a true narrative throughout your life. Note that this kind of project should concentrate on a single distinct occasion. In contrast to a descriptive essay, an autobiographical essay focuses more on the narrative and its goal than the specifics.

Characteristics of a Narrative Essay

The fundamental traits that characterize this kind of writing are as follows:

  1. Non-fiction works that describe actual occurrences;
  2. written in the first person (from the author’s perspective);
  3. has tale components but is written in a basic structure;
  4. information is presented in chronological sequence;
  5. explains a person, event, or setting in great detail;
  6. aims to educate readers rather than to debate or teach.

How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Narrative Essay; Format And Structure

The structure and format of a narrative essay are typical. Like other assignments, this one often follows a five-paragraph essay format: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, in contrast to different essay genres, a narrative paper’s paragraphs have clearly stated objectives:

  1. Introduction: provides context for the narrative, explains the writer’s motivation, and has a hook to draw the reader in;
  2. Main body paragraph one is rising action;
  3. Paragraph two in the main body –  climax
  4. The third paragraph’s main body will include – falling action
  5. Conclusion – lessons from the story are drawn.

Narrative Essay Outline

Let’s examine the introduction to a narrative essay. How to write a thesis statement for a narrative essay starts with an outline. We advise that you adhere to the precise order of events listed below when coming up with a format of how to write a thesis for a narrative essay.

  1. Think of concepts
  2. Choose a relevant subject.
  3. Determine why you want to write.
  4. Plan your story so you can come to logical conclusions from it. It should have rising action, climax, and falling action.
  5. Form an outline

As mentioned above, if you approach your writing as outlined above, it will go much faster and with less stress. Focusing on how to write a thesis statement for a narrative essay, here is your format.


Your story’s opening clause must achieve the following three objectives:

  1. Use a hook to draw readers into the story – Settle for a compelling question, fact, quotation, or statement to pique readers’ interest as the beginning of a strong hook.

Example: “I recall my sister once trying to kill me, but I’m not sure if it is a true memory or just some false idea that grew stronger and more compelling in me through time.”

  • Give readers a sense of the action and the setting – Just a glimpse into the story should be given. Don’t give away the complete plot to keep your readers interested.

Example: “We were returning from the beach on another nice summer day. The next thing I can recall is a loud bang and a sharp headache.

  • Establish the aim of your essay – your narrative introduction should give some context for the main theme of the tale. Don’t reveal the lessons you’ve learned yet; give them a sneak preview of what’s to come. Hold their interest!

Example: “Our memory can occasionally be a tough thing. Change your point of view to obtain an entirely different perspective on a topic.

From these three elements, a thesis statement for a narrative essay is typically crafted at the beginning.

Narrative Essay Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is yet another crucial component. It should be expressed in the introduction and then reaffirmed in the conclusion to strengthen the essay’s overall impact. Writers use “how to write a thesis statement for a narrative essay narrative” to draw the reader’s attention and present the issue or conflict that will be the subject of your article.

A strong thesis statement should not be a fact or universal truth, nor should it be a recommendation, question, or proposal. Instead, it needs to offer a glimpse into the issue, quickly explain it, and offer suggestions.

The Main Body

The most crucial section of your essay is the body. In this section, you should narrate the tale, provide information, and direct readers through the action.

Depending on the overall word count of your document, the body of a narrative essay may have three or more paragraphs.

The following four crucial considerations should be included in your narrative essay’s body paragraphs:

  1. In a narrative essay, it’s important to establish a setting and atmosphere that the reader can follow. Even the best essay writers can take hours to compose an essay with all the necessary elements. However, be sure to overuse literary allusions in your words. You’re fine to go as long as each sentence has a purpose.
  2. Include dialogue: Engaging the reader in conversation is a good approach to returning their attention. A story can be brought to life, and its mood is supported through dialogue. Use this method wisely once more.
  3. Using British lingo when two New Yorkers are conversing won’t be a good idea. Settle one language and use it to the end.
  4. Writing chronologically makes it simpler for readers to follow the sequence of events in a document. The greatest method to keep your writing organized is to keep things in chronological order.
  5. Avoid straying from the narrative: The first-person voice will most effectively discuss a personal experience. Writing in the third person will make more sense if you recount a tale you overheard from a friend.

Continue reading to find an engaging example of a narrative paragraph.


You must provide some closing remarks on your story. Reiterate some of the body’s most important facts and concepts here. You should also emphasize any lessons you’ve taken away from a certain circumstance and give readers something to ponder.

Let us now provide you with a few more pointers on how to construct a stellar narrative story:

  1. Keep It Simple. You should write narratives that are simple to read and comprehend. So, try to stay away from intricate syntax and phrasing. Be sure to use plain, unambiguous wording.
  2. Avoid Using Too Many Details A narrative essay should use vivid details to describe a story. But it’s crucial to utilize specifics selectively. Your word count will be constrained, as was already discussed, but you still need to leave enough room for your plot to develop fully. Decide to describe a few topics, consider what matters, and provide value.
  3. Consider using a first-person narrative. Typically, narrative writing recounts actual experiences and occasions from the author’s life. You ought to refrain from writing in the second person because of this.
  4. Use powerful language. A narrative story needs to be interesting and exciting. Keep it short and avoid passive voice wherever possible.
  5. Limit your references. The majority of MLA-formatted papers must have several references and in-text citations. However, this is a superior approach for a narrative essay. This kind of project is much more personal, so it would be fantastic if you could write it using your thoughts and emotions. Cite any other useful sources in your essay on a “Works Cited” page.

By now, we know you understand how to write a thesis statement for a narrative essay. Let’s focus on some precautions.

How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Narrative Essay: Dos and Don’ts When Writing

Keep the following dos and don’ts in mind to make writing less stressful:

How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Narrative Essay: The Do’s

  1. Write your narrative in the first person (or third person if necessary).
  2. To draw the reader’s attention, start your essay with a hook, such as a fact, a quotation, a question, a definition, etc.
  3. Clearly describe your argument: What are you trying to say with this paper?
  4. Adhere to the correct story structure.
  5. Include some conflict to liven up your narrative.
  6. Try to engage all five senses at once by describing to the readers what a story’s protagonists saw, heard, smelled, felt, etc.
  7. Adhere to a logical presenting order; ideally, proceed from one event to the next in time.
  8. Use simple, easy-to-read language.
  9. Don’t be afraid to employ various descriptive strategies, including transitions and strong phrases.

How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Narrative Essay: The Don’ts

  1. Avoid writing your narrative essay in the second person.
  2. Write about actual events rather than making up things that never happened.
  3. Avoid using slang, debates, or overly formal language.
  4. Focus on the primary concepts and specifics essential to your narrative; don’t write about everything because this is also bad.
  5. Show rather than explain a story!

Good Topics for Narrative Essays and How to Choose One

There are a few things to remember when learning how to write a thesis statement for a narrative essay. You should begin by carefully reading the prerequisites provided. Usually, course instructors will be very clear about what they expect you to do.

The following are some fundamental qualities a teacher can be searching for in your paper:

  1. A conflict or challenge: An event that establishes the mood and moves the plot along.
  2. A relatable character who faces an obstacle or crisis despite great odds is referred to as a protagonist.
  3. Change or Growth: The protagonist experiences change after overcoming obstacles or conflicts. This change can have resulted from a revelation. This insight might also have come about due to the character’s growth during the narrative.

The Importance of Brainstorming

You must give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm to come up with a fantastic topic for a narrative essay. Try the following methods to get back on track:

  • When you reflect on your prior encounters and memories, try to locate anything genuinely fascinating.
  • Consider your concerns and the tales you would like to tell others.
  • Go for a walk to get some fresh air and inspiration.
  • Take advantage of the Internet to your advantage. Social media, blogs, online publications, and other sites can help you learn about the lives of your peers and the topics that interest them. You may get some inspiration from this as well.
  • Try freewriting; it’s a very effective method for getting your tale going. All you need to do to give it a try is to grab a pen and some paper and begin recording your ideas.

Pick the most engaging topic and use these guidelines to develop fantastic ideas. The last piece of advice is to pick a topic that interests you and is engaging enough for your audience.

How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Narrative Essay:182 Narrative Essay Topics to Choose From

  1. Facing one’s fear
  2. Facing a challenge
  3. A novel encounter or discovery
  4. An exciting moment
  5. Mastering a difficult lesson
  6. An exciting adrenal moment
  7. The time you came to your senses
  8. A relationship experience.
  9. An unexpected development in your life
  10. An act of rebellion
  11. My individual beliefs
  12. Psychometric test and my observations
  13. The 7th-grade math award narrative essay
  14. Motives for the national university to be proud of me
  15. My experience with online courses
  16. Why I deserve to join the national honor society
  17. Justifications for why I am a qualified and valuable NJHS candidate
  18. Personal statement: my accounting experience
  19. Roadmap to my future dream
  20. Why I would be a good member of the National Honor Society
  21. Painting is my favorite hobby, not gardening
  22. Nutrition: a review of my diet
  23. Nursing and chemistry: a personal view
  24. Analysis of my own leadership weaknesses and strengths essay
  25. Personal writing assignment: My Utopia
  26. My weaknesses and strengths
  27. Personal vegan experience
  28. A narrative of my strengths and weaknesses.
  29. My views on the universe’s origin
  30. My strengths and how I use them
  31. My life’s philosophy: “I think, therefore I am.”
  32. My opinions on a career in psychology
  33. Reflective essay on my support for the New Deal
  34. My university studying plan for the Master of Global Management Program
  35. My Florida spring break vacation
  36. My plan to study in China at Tongji University
  37. What life has taught me
  38. I’m proud to be Indian
  39. Marcus High School cheerleading has significantly affected my personal development
  40. Story analysis of “my sister’s Keeper”

How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Narrative Essay: More Narrative Essay Topics

  1. How I might become an internal medicine resident
  2. Building my brand on LinkedIn
  3. Developing my emotional intelligence
  4. My autobiography and plans
  5. The importance of curiosity in my life
  6. My future life’s bucket list
  7. My struggle will be beautiful in the end essay,
  8. My personal improvement project review
  9. In the name of my native language
  10. My list of goals: achieving success
  11. Finding my wings with faith and work
  12. Motivators for why I would make a great student exchange candidate
  13. Reflective essay: a Christmas Miracle in my childhood memories
  14. Reflective essay on pursuing my dreams: never give up
  15. Opinion essay writing experience
  16. Reflective essay on my track and field experience
  17. Personal statement: human resources is my dream job
  18. Reflection on my dream career
  19. Personal statement: my dream job is in MSc Computer Science
  20. An essay that describes the objectives on my bucket list
  21. Never give up on achieving success:
  22. My gymnastics story
  23. Personal statement: my dream career in business and management
  24. Reflection on the cultural event: my experience at the Day of the Dead celebration.
  25. My favorite memories of my childhood friend
  26. Reflecting on myself: expectations and mistakes
  27. Medicine: my experience in developing the qualities needed to be a successful doctor
  28. Love myself: do things that will change the world.
  29. My inspiration from science
  30. Why my father is my role model
  31. Why I want to be a nurse
  32. Reflective essay: volleyball is my favorite sport
  33. The Day of the Dead customs in my family.
  34. The factors affecting my career goals.
  35. My family’s experience with social mobility
  36. My internship report for the banking industry

Narrative Argument Essay Topics

In a narrative argument essay, you use a tale to analyze something of interest to you or had a significant impact on your life. It must also have an argumentative or compelling point derived from your story. Your narrative serves as both your argument and an illustration for the reader.

  1. An occasion when you and a friend disagreed
  2. A conflict you had in the past
  3. A period when you had to deal with bullying
  4. A suicide
  5. Your high school graduation day
  6. When someone was found cheating
  7. When you thought your doctor was being careless
  8. When you were involved in a car accident
  9. When you were humiliated
  10. When you helped a friend with an issue
  11. When someone was assaulted at school.

Interesting Narrative Essay Topics

  1. Are you seeking a theme with a twist? Look nowhere else. Here are some interesting and fantastic narrative essay themes.
  2. A difficult choice you had to make
  3. A person who had a lasting impact on your life
  4. A time when you flooded your neighbor’s flat
  5. A day you’d like to go back to
  6. A time you dropped out of a class
  7. Your most terrifying experience;
  8. When you were severely ill
  9. When you saved someone’s life
  10. The time you entered a haunted home.
  11. The occasion when you were awarded a prize.
  12. Your first position
  13. A flat tire that you experienced
  14. What do you do while you’re by yourself?
  15. Your first experience in the emergency department
  16. Your initial run-in with the law

Personal Narrative Essay Topics

Personal tale subjects are among the students’ top choices. These topics are frequently informed by personal experience. If you add some points of view or experiences, your work can still be considered confidential, even if you don’t feel comfortable writing a personal essay.

Personal essays produce some of the best results since they are easily relatable by most students. If you choose to write a personal narrative essay, consider these 15 topics:

  1. My very first concert
  2. A terrifying incident that placed my life in actual jeopardy
  3. My first international vacation;
  4. How I misplaced my best friend.
  5. What growing up lost taught me about people.
  6. My greatest accomplishment
  7. My day spent exploring the city’s sights
  8. A time when I volunteered to aid someone in need
  9. An embarrassing tale that made me stronger
  10. Moving around a lot as a child
  11. Making the hardest choice I’ve ever had
  12. Why learning a significant family secret utterly altered me
  13. A favorite childhood tale of mine
  14. The relative with whom I connected the most
  15. The most motivational class I’ve ever taken

How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Narrative Essay: Topics for High School Students

Most story ideas for high school students are closely related to personal narrative essays. They find it difficult to express their difficulties, feelings, and experiences since they frequently feel isolated and misunderstood by others around them.

Even if one essay doesn’t make these problems disappear, talking about them with someone can be beneficial. One of the finest ways to encourage high school pupils to talk more about their personal lives and confide in their professors is through narrative essays.

The following list of 15 superb narrative essay topics will inspire students in high school to write:

  1. How do students often feel after being exposed as test cheaters?
  2. My feelings after failing a class;
  3. A negative interaction with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend.
  4. My first time drinking, smoking, or using drugs, and how I felt afterward.
  5. The digital experience that stands out the most to me.
  6. A typical after-school hour and an unusual encounter.
  7. What makes me anxious about prom night?
  8. The most bizarre party incident.
  9. When math saved your life.
  10. My idea of the ideal day if classes are canceled.
  11. The incident where I got into serious trouble.
  12. The most surprising event occurred at school.
  13. How I feel when I win or lose a sporting event.
  14. 14, the challenges of juggling education and social life.
  15. How the inclement weather affects my desire to attend class.

Argumentative Narrative Essay Topics

The advantage of narrative essays is that they can use almost any setting or story. As a result, narrative storytelling and argumentative writing can also be combined. As a result, you can express your viewpoint on a subject while also telling a story. Combining your ideas and carrying out such a difficult activity isn’t easy, but it is undoubtedly gratifying.

Narrative argument essay themes are ideal for people who want to share their perspective or side of the tale when writing their narrative essay. Here are our top ten subject suggestions:

  1. The most significant dispute in which I took part and found value
  2. My encounter with bullying; 3. The incident involving the car;
  3. The occasion when I felt utterly humiliated 5. My most instructive life lessons to date
  4. Is listening acceptable?
  5. The decision I later regretted 8. Acquiring knowledge of right and wrong
  6. Following moral principles even when it’s against the law
  7. How serious is accepting and assigning blame?

Interesting Narrative Essay Topics

If you’ve made it this far and still haven’t found a topic that interests you, it’s probably because you haven’t yet encountered a compelling enough story theme. Check out the following 15 topic ideas if you’re seeking an intriguing narrative essay topic that you’ll like studying and writing about:

  1. My life’s most influential person
  2. A day I wish I could relive;
  3. My first run-in with the law
  4. Making the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make
  5. Coming home after spending a lot of time away from home
  6. My very first prize was earned.
  7. My first visit to the emergency department
  8. How I helped save someone’s life
  9. My first alone trip
  10. My first employment experiences
  11. The difficulties of the first day at a new school
  12. My favorite activities while I’m home alone are…
  13. Making my first lunch by myself and
  14. Experiencing my first flat tire.
  15. The most memorable vacation experience

Cultural Narrative Essay Topics

People of all ages have many questions about culture. So many locations on earth are regarded as multicultural. While some people take tremendous interest in upholding their cultural traditions, others forget about them. Whatever the situation may be for you, many students prefer cultural story essay topics.

Here are our top ten cultural narrative essay ideas, which they can use to either reflect on their most treasured cultural encounters or address some of the nagging problems about cultures that have been bugging them:

  1. The distinctive customs of my family
  2. Why it’s crucial to preserve one’s cultural identity
  3. A custom that never ceases to surprise me
  4. How does culture define an individual?
  5. My most memorable occasion
  6. Working on a holiday
  7. Being alone during a holiday
  8. Going to a foreign cultural event
  9. Spending holidays with friends rather than family
  10. The evolution of cultures and traditions

Childhood Memories Narrative Essay Topics

Find a wild tale to tell by returning to your true and younger years. You can always make up a story if you only have a setting or a concept. People will find your life fascinating if you can make it convincing! Describe a time in your childhood when teamwork really paid off.

  1. Recall the days when great gatherings didn’t require alcohol. Think back to the wildest party you attended as a kid.
  2. Describe your first time feeling pain, either physically or emotionally. How did you deal with it?
  3. Children frequently look up to role models that resemble superheroes (from Hollywood actors to rock band players). Your role model was, and why?
  4. Describe a childhood dream that comes to mind.

Moments of Inspiration Narrative Essay Topics

Ever experience the spark that drives you to achieve greatness?

The most obvious discoveries frequently serve as sources of inspiration for us as students. You can always turn your inspiration into a fascinating piece of writing, whether from a field trip, a stunning view, a poignant movie, a classic novel like “Catcher in the Rye,” or anything else.

  1. Have you ever watched a movie that made you want to accomplish great things?
  2. Has a fictional character motivated you to act a certain way? How well can you relate to this character?
  3. The most successful individuals have encountered millions of failures before finding success. Describe a successful somebody who motivates you to keep trying.
  4. Describe an instance when a seemingly unimportant occurrence profoundly impacted you (examples: a close person, a heroic deed, an event, etc.)
  5. Have you ever thought you could have performed better? Remember when you watched someone else do something and were motivated to achieve it even better?

Narrative Essay Topics for College Students

Going to college entails being thrust into a new world loaded with fresh impressions, including new social circles, a new educational system, student living arrangements, and much more. There are numerous narrative essay themes for college and about college that you can write about. All of the strangest stories occur at college, whether you’re there to party or use textbooks as pillows.

  1. Describe a moment when passing an exam seemed improbable, but you managed to do so—along with how you prepared.
  2. Professors in colleges are amenable to debate and revision. Describe a situation when you believed your lecturer was in error.
  3. Describe a lecture that motivated you to take action and make a difference.
  4. A student occasionally snaps and recognizes that they are in college after a difficult adjustment from high school. Tell us about the turning point in your college career.
  5. Which of the following best describes your idea of college: partying, partying hard, or working hard to achieve your dreams?

These are a few instances that students tend to ignore, but they can be very good ideas to dwell on. Next, think about writing a story based on your own experiences. The memories that tell a fantastic story are typically the ones that are the most vivid.

How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Narrative Essay: Conclusion

Above is a complete guide on how to write a thesis statement for a narrative essay. It also lists some of the best narrative essay topics you can write your essay based on. Still need help with a narrative essay assignment. Contact our essay writers and let them craft an essay that matches your potential.

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