How to Write an Informative Essay Introduction

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In academic circles, knowing how to write an informative essay introduction gives students head starts in discussing their topic of choice. How persuasive, grammatically correct and intriguing the essay is dictates its tone and flow. It starts with how well you have structured the introduction and how persuasive it is to your topic. Our seasoned essay writers will help you write a good essay introduction, and the entire informative essay.

How Long Should an Introduction Be?

Essays do not have specific rules governing the introduction paragraph length. Most professional writers normally use the overall length of the essay to determine the introduction length. For instance, a standard 5-paragraph essay format works well with a one-paragraph introduction. On the other hand, a 30 page essay requires at least 2 pages as the introduction. Though there are no rules in the introductory part, our professional writer recommends that you impose paragraphs that are between 8% to 9% of your essay’s total words available.

What Makes an Introduction Good?

A powerful introduction should meet the below thresholds. 

  • Contain a hook that grabs the attention of the reader 
  • The background information is a must for it to be available based on your main topic.
  • It should give the reader an idea of the main points and the claims discussed in your paper as a whole
  • Should give clear information about the time frames, the setting, and the characters in our essay 
  • In your introduction ending, there is a need for you to give a clear thesis statement and give a reflection on the main ideas that are in your essay.

How to Write an Informative Essay Introduction: Parts of an Introduction

The introduction is usually made up of 3 parts: a hook sentence, connection sentences, and then lastly, a thesis statement. Let us break down every element below in a detailed manner.

Part1: The Hook

One of the most effective elements in your introduction is usually the hook. The hooks’ main purpose is to catch the reader’s attention. The hook is always made up of one sentence. In simpler terms, a hook is an attention grabber. 

How to write an informative essay introduction cannot be complete if we do not discuss how to make your hook interesting. There are different strategies that you impose:

  • A shocking fact
  • An anecdote 
  • A simple, clear and short summary
  • A question
  • An interesting quote 

Below are the things that you should keep off when writing a hook.

  • Clichés 
  • Generalization 
  • Dictionary definitions 
  • Using the statements that contain “everywhere” “always.”

5 Types of Writing Hooks

Apart from the tricks jotted above, more types of hooks can be put into use:

  1. Use of a misconception – begin with something the reader doesn’t believe to be true- is a good trick. 

For example, “Though people believe that working from home is less productive, this is false; they are usually hard-working than even the ones that work in distance offices and workplaces.”

  • Statistic – using statistical data can be a good hook. Persuasive essays require one deviation of factual information, e.g. numbers. 

An example: A recent study indicates that people satisfied with their work usually work 21% harder and are 33% likely to remain in that company”.

  • Personal story – sometimes, a personal story can be a good hook. It is only applicable if the personal story can only fit into a few sentences that must be brief.

For example, “During my first work-from-home experience, the importance of having a good work-life balance came to my realization. The benefits it provides are now visible to me”.

  • Scenes – give the readers an imagination of what you are writing about. This type of trick is more suitable to be used in descriptive and also narrative essays.

For example: Consider that by studying or working from home, you can have as much free time as possible to spend more time with your family and friends”.

  • The Thesis Statement – some essay writers start with the thesis statement. The main aim of this point is that there is no trick to be imposed.

Part 2: Connections

When you have given a hook statement and background information regarding your essay’s main topic, you should give the reader a good explanation of what will be discussed. Mention the key ideas briefly in the same manner as how you are going to discuss them, then systematically take your readers to your thesis statement 

The main questions that you should answer in the introductory part are:

  • What?
  • Who?
  • Where?
  • How?
  • When?
  • Why? 
  • And more

To provide your readers with a complete idea of your essay’s main topic, you must answer these questions in 2-3 brief sentences. These sentences are to be kept straight to the point and conscience. 

The main aim is for you to generalize your information into a more specified setting (the thesis statement). To simplify this process, imagine an introduction as an upside-down triangle. Place the hook at the top through this triangle, followed by a broader and lasting explanation, ending with a specific claim.

How to write an informative essay introduction with the “up-side-down” triangle formula:

  • Each sentence in your introduction should be narrow and more specific than the previous one. This trick will help you bring your readers to the main part of your paper systematically but gradually.
  • But for instance, you are to write about the importance of a good work-life balance. In this particular instance, you can impose a question, “Has the thought of a good work-life balance ever crossed your mind? How the different spheres of life can be influenced by it?” after this hook or another one that is even better than this, you can move forward by giving general facts. You can finally narrow down the main topic and give a match to your thesis.

Part 3: The Thesis Statement

If you are wondering how to write a persuasive essay introduction in the best possible manner, pay close attention to the creation of the thesis statement. 

The thesis statement is the most important part of the essay since your essay moves around this statement. It gives your audience a clear picture of the essay’s main claim; what you will reveal in the body paragraphs of your paper. The main and most important rule of your essay’s thesis statement is that it is supposed to disclose itself in one statement, specific, clear and accurate. In need of your introductory part is where your thesis should be disclosed in appearance.

Below is an example of a good thesis statement on the importance of a good work-life balance to give you a clear idea of a good thesis statement.

A thesis statement, example:

“For the overall production of employees to be boosted, big companies are supposed to build flexible and comfortable schedules for their employees, thus enabling them to have a good work-life balance”.

How to Write an Informative Essay Introduction and Other Essay Sections

Though all introductions follow the same structured set, the text content may differ. The difference in context will be according to the type of essay you will compose, adding to the overall purpose.

Four papers are what most students often face when it comes to academic essay writing. This will encompass analytical, personal essays, persuasive, and narrative. Since each essay type is different, different content will appear in the introductory paragraphs. Below is a complete guide for a good essay introduction in different papers encompassing argumentative essay writers 

Narrative Introduction

  • In this type of essay, the author must give and narrate a story. Initially, storytelling is the paper’s main purpose, making the essay different from the rest.
  • The hook of this scenario will be an intriguing peek of the story, and relates indirectly to the thesis statement. To add, when an author is composing such a story, all claims should be in the introduction. These claims should relate to the story’s interesting parts and the impact it causes in relations to how to write an informative essay introduction.
  • In a narrative essay, the thesis should be the main lesson from this particular story.

Analytical Essay Introduction

  • This is also another common essay. In the analytical essay, the main aim is to explore and educate the readers and the audience about a specific topic.
  • When writing such a paper, students should use any valuable information, and it is related to the thesis statement as a hook to the introduction. For example, a rhetorical question would be a good hook. Also, informative or relevant questions give the reader clues about the essay’s major point.
  • In the middle of the introduction, three important pieces of information help validate the analytical thesis.
  • Since the main aim of this essay is to analyze the matter at hand and educate the audience on a perfect thesis, the writer should research adequately. 

Analytical introduction example:

“Presidents, generals and CEOs have daily duties filled with economic crises as they can look up to the new horizon. At the top of human agendas is what we need to replace so that we can end the plagues, famine and put all the wars under control. In a world without fire, just like firefighters, humans in the 21st century need to ask themselves unprecedented questions: what will we do with ourselves? Our attention and ingenuity will keep us in a harmonious, healthy, prosperous world. This question gives us immense new powers that biotechnology and information technology provide us. What are we going to do with all this power…” a brief history of Tomorrow, Homo Dues, Yuval Noah Hariri

Persuasive Essay Introduction

  • A persuasive essay’s purpose is to beseech the readers into doing or facilitating something. It can be by using persuasive methods like pathos, ethos, and logos.
  • A hook statement in persuasive writing can be anything – from a fact that is interesting to humor. You can take off with any strategy that you wish. The key point here is to keep your hook sentence in line with your work’s thesis and ensure that it creates more ground for further argumentation in your essay.
  • The main rule in a persuasive essay is to support your main ideas with three facts. Therefore, you should add three points in your introduction that will simultaneously guide your audience into the main topic of your essay.
  • The main claim that is going to be clear in your essay is your thesis statement. This sentence should be well thought out and written down confidently; the point of persuasion in your essay is to be this thesis statement.

Persuasive Introduction sample:

“…in a log cabin at wore a Stovepipe hat, is where many people know the Abraham Lincoln residential place. It was written Gettysburg Address, which gave way to America in a crucial way. Did you know that our 16th president loved to air out silly stories, collect jokes, read funny books, and laugh and laugh? The reason as to why Lincoln was a towering president is revealed by this unusual biography. It wasn’t just his wisdom, speeches or height but the richness in his sense of humor. This way, a better way to thrive in the tough times than to laugh loudly.”

Personal Introduction 

  • This is the last type of essay that students are often tasked with. In a simple explanation, a personal essay requires one to reflect on their personal life experiences and jot them down. The main aim of such a paper is to share a story. Discuss what the past events and experiences have taught you as an individual. This essay is quite different from other essays as it is usually personal. 
  • In this type of essay, a hook is anything you wish about. It is advisable to use a relevant question, quote, information related to the main story, a joke or any other relevant information. Then you can provide a brief background of your essay. Finally, your thesis statement can be about a certain experience that has affected your life.

Personal Introduction sample:

“I have something to say when I reflect on that felicity; it offended my choice. I shouldn’t object repetition of that kind of life from the start, only questioning the writer’s advantages in the second edition so that they can rectify the mistakes in the first. When one lives their life once again, it seems as a recollection of the first by putting down writing” autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

Tips and Tricks on Writing an Informative Essay Introduction

With all information discussed above, you now know how to write an informative essay introduction, with a clear example in each section. Before you start, let us go through the main element you should do and the ones that you shouldn’t when you are writing your introduction:

The DOs

  • Always ensure that the introduction is in line, and remember the purpose of your essay.
  • By letting your audience have an understanding of your stance, be clear.
  • Always explain the main topics’ key terms.
  • Always show an understanding of your subject 
  • Make a powerful and clear thesis statement. 
  • Keep engaging
  • Make sure your introduction is logical and links smoothly to your body. 
  • Have a powerful thesis statement 
  • Get essay assistance from a recognized essay writing service provider.

The Don’ts

  • Include a lot of background information
  • Go astray with the topic or include any unimportant information 
  • You should be too broad 
  • Imposing many questions 
  • Having a lengthy introduction
  • Giving every information in your introduction

Still Don’t Know How to Write one?

Knowing how to write an informative essay introduction means understanding the structure, picking a good topic and how to research. Contact us if you need guidance, and our expert essay writers will help you develop a good essay introduction, and the entire essay.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is background information in an essay ?

Background information in an essay provides context and sets the stage for the main content of the writing. It serves to give readers essential details, facts, or historical context necessary to understand the topic or thesis of the essay.

What is Informal Essay ?

An informal essay is a type of essay that adopts a relaxed, conversational, and often personal tone.

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